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share lang po maam / sir :) pa delete nalang po if bawal thank you po

*HENLY- " I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" poem of INVICTUS
*KEATS- " A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
*MARK TWAIN- American greatest humorist
*EPIC- a long narrative poem dealing with persons of heroic proportion & actions of great
*EDGAR ALLAN POE- considered the father of the modern american short story
*HAIKU- Japanese poem w/ 17 syllables
*ANTHOLOGY- collection of literary pieces
*SONNET- 14 iambic pentameter lines
*MAHABHARATA- longest epic
*FOLKTALES- stories that reflect people's beliefs & are handed from generation to generation
*FABLES- these are not tales making use of animals as characters
*MARCELO H. DEL PILAR- his pen name "Dolores manapat"
*QUEZON- "like the molave" his source of inspiration
*ELEGY- a poem lamenting the dead
*SOLILOQUY- a speech by a person who reveals his thoughts
MANUEL ARGUILLA- author of "how my brother Leon brought home a wife"
*JOSE RIZAL- he wrote the famous letter " to the women of malolos"
*URBANA AT FELIZA- a kind of literary piece w/c moralizes & was written in letter between
2 sisters dwelling in the city& the other in the province
*WASHINGTON- author of " the legend of sleppy hollow"
*RHODORA- "if eyes are made for seeing, the beauty is its own excuse for being"- is taken
from the poem
*THE ILLIAD OF HOMER- A great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger & wrath of
Achilles against Agamemnon, a great Leader
*LEONARDO DA VINCI- famous work monaliza
*JUAN LUNA- famous painting "'spolarium"
*MICHAEL ANGELO- created "the statue of David'

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