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Endocrine Series #6

The Thyroid Gland:

Physiology and Pathophysiology
Denise Kirsten, ND, RNC, NNP


glands in the body, weighing approximately 15 to 20
grams in the normal adult. It secretes two major hormones,
from the second to fourth tracheal cartilages (Figure 1).3
The lobes of the thyroid contain many hollow, spherical
structures called follicles, which are the functional units of the
which are required for the normal operation of a variety of thyroid gland (Figure 2). Each follicle is filled with a thick,
physiologic processes affecting virtually every organ system in sticky substance called colloid. The major constituent of col-
the body.1 Regulation of thyroid loid is a large glycoprotein called
hormone secretion occurs ABSTRACT thyroglobulin. Unlike other
through the hypothalamic- endocrine glands, which secrete
The thyroid gland contains many follicular cells that
pituitary-thyroid (HPT) system. store the thyroid hormones within the thyroglobulin
their hormones once they are
A deficiency of thyroid hor- molecule until they are needed by the body. The thyroid produced, the thyroid gland
mones, caused by a variety of hormones, often referred to as the major metabolic hor- stores considerable amounts of
conditions, results in many mones, affect virtually every cell in the body. Synthesis and the thyroid hormones in the col-
pathophysiologic processes, secretion of the thyroid hormones depend on the presence loid until they are needed by the
some of which have potentially of iodine and tyrosine as well as maturation of the hypotha- body.2,4
serious outcomes if left untreat- lamic-pituitary-thyroid system. Interruption of this devel- The thyroid gland secretes
ed. This article discusses the opment, as occurs with premature delivery, results in two thyroid hormones, thyrox-
anatomy and physiology of the inadequate production of thyroid-stimulating hormone and ine (T4) and triiodothyronine
thyroid gland, the regulation of thyroxine, leading to a variety of physiologic conditions. (T3). It also secretes the hor-
Pathologic conditions occur in the presence of insufficient
the thyroid hormones by the mone calcitonin. Of the two
thyroid production or a defect in the thyroid gland.
HPT system, and laborator y Laboratory tests are important in diagnosing conditions of
thyroid hormones, T4 is more
tests used in the evaluation of the thyroid gland. A thorough history in combination with abundant, but T3 is the more
thyroid function. The impact of clinical manifestations and radiologic findings are also potent and is considered to be
prematurity on this system is also useful in diagnosing specific thyroid conditions. Nurses play the principal thyroid hormone.5
reviewed, and several thyroid dis- an important role in identifying and managing thyroid Many bodily functions are
orders are discussed. The article disorders and in providing supportive care to infants and influenced by thyroid hormones.
concludes with implications for their families. Although thyroid hormones do
nursing care of the infant with not target a specific site, they
thyroid disorders. affect nearly every tissue in the
The thyroid gland is located immediately below the larynx body, causing a variety of physiologic responses (Table 1).
and anterior to the upper part of the trachea. It consists of two One of the most significant effects is on the basal metabolic
lateral lobes connected by a narrow band of thyroid tissue rate (BMR), which is defined as the measure of oxygen con-
called the isthmus.2 The isthmus usually overlies the region sumption during rest.1 Thyroid hormones influence the BMR

Accepted for publication June 2000. Revised July 2000.

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 11
FIGURE 1 ■ The thyroid gland. FIGURE 2 ■ The thyroid follicle.

Adapted and redrawn from: Seeley R, Stephens T, and

Tate P. 1998. Anatomy and Physiology, 4th ed. Boston:
WBC McGraw, 550.

Adapted and redrawn from: Seeley R, Stephens T, and hypothyroid conditions, hypercalcemia occurs
Tate P. 1998. Anatomy and Physiology, 4th ed. Boston:
WBC McGraw, 550. and the glucuronic acid conjugation mechanism
of the liver may be impaired. In addition, water
through oxygen consumption and heat produc- is retained in the extracellular compartments. In
tion. Through the actions of thyroid hormones, hyperthyroidism, urinary and fecal calcium
cellular oxidation is stimulated in most tissues, excretion are enhanced. Bone demineralization
which leads to an increase in oxygen consump- occurs, and there is an efflux of calcium from the
tion and heat production. As metabolism is bones, which leads to elevated serum ionized
increased, there is a greater utilization of oxygen calcium and phosphate concentrations and
by the cells, which in turn increases the amount decreased circulating levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvi-
of metabolic end-products released from the tamin D. These effects lead to decreased intesti-
body’s tissues. Thermogenesis is also regulated nal calcium absorption and a negative calcium
by the thyroid hormones. The increased secre- balance.1,4,10
tion of thyroid hormones after birth stimulates All aspects of fat metabolism are enhanced by
catecholamine-mediated brown adipose tissue thyroid hormones. Although glucose is the
thermogenesis and mobilization of fatty acids major precursor for fatty acid synthesis, the
from the infant’s fat stores.6,7 Thus, thyroid hor- amount of carbohydrate or insulin is the primary
mones are said to have a “calorigenic effect” determinant of lipogenesis. Because thyroid hor-
because they produce heat. The calorigenic mones stimulate carbohydrate metabolism, they
actions of thyroid hormones as well as an are necessary for lipogenesis in both liver and fat
increase in BMR cause vasodilatation of most cells. Mobilization of fatty acids from fat tissue
tissues to occur, thus increasing blood flow. occurs in the presence of thyroid hormones,
There is also an increase in heart rate and stroke which increases the free fatty acid concentration
volume.1,4,8–11 in the plasma. Thyroid hormones also influence
Thyroid hormones stimulate almost all cholesterol levels. In patients with hypothy-
aspects of carbohydrate metabolism. The use of roidism, cholesterolemia occurs secondary to a
glucose by the cells is increased, as is the rate of decreased ability to excrete cholesterol in bile
glucose absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. rather than because of overproduction of choles-
Calcium, water balance, and liver function are terol. Conversely, a decreased quantity of choles-
also influenced by thyroid hormones. In terol is noted in hyperthyroidism.1,4

