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NO. 2
“Mapping Family Tree”

ABM 11
(2 Semester – Midterm)

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Why Family is Important?

Everything starts and ends with having a family with values where there is a
strong bond among the family members. The family gives a person a sense of
belongingness such that the feeling is truly amazing. Knowing that you can let your
guard down and be yourself without the fear or apprehension of being judged.
The family is the first attempt at learning how love works and how forgiveness
works, getting along with others and learning to help and support each other, solving
problems and taking care of duties for no pay, giving and receiving material things,
affection, time, cleaning up after others and learning how to express yourself clearly
and authentically, even doing things without getting credit. All of these skills and
experiences are important and used throughout your entire life.
But also realize that no family is perfect here on Earth. People fail us and hurt
us and have their own issues that affect how they treat us. The trick is to learn what
you can from the imperfect people that you love and live with. And create a healthy
life because of them, and in spite of them, both. Your spouse/partner will not be
perfect. Your children will not make you happy all the time. And neither will your boss
and co-workers. So you may as well deal with how to compromise early on, and learn
to be content in every situation, and learn how to get along with others even though
you cannot stand some of the things they do - or all of them!
Learn to laugh over how others annoy you and love them anyway. Learn to
laugh at yourself and your many failings and embrace being human. People are all
trying to be happy and most people aren’t because they don’t accept life as it comes
to them. Do what you can with what you have. Decide to be happy and keep peace
no matter what is flailing about you. Helping others is the key to satisfaction and
reward in this life and the next. Focus on others, and being grateful for what all you do
have. There is always someone worse off. Enjoy the life that gave to us.
Family support is very important in anyone's career. Right from our infancy we
are bound with love of our family. They give us that moral support which can't be
received from anyone else. Feel blessed that you have your parents and siblings
looking after you. Many in this world are not that blessed and are starving for their
parents love.
It feels so rejuvenate after you celebrate your triumph with family. And there
will be the time too when not everything will go in favour of us, that time the role of the
family especially of that mother is so immense.

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