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Hi, my name is Kristian Perez.

Hi, my name is Julio Cesar.


Kris: Hi Julius Caesar, how are you?

Julio Cesar: hello kris, very well and how are you doing?
Kris: Very good too, and tell me, what are your plans for the weekend?
Julio Cesar: Well, I met some friends to play on Saturday, do you bring
your team?
Kris: that's cool, of course, I'll be there with my team, what do you think
if we go for a few beers with the guys later?
Julio Cesar: I think it's perfect, but just a few, because on Sunday we'll
have a barbecue to which you're invited.
Kris: thank you very much friend, I'll be there, I'll bring the meat, what
do you think if after the barbecue we do karaoke?
Julio Cesar: I think it's a good idea Kris, I get the microphones.
Kris: we'll have a good time
Julio Cesar: of course yes, then see you this weekend
Kris: yes, see you friend
Julio Cesar: until Saturday

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