12 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
TABLE 1 ■ Physiologic Effects of Thyroid Hormones1,4,7 TA

System Effects Tra

Cardiovascular Increases heart rate Inc
Increases the force of cardiac contractions Inc
Increases cardiac output as a result of the previous two effects
Promotes peripheral vasodilation
Central nervous Essential for normal brain development, such as cerebellar growth and nerve myelination
Necessary for normal intellectual development in infants
Necessary for emotional stability in adults
Gastrointestinal Increases appetite
Increases secretion of “digestive juices”
Increases gastric motility
Hematopoietic Influences erythropoiesis
Metabolic Profoundly affects oxidative metabolism
Increases oxygen consumption in all tissues except the brain, gonads, and spleen
Promotes heat production
Influences synthesis and degradation of carbohydrate, fat, and protein
Respiratory Influences lung development
Necessary for surfactant production Fro
Increases rate and depth of respirations
Skeletal Indirectly promotes growth formation by actions on the pituitary gland
Acts synergistically with growth hormone and other growth factors that promote bone formation
Directly affects skeletal maturation
Necessary for progression of tooth development and eruption
Skin Necessary for growth and maturation of the epidermis and hair follicles

Thyroid hormones are essential for normal deficiency of thyroid hormones is catastrophic
growth and development and are most obvious and results in permanent, irreversible mental
during infancy and early childhood. Body retardation, even when treated later in child-
growth, bone growth and maturation, and tooth hood.1,10 Exaggeration of some of these physio-
development and eruption are all dependent on logic responses is often a manifestation of
thyroid hormones. Skeletal maturation occurs thyroid disease (Table 2).
through the synergistic relationship between
thyroid hormones and growth hormone, EMBRYOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL
somatomedin, and other growth factors. DEVELOPMENT
Thyroid hormones also promote bone forma- The thyroid gland is the first endocrine gland
tion indirectly through actions on the pituitary to appear in embryonic development. Fetal thy-
gland. Ossification and fusion of the cartilagi- roid maturation can be divided into two phases.
nous growth plates result in bone maturation Phase 1 consists of anatomic development and
and are dependent on thyroid hormones. A defi- embryogenesis of the HPT system and occurs
ciency of thyroid hormones after three to four during the first trimester of gestation. Phase 2 is
years of life results in delayed skeletal and bone characterized by the maturation of the HPT sys-
maturation as well as delayed eruption of perma- tem, including hormone production and control.
nent teeth. Characteristically, these infants have At approximately 24 days after fertilization,
immature skeletal proportions and facial fea- the thyroid gland begins to develop from a small
tures, and there is a reduction in epiphyseal solid mass of endoderm, forming a thickened
growth and bone mineralization, which leads to pouch called the thyroid primordium, located in
the radiographic findings of dysgenesis of the the floor of the primitive pharynx and at the tip
ossifying epiphyseal centers of the bone.1,7,10 of the foramen cecum (Figure 3). As the embryo
Postnatal maturation of the central nervous elongates, the developing thyroid gland
system is dependent on the presence of thyroid descends through the tissues of the neck but
hormones. In hypothyroid subjects, cerebral and remains connected to the foramen cecum by a
cerebellar growth and nerve myelination are narrow tube called the thyroglossal duct. The
severely delayed. Overall, brain size and vascular- thyroglossal duct atrophies and disappears by the
ity are reduced. During infancy, an absence or seventh week of gestation. By this time, the

