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Pakistan International School, Jeddah -


Pakistan International School, Jeddah

Cambridge Curriculum Section (CCS)
Final Term (Session 2021-22)
Subject: English Grade/Section: V - _____
Name of Student: ________________________Teacher’s Sign. __________________
Date: ___________________ H.W
Unit no.:7,8 Concepts Unseen Comprehension Worksheet: 07
Practice Worksheet

English Paper – 1 Pattern (Fiction)

Read the given comprehension carefully to answer the given Questions.

The Jump
Derek was an orphan. When the plane he was in crashed in the middle of nowhere and he
was the only survivor, he was lucky to be found by a community of people living in
The world he came from was oppressive and bleak, but life in the wilderness community
was fair and free, and he was grateful to be found. He began to grow close to one
particular family, and he wanted to stay with them forever. For the first time in his life he
had parents, a brother and a sister. But the world that Derek came from did not like this
isolated community and they would do anything to find and destroy it. And the people in
the community lived in fear; they always had to stay out of sight of passing aircraft, but
after Derek’s crash it seemed like there were helicopters and planes circling overhead
every day. Derek didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t want to endanger the family that he
loved. So he made up his mind. He would leave the community. He would allow one of
the searching aircraft to find him and take him home. It was the only way he could think of
to keep the community safe.
Derek left a note for his new “father”, John Brown, and set off at sunset. He felt sad and
lonely, but determined. He wished he’d brought along one of the dogs for company. One
of them had taken a particular liking to him. But he knew that taking the dog would have
been stealing from the community, and he didn’t want to steal anything from the people
that had saved his life and given him so much. When John Brown found the note, he read
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it out loud to his family. Then he set it down with a heavy heart. His daughter, Paula, ran
out of the room. She ran directly to the kennel and let out Tracker, the dog that had grown
so attached to Derek during his stay. She let Tracker smell a shirt that Derek had worn and
left behind. “Tracker! Find Derek!” she said. Her brother Michael followed her. They set
off, the dog pausing every so often to sniff around and to let the panting children catch up.
Soon they saw Derek up ahead in the fading light. Then they heard―and saw― the
helicopter. Tracker ran, yelping, towards Derek as the helicopter dropped lower. Someone
stood in its doorway and Tracker began growling and barking at him. The man had a gun
and he lowered it, preparing to shoot the dog. When Derek saw that Tracker was in
danger, he ran out and grabbed the legs of the lightweight helicopter and pulled down with
all of his might. It rocked enough to send the shot into the trees and miss the dog. Tracker
ran up to Derek. Paula, frightened now, hung back. “The dog won’t hurt you. Leave him
alone and I’ll come with you,” Derek called to the man with the gun. “He’s a stray.” The
man pulled Derek up into the helicopter, which lifted swiftly off the ground, leaving
Tracker yelping after them in a storm of dust and leaves. “You the boy from the plane
wreck?” the pilot asked Derek. “Yes,” he said. Derek told them he had been alone in the
woods the past month. They asked him if he had run into any people and he told them no.
As they took off, he spied Paula and Michael, hiding in the bushes, wide eyed as they
watched Derek fly away. He didn’t acknowledge them, because he didn’t want to call
attention to them. As the helicopter lifted up and disappeared over the trees, the dog was
After that, the men ignored him. Derek was heartbroken. He didn’t want to go back. The
only way he could stay in the community, he knew, was if the people where he came from
thought he was dead. He gazed out the window. The helicopter was not flying too high, and
Derek realized that they were looking around for the community. Derek’s heart began to
pound. As they approached the lake, he suddenly had an idea. He remembered that the center
of the lake was abnormally deep. They got closer and closer and suddenly there was no more
time to contemplate it. Derek thought of Michael and Paula and John Brown, of Tracker, and
of the freedom he had had for the past month that was more precious than anything that he
had ever known― and he jumped. The fall was so fast that it sucked the breath right out of
him. He made himself into a ball and plunged into the water, still falling, deeper, and deeper,
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knowing he didn’t dare come back up. He plunged down and down and down, and then
began to swim. He had to get as far away from the point of impact as he could before he was
forced to come up for air. The men in the helicopter looked down after him, and began to
circle the lake. Minutes passed, and still they didn’t see Derek’s body surface. “Should we
go down after him? That’s a lot of money that just fell out of here.” “No,” the pilot said. He
banked the helicopter and they flew away from the lake, over the mountains, and out of
sight. At the far end of the lakeshore, Derek was hiding in the bushes, his heart pounding.
When he saw the helicopter turn and disappear, he breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up, and
was greeted with a yelp from Tracker and a call from Michael. “Derek!” Paula flew at him
from out of the woods and clung to him. “Derek! That was the bravest thing I ever saw!”
“Come on,” Michael said. “We’d better get you home.”


oppressive To apply rules/authority unjustly

yelping A sharp bark

panting Breathing with short quick breaths

isolation To keep away from others

Qno.1: Choose the best option for the given statements.

1. The story started with a;

a) ship wreck b) plane crash c) car accident

2. Derek was lucky to be found by;

a) rescue workers b) workers at the airport c) a community living in isolation

3. The life in wilderness community was

a) fair and free b) oppressive and bleak c) adventurous
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4. The community lived in fear from;

a) wild animals b) Derek’s world c) ghosts

5. The community does ______________________in order to stay safe:

a) made a fence around their area b) grew trees to stay hidden c) they stayed out of sight of
the passing aircraft

6. After Derek’s crash __________________________circled everyday.

a) planes and helicopters b) Specially designed drones c) Latest military aircrafts

7. Derek decided to leave because

a) he missed his old life b) he wanted the community to be safe c) he understood that the
community hates him

8. Derek let a note for;

a) his real father b) the community c) John Brown

9. Derek wanted to keep the dog with him but why he decided not to;
a) the dog refused to go b) taking the dog along would prolong his journey c) it would be
stealing from the community

10. Paula ____________________when she heard the letter;

a) Felt happy b) went straight to the kennel c) ran outside to tell others

11. Who went along with Paula to find Derek;

a) the police and the community b) The chief of the community c) Michael and

12. Tracker began growling and barking at;

a) Someone who stood in the doorway b) Derek c) the helicopter

13. How Derek was able to save Tracker?

a) agreed that he would calm the dog down b) he pulled the legs of the lightweight
helicopter c) explained, killing the dog would provoke the community
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14. Why didn’t Derek acknowledge Paula and Michael ?

a) he just wanted to leave b) he was sick and tired of them c) he didn’t want to call attention
to them

15. The dog was howling;

a) when the helicopter was lifted over the trees b) when they realized Derek cheated them
c) when the community came to take revenge

16. What was the only way Derek could live with the community again?
a) If he told them about the community b) If the people who came to take him thought he
was dead c) If he could crash the helicopter

Qno.2: Give short answers of the following Questions;

1-What does Derek has for the first time in his life?


2- What does the world Derek comes from, wants to do with the community?


3- What Derek decides to do to keep the community safe?

4-Why Derek was heartbroken?


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