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Amiri - Beast Lord

End Game: Barbarian 2 / Sacred Huntsman 6 / Ranger 5 / Two-Handed Fighter 7

Melee Damage Build

Build Notes: The build starts with combining Amiri's so-so early game damage with
an Animal Companion to really make her shine. The spells she picks are purely about
increasing her damage, we're not going to waste time, feats or abilities in trying
to fix her abysmal AC. Between your frontline tanks and her animal companion, she
should be moving into melee to engage last anyhow.
Her spells will really help her throughout the game, especially toward the end.
Lead Blades makes her already oversized Bastard Sword count as Huge sized. True
Strike is THE spell for Vital Strike feats. And of course, external spells like
Animal Growth and Enlarge Person only serve to wildly spike up her efficacy.
I've down about 6 different Amiri builds at this point, toying with standard
Barbarian / Tanks / spellcasting, and this is by far my most favorite. The build
evolves and changes as you play it, but the highlight is that it never lags. She
ends up as a top performer the entire game.

Starting Stats
16 Strength
13 Dexterity
16 Constitution
10 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
10 Charisma
Skills: Athletics 1, Mobility 1, Lore (Nature) 1, Perception 1
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Toughness

Leveling Stats
Level 2 - Sacred Huntsman 1
Deity: Gorum (Domain: Strength)
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Animal Companion (Smilodon)
Spells: Bless(1), Divine Favor(1)
Notes: Normally, I'm not a big fan of the Smilodon. It's too obvious a pick for an
Animal Companion and doesn't have interesting combo-able abilities like the Wolf,
Centipede or Mammoth. But something about a Sabre Tooth Tiger just seems so damn
appropriate for Amiri to me. Also, given most of her personal quests are Amiri
hunting monsters in the name of Gorum, Sacred Huntsman couldn't fit her concept

Level 3 - Sacred Huntsman 2

Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Boon Companion
Spells: True Strike(1)

Level 4 - Sacred Huntsman 3

Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Precise Strike
Spells: Expeditious Retreat(1)
Notes: As a Sacred Huntsman, Amiri shares her Teamwork feats with her Smilodon.
Precise Strike therefor means his 5 attacks gain a +1d6 additional damage each when
flanking with Amiri, which he should always be doing.

Level 5 - Sacred Huntsman 4

Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
Spells: Aid(2), See Invisibility(2)

Level 6 - Sacred Huntsman 5

Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Favored Enemy - Humans +2
Spells: Invisibility(2)

Level 7 - Sacred Huntsman 6

Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Power Attack, Outflank
Spells: Lesser Restoration(2)
Notes: This is the level that your Smilodon jumps up to Large Size and really
becomes a huge part of your group.

Level 8 - Ranger 1
Attribute: Strength +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Favored Enemy - Magical Beasts +2

Level 9 - Ranger 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Cleave(RF), Cleaving Finish
Notes: The Smilodon is still leveling with Ranger levels, even before hitting
Ranger 4.

Level 10 - Ranger 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Endurance, Favored Terrain - First World
Notes: Favored Terrain bonuses are meh-tier and the game can be inconsistent on
what constitutes plains vs highlands. Since First World encounters universally tend
to be harder, that's where I put my selection.

Level 11 - Ranger 4
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Animal Companion - Continue, Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)

Level 12 - Ranger 5
Attribute: Strength +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception
Feats: Favored Enemy - Fey +2 (Humans +4)

Level 13 - Two-Handed Fighter 1

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Critical Focus, Sunder Armor
Notes: Ranger 6 really only offers Great Cleave, which isn't much of a feat. It's a
shame that Amiri is a generic Barbarian and doesn't have Mad Dog levels so we could
keep the Animal Companion gravy train running. But the Smilodon's unbuffed stats
are still pretty respectable: Smilodon - Level 10 - HP 125 - Str 29/ Dex 23/ Con 25
- Bite Attack +16, 1d8+16 / Claw Attack +17, 1d6+16 - AC 34 - Fort 17 / Ref 16 /
Will 8. Still, at this point she won't be leaning as heavily on the Animal
Companion and will be focusing more on her damage.

Level 14 - Two-Handed Fighter 2

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Greater Sunder Armor

Level 15 - Two-Handed Fighter 3

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Vital Strike

Level 16 - Two-Handed Fighter 4

Attribute: Strength +1
Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword)

Level 17 - Two-Handed Fighter 5

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Blinding Critical

Level 18 - Two-Handed Fighter 6

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Greater Vital Strike
Notes: I can't emphasize how good Greater Vital Strike is with True Strike from her
Sacred Huntsman levels. You roll 1 attack for x4 damage and with TS, it's at a +20.
All of this, of course, synergizes really well with Overhand Chop.

Level 19 - Two-Handed Fighter 7

Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1
Feats: Great Cleave

Level 20 - Barbarian 2
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Lore (Nature) +1, Lore (Religion) +2, Perception +1
Feats: Lethal Stance
Notes: THF at 8 would've given us another Feat, but honestly, the d12 HD and the
bonuses from Lethal Stance just slightly hedge out the feat, particularly since
we've cherrypicked through most of the best and it would've just been Greater
Weapon Focus or the like.

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