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 13
TABLE 2 ■ Pathophysiologic Effects of Thyroid Hormones1,4,10,11
System Hyposecretion Hypersecretion
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)/ BMR below normal BMR above normal
temperature regulation Decreased body temperature Increased body temperature
Cold intolerance Heat intolerance
Decreased appetite Increased appetite
Weight gain Weight loss
Reduced sensitivity to catecholamines Increased sensitivity to
catecholamines, which may lead to
elevated blood pressure
Carbohydrate metabolism Decreased glucose metabolism Enhanced glucose catabolism
Delayed degradation of insulin Enhanced glycolysis
Increased risk of hypercalcemia Enhanced gluconeogenesis
Impaired glucuronic acid conjugation Increased rate of gastrointestinal (GI)
mechanism of the liver absorption
Increased insulin secretion
Negative calcium balance
Enhanced urinary and fecal calcium
Demineralization of bone
Elevated plasma-ionized calcium and
phosphate levels
Decreased 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D
Decreased intestinal calcium
Cardiac Decreased voltage of all complexes Increased heart rate
Prolonged PR interval Increased stroke volume
Depressed or inverted T wave Increased cardiac output
Decreased efficiency of pumping Wide pulse pressure
action of heart Possible palpitations
Low heart rate Elevated blood pressure
Low blood pressure Heart failure if prolonged
Central nervous Slowed/deficient brain development Irritability
in infants Restlessness
Mental retardation Insomnia
Gastrointestinal Decreased GI motility Excessive GI motility
Decreased GI tone Diarrhea
Constipation Increased secretion of digestive juices
Hematopeoitic Anemia
Muscular Extremely sluggish muscles Muscle atrophy and weakness
Slow relaxation after contraction secondary to excess protein
Respiratory Increased utilization of oxygen
Increased rate of carbon dioxide
Increased rate and depth of
Skeletal Growth retardation in children Excessive skeletal growth initially
Skeletal stunting and retention of followed by early epiphyseal
child’s body proportions closure and short stature
Retardation of dental growth

thyroid gland has descended to its final location thyroid and pituitary glands has occurred. At
in the neck, covering both sides of the lower this stage of development, both T4 and thyroid-
part of the larynx and the upper part of the stimulating hormone (TSH) can be measured in
trachea.12,13 fetal tissue, the thyroid gland can concentrate
By ten weeks gestation, the thyroid gland is iodine and synthesize T4, and the pituitary tissue
both functional and mature. At the end of the can synthesize TSH.7,9,14
first trimester, histologic differentiation of the By the end of the first trimester, the fetal

14 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
FIGURE 3 ■ Thyroid gland development.

Adapted and redrawn from: Larsen W. 1997. Human Embryology, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 372.

HPT system is structurally intact, with matura- The increase in fetal serum concentrations of
tion continuing into the second trimester. Prior TSH, T 4 , and T 3 during gestation reflects
to 18 weeks gestation, the HPT system is rela- increasing stimulation and maturation of the
tively quiet and fetal thyroid hormone produc- fetal thyroid gland as well as increasing serum
tion is limited. During the second half of thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) concentra-
gestation, however, the endocrine pathway from tions. Fetal serum concentrations of TBG
the hypothalamus to the pituitary and thyroid increase with advancing gestation, reaching
glands becomes functional under the influence adult levels during the third trimester. Increases
of increasing serum TSH levels and produces in TBG presumably reflect the functional matu-
increasing amounts of T3 and T4.15 Fetal serum rity of the fetal liver and its increased capacity to
TSH levels continue to increase progressively, so manufacture proteins.16
that at 40 weeks gestation, they are higher than The fetal HPT system develops independent-
adult values; concentrations of T3 are lower at ly of the maternal system. The placenta is not
term than adult levels.8,14 Fetal T3 concentra- only impermeable to TSH, but poses a barrier to
tions are low probably because the processes for the thyroid hormones with limited transfer of T4
the conversion of T3 from T4 during intrauter- and T3 from the mother to the fetus.17 Both
ine life are immature or lack the necessary stimu- thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and
lation for their activation. After delivery, there is iodine freely cross the placenta. Because there is
a dramatic increase in the ability of the liver to very little TRH in maternal circulation and most
convert T 4 to T 3 that leads to a significant of it is degraded within the placenta, maternal
increase in T3 levels. A progressive increase in T4 TRH has little influence on the fetal HPT sys-
also occurs, reaching adults levels at 36 weeks tem. Instead, fetal TRH levels are high sec-
gestation.16 ondary to increased production of TRH by the

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 15
FIGURE 4 ■ Synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones.

