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The most important element that we use is water.

Why water? What symbolizes water?
There are 3 meaning of water in Baptism: Life, Death, and Cleansing
 Water symbolizes “life”
 When we pour water on the person to be baptized, we actually bringing the person into the life of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
 Baptism is an entry into the life of the church and Holy Trinity
 As we enter the life of the Holy Trinity, water, being symbol of life means that “We are born again”.
We are reborn, and become the children of God.
 Water is also a symbol of “death”. Because when we carried away by the current of the river or the
deep ocean or floods, we can die.
 At Baptism, when we pour water to the recipient, there is also a symbolism of dying. (ex. When the
Israelites crossed the red sea)
 When we got Baptized or we get our babies to get baptized by a priest, bishop, or deacon, we
unconsciously let them experience dying (dying to sin). The baby hasn’t committed any sin but
he/she is in the state of weakness (incapable of saving him/herself, incapable of helping him/herself)
which because of and we call our Original Sin
 Original Sin means there is an “inborn incapacity” to save ourselves.
 By the act of pouring water, the sin is washed away so to speak, and we drown and we bring death to
 Water also means “cleansing”
 As we wash our hands with water or as we take a bath with water, Baptism is also cleansing. It
simply obtains cleansing, which cleanses us from sin, our weaknesses, and it forgives sins. That is
why if you are baptized as an adult, the sins that are forgiven are not only the actual sins but also the
original sin; the inborn defect is forgiven but also the actual assisted you have done before baptism
as an adult are also forgiven.
Baptism is such an important sacrament that we cannot receive the other sacraments without it. It is
the door that opens to all sacraments.
 The Christian is the “8th sacrament”. John xxiii called us lay people the 8th sacrament because after
we baptized, we become the sacrament of other people for the world.

In case of emergency, if the baby is in danger of death, anyone can take clean water and using the
formula of baptism “I baptized you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
and this baby is to be born into the Christian family, the sins are washed away, and there death to
his/her sin.

We have to appreciate and rediscover baptism. Every time we see water, we must recall the sacrament
of baptism and remember that it gives life, it kills, it washes.

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