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To: Nancy Meyers

From: Lane Applegate, Blaine Bowman, Parker Thomas

Date: June 8, 2022

Subject: APLED 121-Outline for dent pulling presentation

Dent Pulling

Introduction: Blaine – 1 minute

 Introduce team members

 Discuss learning objectives
1. Define dent pulling
2. Explain how it works
3. Discuss advantages

What is dent pulling? – Lane – 1 minutes

 Dent pulling is working metal on a panel to remove a dent and reshape the metal

Explain how it works – Blaine 2 minutes

 Using a slide hammer with a stud gun or a welded tab to pull the metal while also using a
hammer to tap and relieve the metal

Videos on dent pulling – Lane 4 minutes

Advantages- Parker 1 minute

 Cheaper to pull a dent

 Sometimes quicker than waiting for parts

Challenges- Parker 1 minute

 Sometimes the metal is hard to work

 Over pulling the metal
 Creases in the metal
 Not getting a good weld

Conclusion- everyone 1 minute

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