Please refer to the print version of

Neonatal Network

placenta and selected fetal tissues, particularly and lungs. The only purpose of iodine is the syn-
the pancreas. The placenta is also permeable to thesis of the thyroid hormones.8,10
antithyroid drugs, and these can compromise The initial step in the formation of thyroid
fetal and neonatal thyroid function.15,17 hormones is the absorption and concentration of
iodide, an iodine compound, by the thyroid folli-
SYNTHESIS AND SECRETION cle cells. The thyroid follicle actively pumps
Thyroid hormone synthesis occurs on the iodide against a large concentration gradient
thyroglobulin molecules within the colloid. from the extracellular fluid to the interior of the
Synthesis of the thyroid hormones by the thy- thyroid follicular cell, in a process called iodide
roid gland is a ver y complex process that trapping. Once inside the follicular cell, iodide is
depends on the presence of iodine and tyrosine converted to iodine by oxidation. Oxidation of
(Figure 4). Tyrosine, an amino acid that is syn- iodide to iodine is facilitated by the enzyme
thesized in sufficient amounts by the body, is the iodide peroxidase, which is located within the
major substrate that combines with iodine to follicular cells. The iodine concentration in the
form thyroid hormones. Unlike tyrosine, which thyroid gland then increases to about 30 times its
is not an essential dietary requirement, iodine is concentration in the blood, but during times of
supplied to the body primarily through the diet, active stimulation, the concentration of iodine
although it is also readily absorbed from the skin can be as high as 250 times that of plasma.1,4,18,19

16 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
Once formed, iodine attaches to tyrosine, Under normal conditions, 99 percent of the
forming part of the thyroglobulin colloid. When thyroid hormones are bound to plasma proteins
iodine attaches to tyrosine in the thyroglobulin once in the bloodstream. Of these, 70–80 per-
molecule, two iodotyrosines are formed: cent of the thyroid hormones are bound to
monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine TBG, which is synthesized in the liver, and the
(DIT). Several minutes, hours, or days later, in a rest are bound to albumin and to a thyroid-
process called coupling, the iodotyrosines com- binding prealbumin (TBPA). These protein-
bine to form iodothyronines, two of which are bound thyroid hormones are biologically
the active thyroid hormones. The exact mecha- inactive.6,8
nism for coupling is not understood. It is Less than 1 percent of the total plasma T4
believed that two DIT molecules are coupled to and T3 exists in a free state, unbound to pro-
form T4, and one DIT and MIT molecule are teins. These free T4 (FT4) and T3 (FT3) compo-
joined to form T3. Only about 20 percent of nents are biologically active, and it is these
iodinated tyrosine undergoes coupling, with the components that produce the effects of the thy-
rest remaining as MIT and DIT. After coupling roid hormones on peripheral tissues and on the
is complete, each thyroglobulin molecule con- pituitary feedback mechanism.1,6,10
tains one to three T 4 molecules and lesser The plasma proteins serve as a storage pool
amounts of T3. In this form, the thyroid hor- for secreted thyroid hormones. The total
mones are often stored in the follicles for several amount of thyroid hormone bound to plasma
months until they are split off and secreted into proteins is about three times as much hormone
the bloodstream for use.1,4,19 as is secreted and broken down in a day. Because
The release of the thyroid hormones into the of this storage capacity, there is very little diurnal
systemic circulation is a very complex process. variation. Unlike in other hormonal systems,
One reason is that prior to the release of the thy- release of thyroid hormones and plasma concen-
roid hormones, T4 and T3 remain bound within trations remain relatively constant without sud-
the thyroglobulin molecule. Secondly, these hor- den, wide swings in secretion. 6,8 The only
mones, which are stored deep within the thyroid known factor that increases secretion of TRH
follicle, must be transported across the follicular (and, hence, TSH and thyroid hormone) in
cells before they can enter the bloodstream.8 infants is exposure to cold. It is postulated that
Because thyroglobulin is not released into the this is an adaptive mechanism in newborns to
circulation, the thyroid hormones must break maintain body temperature as the infant goes
away from the thyroglobulin molecule. In the from the warmth of the mother’s womb to the
first step of thyroid hormone secretion, the fol- cold extrauterine environment. Various types of
licular cell “bites off” and ingests a piece of col- stress are known to inhibit TSH and thyroid
loid to form a colloid droplet. Within the cell, hormone secretion, probably through neural
the colloid droplet is ingested by lysosomes, influences on the hypothalamus. The exact adap-
whose enzymes break down the thyroglobulin tive importance of this inhibition is unclear.1,8
molecule into its biologic active thyroid
hormones, T4 and T3, as well as the inactive REGULATION OF THYROID
iodotyrosines, MIT and DIT. The thyroid hor- HORMONE SECRETION
mones, after passing to the outer membranes of The most important regulator of thyroid hor-
the follicular cells, are released into the blood. mone secretion is TSH, which is secreted from
The MIT and DIT have no endocrine value.4,8 the anterior pituitary gland. Almost every step of
Approximately 90 percent of the hormones thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion is stim-
released from the thyroid gland initially appear ulated by TSH. TSH stimulates the process of
in the form of T4. However, a majority of the T4 iodide trapping and each step in T4 and T3 syn-
that is secreted from the thyroid gland is subse- thesis. It also stimulates the endocytosis of the
quently converted to T3. The major portion of colloid, the breaking apart of the thyroglobulin
the circulating T3 is derived from secreted T4, into the two thyroid hormones, and the ultimate
rather than from thyroid secretion.6,8 T3 is four release of T4 and T3 into the circulation.6,8
times more potent in its biologic form than T4 In addition to enhancing thyroid hormone
and is the major hormone that interacts with the secretion, TSH is also responsible for maintain-
target cells.8,18 ing the structural integrity of the thyroid gland.

