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name of subject Student's data Date

GROUP NAME: The Avengers

TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022

Protocolo colaborativo de la unidad n°: 1

Análisis y síntesis: 
Síntesis e interpretación colaborativa de los temas vistos en la unidad

Adjectives: Definition, Order, Types and Characteristics

Adjectives are those words that we use to modify or accompany the noun or noun. In
general, they are used to describe, expand, complement or quantify the noun in the
sentence. They are words that name or indicate qualities, traits and properties of the
nouns or nouns they accompany. Words that describe objects, ideas, and people.

Comparative adjectives are used to compare two elements in a sentence and describe
their differences. But how are comparative adjectives formed in English? The structure of
a sentence with a comparative adjective is:

Subject + verb + comparative adjective + than + object

For example
the tall man, a happy girl, a dark street, a spanish woman, the red ball, a cold winter, the
glass table…

Characteristics of adjectives in English

They precede the noun in most cases.

 The latest update
 An important information
 My grandma loves reading

A noun can function as an adjective when used to describe another noun.

 The leather  purse
 A department store
 The police officer

They are invariable in gender and number

name of subject Student's data Date
GROUP NAME: The Avengers
TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022

 She has funny  friends
 He called  his grandma yesterday night
 You need to buy two blue flowers

To underline or reinforce the meaning of an adjective, we use very and really in front of
the adjective we want to emphasize.
 This is a very hot potato
 Those are some  really hot potatoes

Exceptions to keep in mind

Adjectives can follow verbs of state or sensation, such as the verbs to be, to feel, to smell,
 I feel good this morning! I think I’ll go running
 You look awesome! Are you on a diet?
 Chris didn’t come because he’s sick
 Italy is beautiful
 I don’t think she seems nice at all
 You look tired
 The night became dark

In some expressions the adjective may appear after the noun.

 The Princess Royal  is visiting Oxford today
 The President elect made a speech last night
 He received a court martial the following week

Certain adjectives such as involved, present and concerned can be placed before or after
the noun they modify, but their meaning will be different depending on the position.
 I want to see the people involved
 It was an involved discussion
 Here is a list of the people present at the meeting
 The present situation is not sustainable
 I need to see the man concerned  by this accusation
name of subject Student's data Date
GROUP NAME: The Avengers
TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022

 A concerned  father came to see me today

The order of adjectives in English

Adjectives can NOT appear in any order. Adjectives in English are placed before the
noun. We say a red car and not a car red. And they do not change if the noun is plural.
We say two red cars and not two reds cars. It is more complicated when there are 2 or
more adjectives and they have a special order. The correct order is a big red car and not a
red big car.

The correct order of the adjectives in English

 Quantity
 Quality
 Size
 Age
 Shape
 Color
 Nationality
 Material

Types of adjectives in English

1. Qualifying or Qualitative Adjectives: good, bad, thin,fat, blonde, caring, stubborn,

2. Quantitative or quantity adjectives:none, some, any, many,little, few, much, enough
3. Demostrative Adjectives: this, that, these  y those
4. Distributive Adjectives: each, every, either, neither
5. Interrogative Adjectives: whose, what, which, where, why, how
6. Numerical or numerical adjectives: one, two, three, fourth, firs, second, third, a half,
7. Possessive adjectives: my, this, their, your, our


Adverbs express how the action indicated by a verb takes place. And because of their
functionality, they can also modify or add nuance to another adverb or an adjective.

Types of English adverbs

name of subject Student's data Date
GROUP NAME: The Avengers
TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022

Of place: Adverbs of place frame the action at a physical point.

If we look at the meaning they provide, adverbs can be of several types:
 Here
 There
 Above


You can stay here tonight 

Can you put this box there?

Of time: Temporal adverbs tell us when the events expressed by the verb take place.
They also help us to place them in time.

 Now
 Tomorrow
 Later
 Yesterday

 Tomorrow my brother has an exam 
 I will talk to her later.  
 This is happening now. 

Duration: They are used to talk about how long the action lasts. It is a kind of temporal
expression, but instead of locating in a concrete point, it expresses how long the action
has been developed.
 for a while 
 all day long 
 since yesterday 


 I have lived here since 1999 

 My neighbour listens  to music all the day long 
 He will be here in a while 

Frequency: They indicate how often something is done.

 Always
 Never
name of subject Student's data Date
GROUP NAME: The Avengers
TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022


 I always get up early

 I never shave my beard

Ordering: You can use these words to order your speech, whether written or spoken.
Use them at the beginning of the sentence to avoid making mistakes:

 firstly 
 secondly 
 finally 


 Firstly, I took my umbrella.

 Secondly, I opened the door 
 Finally, I called a taxi 

Adverbs ending in -LY

This way of creating adverbs of manner or manner is very common. And above all, very
productive. That is, we can take almost any adjective and add -LY to it to create a new
adverb of manner. It's as simple as that. Let's look at some examples.

 Slowly 
 Easily 
 Happily 

Position of English adverbs in sentences

The position they occupy in sentences is going to depend on the type of adverb it is. Here
are some general rules:

Never put an adverb between the verb and the object.

CORRECT: I washed my hair carefully 

INCORRECT-> I carefully washed my hair.

Adverbs can be placed at the beginning of the sentence, at the end of the sentence or as
close as possible to the verb:

 Suddenly the bell rang –. (Front-position)

name of subject Student's data Date
GROUP NAME: The Avengers
TECHNICAL members: Mauricio Rafael Durango Lopez
FINANCIAL 29/05/2022

 The bell rang suddenly (end-position)

 The bell suddenly rang (mid-position)

- Adverbs of manner are used in mid-position and end-position.

- Adverbs of time and frequency are usually used at the beginning or end of a sentence.

Adverbs help us to position objects, actions and talk about the way things happen. If we
master them, our speech will be richer and more fluent. We hope that with this guide to
English adverbs you will now have a better understanding of them.

Doubts, disagreements, discussions.

there was no doubt

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