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 17
FIGURE 5 ■ Regulation of thyroid hormone secretions. When TSH is absent, the thyroid gland atro-
phies and secretes its hormones at a very low
rate. Conversely, sustained TSH stimulation
leads to an increase in the size of each follicular
cell (hypertrophy) as well as an increase in the
number of follicular cells (hyperplasia).6,8
Thyroid hormone secretion is regulated by a
negative feedback process involving the
hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary, and the
thyroid gland (Figure 5). The initiating hor-
mone in this process, TRH, is synthesized and
stored within the hypothalamus. When serum
thyroid hormone levels decline, TRH is released
into the HPT system and circulates to the
anterior pituitary gland to stimulate the secre-
tion of TSH. Release of TSH by the pituitary
gland stimulates the thyroid gland to produce
thyroid hormones and secrete them into the cir-
culation. Conversely, circulating T 4 and T 3
inhibit TSH secretion, thereby decreasing thy-
roid hormone synthesis and secretion.6,8,19


Term Infants
Thyroid function in term infants is altered
transiently and permanently by delivery into the
1. TRH is released from the hypothalamus to stimulate the anterior pituitary gland. extrauterine environment (Table 3). Exposure of
2. Once at the pituitary gland, TRH stimulates TSH secretion. the infant to the cold environment results in an
3. TSH then stimulates the thyroid gland to synthesize and secrete the thyroid hormones acute release of TSH from the anterior pituitary
T4 and T3.
4. T4 and T3 secretion inhibit secretion of TSH from the anterior pituitary gland and TRH
gland. Serum TSH concentrations peak 30 min-
from the hypothalamus. utes after birth and then rapidly decline during
the first 24 hours of life. This surge in TSH
Adapted and redrawn from: Seeley R, Stephens T, and Tate P. 1998. Anatomy and stimulates the thyroid gland to release both T4
Physiology, 4th ed. Boston: WBC McGraw, 554; and Sherwood L. 1997. Human and T3, resulting in a permanent increase of
Physiology: From Cells to Systems, 3rd ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 658.
these hormones during the first 36 to 48 hours
of postnatal life. Serum levels of bound and free
TABLE 3 ■ Postnatal Changes in Thyroid Function
T 4 peak at 24 hours of life and then slowly
Transient Changes Permanant Changes decrease over the first weeks of life. Serum con-
Increase in serum TSH Increased serum T3 and free T3 centrations of bound and free T3 increase three
Increased T3 and T4 production concentrations to six times within 4 hours after delivery sec-
Activation of BAT thermogenesis Increased conversion of T4 to T3 ondary to an abrupt increase in the conversion
Increased Type I MDI activity of T4 to T3. An additional sustained increase in
Absent placental degradation of thyroid serum concentrations of bound and free T 3
occurs between 2 to 4 hours and 24 to 36 hours
Decreased TSH concentration
of life. This second peak in T3 concentration
Decreased hypothalamic TRH production
coincides with elevated levels of T4 secreted
Increased serum free T4 concentrations
from the thyroid gland and to an elevation in
Resetting of hypothalamic-pituitary
setpoint for free T4 feedback control of the availability of the T4 hormone for conversion
TSH secretion to T3.15,20
Postnatally, during the first two to three days,
Key: BAT = brown adipose tissue; MDI = monodeiodinase TSH concentrations continue to progressively
Adapted from: Fisher D. 1998. Thyroid function in premature infants: The hypothyroxine- decline, falling to permanent levels significantly
mia of prematurity. Clinics in Perinatology 25(4): 1004–1005. Reprinted by permission.

18 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
below cord concentrations, but normal for the TABLE 4 ■ Recommended Values for Serum Thyroid Hormone Concentrations3,7,25
extrauterine environment. Although the exact T4 Free T4 T3 TSH TBG
mechanism for this reduction remains unclear, it Age (µg/dl) (ng/dl) (mg/dl) µU/ml) (mg/dl)
is thought to be related to the increase in serum Cord:
T3 and T4 levels as well as continued maturation 30 weeks 9.4
of the feedback control of TSH by the thyroid
35 weeks 10.1
hormones.15,21 (6.1–16.8)
Term 10.8 1.7 50 9.0 3.0
Premature Infants (6.5–17.5) (2.0–4.5) (14–86) (<2.5–17.4) (0.7–5.2)
At birth, the premature infant experiences 1–3 days 16.5 4.2 220 8.0 3.0
thyroid system changes similar to those in term (11.0–22.0) (110–330) (49–281) (<2.5–13.3) (0.8–5.2)
infants; however, the HPT system remains 1–4 weeks 13.0 2.0 175 4.0 2.5
(8.0–17.2) (1.9–2.3) (100–300) (0.6–10.0) (0.5–5.0)
immature. The early TSH surge is blunted in
1–12 months 11.0 175 2.1 2.8
preterm infants, and there is a decrease in bound (5.9–16.3) ___ (100–260) (0.6–6.3) (1.6–3.6)
T4, free T4, and T3 concentrations. The extent
of these responses varies, depending on gesta-
tional age. In preterm infants born at 30 weeks
or more, serum T4 and free T4 levels increase because of immature metabolic processes and
transiently in the early neonatal period in nutritional deficiencies characteristic of prema-
response to the TSH surge. Although they grad- ture infants during the neonatal period. This
ually increase over the next several weeks, bound causes a reduction in the conversion of T4 to T3.
and free T4, serum TBG, and free T3 concentra- Hypoxia has also been shown to reduce serum
tions remain below those seen in full-term TSH concentrations and inhibit the conversion
infants throughout the first weeks of life, reach- of T4 to T3. The immature liver function of the
ing term infant values by 38 to 42 weeks post- preterm infant results in decreased serum pro-
conceptional age. There is an early increase in tein levels, which also lead to reduced T4 levels,
serum T3 concentrations at two to four hours of although free T4 concentrations are not affected.
life but shortly thereafter, the levels begin to The extent of these effects is related to the
decline. Later, when TSH secretion by the pitu- degree of immaturity.15,21
itary gland allows a progressive maturation of
the thyroid gland, serum T3 levels increase slow- LABORATORY TESTS USED IN THE
ly to normal postnatal values. These increasing EVALUATION OF THYROID
values indicate a progressive maturation of the FUNCTION
thyroid gland to respond to TSH.15,20 Thyroid tests are performed to determine the
In infants born at less than 30 weeks gesta- level of thyroid activity or to identify the cause of
tion, thyroid hormone responses are more pro- thyroid dysfunction. Although normal ranges
nounced because the HPT system is more have been defined for all age levels, discrepancies
compromised than in more mature infants. may exist between different laboratories and
During the early neonatal period, the TSH surge among age groups (Table 4). It is important that
and the ability of the thyroid gland to respond each laboratory provide its own normal values to
to TSH are limited. There is a progressive ensure accurate interpretation of results. When
decline in bound T4 and free T4 concentrations, interpreting results, keep in mind that a variety of
reaching a nadir at 1 to 2 weeks postnatal age. conditions and medications can alter thyroid hor-
By 3 to 4 weeks of life, T4 concentrations tend mone concentrations (Tables 5 and 6).
to re-equilibrate. Circulating T3 levels increase
slightly but remain low compared to levels in Thyroxine
premature infants born at a later gestational Routine assessment of thyroid function
age.15 should begin with the measurement of serum T4
There are several reasons for the relative and free T4. Unlike serum total T4 assays, which
hypothyroid state of premature infants. The measure both free and protein-bound hormone
HPT system in the premature infant is relatively levels, FT 4 measures only circulating T 4 .
immature, as are the enzymes involved in the Because free T4 is not affected by alterations in
synthesis of the thyroid hormones, in part the thyroid hormone–binding proteins in serum,

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 19
TABLE 5 ■ Factors Influencing Thyroid Hormone Concentrations TABLE 6 ■ Factors Influencing Impaired Peripheral
Hormone Increase Decrease
Thyroxine Thyrotoxicosis Severe hypothyroidism
Increased TBG Iodine deficiency
concentrations Moderate thyroid
T4 toxicosis insufficiency
Heparin (increases free T4) Salicylates Please refer to the print
Amiodarone administration Phenytoin version of Neonatal Network
Triiodothyronine Thyrotoxicosis Severe hypothyroidism
Increased TBG Acute illness or surgery
concentrations Amiodarone
T3 toxicosis Salicylates
Iodine deficiency Glucocorticoids
TBG Hepatitis Protein-losing enteropathy
Estrogens/pregnancy Protein-calorie malnutrition TSH
Biliary cirrhosis Nephrotic syndrome Measurement of serum TSH has become one
Prematurity Genetic abnormality
Heroin/methadone Glucocorticoids of the primary screening tests used in the diag-
5-fluorouracin Hyperthyroidism nosis and management of thyroid disorders. The
new assays are highly reliable and allow the prac-
Adapted from: Bertrand J, Rappaport R, and Sizonenko P. 1993. Assessment of endocrine titioner to distinguish between euthyroid infants
functions. In Pediatric Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects,
Bertrand J, Rappaport R, and Sizonenko P, eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
and hyperthyroid newborns with low or sup-
Wilkins, 658–681; and Domohove P. 1994. The thyroid gland. In Principles and Practices pressed TSH levels. The sensitive TSH assays are
of Pediatrics, 2nd ed., Oski F, ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1992–2001. also less affected by nonthyroidal illness and
remain unaltered by changes in thyroid hormon-
al binding protein. After the initial postnatal
TSH surge, serum TSH levels do not change
its measurement is one of the most important much with age.3,25
parameters used in the evaluation of thyroid sta-
tus. FT4 levels appear to be the best indicator of TBG
how much hormone is available to peripheral tis- Measurements of TBG concentrations are
sues. Measurement of FT4 is often used as a useful in the interpretation of abnormal thyroid
first-line test to document thyroid status in hormone levels. However, TBG levels may be
infants and children.3,22,23 altered by a variety of physiologic conditions and
medications (see Table 5).3,25
Serum total T3 assays measure both protein- T3 Resin Uptake
bound and free T3 levels and are affected by The T3 resin uptake (T3RU) is commonly
alterations in serum thyroid–binding proteins. used to estimate the proportion of T4 that is not
Serum total and FT3 concentrations are not rou- bound to protein. It is not a measurement of
tinely measured in the assessment of thyroid serum T3 concentration. In this test, radiola-
function. Measurement of T3 levels is seldom beled T3 is added to the infant’s serum, where it
used for the detection of hypothyroidism competes with the serum-binding proteins for
because there is an overlap between the low- thyroid hormones. As the concentration of FT4
normal range and levels present in hypothyroid rises, the number of available unoccupied bind-
conditions. Consequently, measurements of ing sites decreases. Because TBG has a greater
serum total T3 and FT3 are not reliable for dis- affinity for T4 than for T3, the radioactive T3
tinguishing between normal and hypothyroid does not displace T4 from the TBG molecule.
conditions.24 In addition, because a majority of The unbound, radioactive T3 is then taken up
T3 is derived from T4, T3 concentrations may by a resin that is added to the infant’s serum.
not fall below normal until there is a reduction The percentage of this T3 varies inversely with
in plasma T4 levels.21 the concentration and affinity of unoccupied
binding sites on the serum TBG proteins; as the

20 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
TABLE 7 ■ Causes of Hypothyroidism3,9,13,14 TABLE 8 ■ Clinical Manifestations Associated with Congenital Hypothyroidism

Thyroid agenesis or dysgenesis Respiratory difficulty Mottled skin

Hoarse cry Hypotension
HPT axis abnormalities
Temperature instability Pallor
• TRH deficiency
Lethargy Hypotonia
• TSH deficiency
Peripheral cyanosis Late findings:
• Unresponsiveness of thyroid gland to TSH
Poor feeding Enlarged tongue
Inborn error of hormone synthesis or metabolism Failure to thrive Elongated nasal bridge
Iodine deficiency Prolonged jaundice >2 weeks Narrow forehead
Large posterior fontanel, >1 cm diameter Eyelid edema
Goitrous cretinism (caused by maternal ingestion of
Protuberant abdomen with umbilical Thick, dry skin
hernia Long, coarse hair
Transient hypothyroxinemia Palpable goiter Anemia
Transient neonatal hypothyroidism Constipation; delay in passage of Large goiter

Adapted from: Miculan J, Turner S, and Paes B. 1993. Congenital hypothyroidism:

number of available TBG sites decreases, the Diagnosis and management. Neonatal Network 12(6): 25–34; and Harrell G, and
Murray P. 1998. Diagnosis and management of congenital hypothyroidism. Journal of
percentage of unbound radioactive T3 taken up Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing 11(4): 75–83.
by the resin increases. This test is useful only if
the total T4 concentration is known.23,25
Diagnosing hypothyroidism requires a thor-
DISORDERS OF THYROID ough history taking and physical examination,
FUNCTION followed by diagnostic tests. The principal
method for diagnosing hypothyroidism is the
Congenital Hypothyroidism newborn screen that is in place in the U.S. and
Congenital hypothyroidism is defined as a Canada. Most North American programs either
state in which there is a deficiency of thyroid hor- screen initially to measure values or use a two-
mones that develops prior to or at the time of tiered approach, whereby a T4 measurement is
delivery secondary to a variety of conditions obtained first, followed by TSH assessment in
(Table 7). Because the placenta is relatively infants with abnormally low T4 levels. Blood
impermeable to the transfer of T4, T3, and TSH, samples are collected between the second and
hypothyroidism in the infant usually occurs as a fifth day of life, which coincides with the physio-
result of maldevelopment of the thyroid gland or logic TSH surge that occurs after birth. At
the HPT system and deficiencies in the enzymes times, though, samples drawn between 24 and
that synthesize thyroxine. Less frequently, mater- 48 hours after birth, during this TSH surge, may
nal iodine or antithyroid drugs used in the treat- be falsely positive for hypothyroidism and
ment of thyrotoxicosis can be transferred require re-evaluation.9 In those infants exhibit-
transplacentally during the first trimester, affect- ing physical manifestations of hypothyroidism,
ing fetal thyroid development.9,25 additional laborator y tests as previously
Most infants with congenital hypothyroidism described should be done before results of the
deliver after 40 weeks gestation and are often neonatal screen return.14
large for gestational age, weighing more than In addition to laboratory testing, x-rays of the
4,000 grams at birth. Infants born hypothyroid long bones are helpful in assessing bone age and
may present with defective skeletal maturation can be used to show the duration and severity of
and growth that occurred in utero, and they thyroid function. The extent of bone maturation
manifest clinical signs and symptoms of thyroid is determined by the presence, size, and shape of
dysfunction. Many infants, however, exhibit no ossification centers in the knee and foot and by
symptoms or may have subtle, nonspecific clini- the level of skull maturation.9,14
cal manifestations (Table 8). Caution should be The best method for delineating the anatomy
exercised when diagnosing hypothyroidism in and location of the thyroid gland is radioisotope
premature infants because many of the clinical scanning. This scan is useful in differentiating
manifestations are common findings in infants of defects in thyroid development from other eti-
early gestation. The severity of clinical manifesta- ologies. For infants clinically unstable for
tions is related to thyroid function, thyroid hor- radioisotope scanning, an ultrasound of the thy-
mone interaction, and other body processes.9,14 roid gland may be performed as a preliminary

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 21
TABLE 9 ■ Clinical Manifestations Associated with Hyperthyroidism3,7,25
prolonged, lasting over six months. The etiology
Marked irritability Heat intolerance is related to transplacental passage of thyroid-
Intrauterine growth retardation Prominent eyes
Low birth weight Thyroid enlargement stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI), which is an
Microcephaly Failure to thrive autoantibody of the class G immunoglobulin.
Hyperactivity Vomiting The TSI is capable of displacing radiolabeled
Tachycardia Severe diarrhea
Tachypnea Hepatosplenomegaly TSH from TSH receptors of the thyroid mem-
Jaundice Thrombocytopenia brane.7,10,25 Diagnosis of neonatal thyrotoxicosis
Cardiac failure Goiter is made based on clinical findings (Table 9) and
elevated levels of free T4 and free T3. TSH con-
centrations are also below the normal range.
test to identify the presence (or absence) of the Initiation of treatment should be prompt to alle-
thyroid gland.9,14 viate the symptoms and reduce the amount of
Once hypothyroidism is confirmed, treatment thyroid hormone being produced. Therapy con-
should be started to prevent mental retardation, sists of a combination of Lugol’s solution (5 per-
delayed physical growth and skeletal maturation, cent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide),
and inappropriate neurodevelopment. In infants propylthiouracil (PTU), and propranolol.
who present with clinical manifestations associat- Lugol’s solution is given in doses of one drop
ed with hypothyroidism, early treatment with L- three times a day. The recommended PTU dose
thyroxine (or levothyroxine) should be initiated is 10 mg/kg/day orally in three divided doses
even before the newborn screen results are (every eight hours).3,7,10 Adverse reactions to
returned.9,14 Controversy exists regarding the L- PTU therapy often occur early. These reactions,
thyroxine dose that provides optimal treatment which appear frequently at higher doses, include
without producing toxic side ef fects. rash, hives, joint pain, and arthritis. The most
Asymptomatic infants or those with minimal common drug reaction is transient leukopenia,
clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism may be which is benign. More serious adverse reactions
placed on L-thyroxine at 10–15 µg/kg/day, include thrombocytopenia, collagen-vascular-like
given orally once daily. For full-term infants with syndrome, toxic hepatitis, diffuse interstitial
a diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism, the pneumonitis, and agranulocytosis. Agranulo-
recommended initial L-thyroxine dose is 25 to cytosis is characterized by fever, bacterial infec-
50 µg/day, and for preterm infants, the recom- tion, and a granulocyte count below 250/mm3.
mended starting dose is 25 µg/day.7,9,10 After PTU should be discontinued when fever and
the initiation of replacement therapy, the L-thy- oral infection or upper respiratory infection
roxine dose should be adjusted to maintain occur.3
serum T4 levels at high normal adult levels of For infants who exhibit severe thyrotoxicosis,
above 10 µg/dl during the first two years of life. propranolol hydrochloride is often used in
Thereafter, serum T4 levels should be kept at combination with iodine to rapidly minimize the
age-appropriate values. Therapy should be untoward clinical manifestations of thyro-
monitored monthly for the first six months of toxicity. Propranolol hydrochloride blocks the
life, every two to three months until two years of conversion of T4 to T3 and is given orally at
life, and at three- to six-month inter vals 1–2 mg/kg/day in two or more divided doses.
thereafter.9,10,14 Digitalization may be necessary for infants with
cardiac failure.7,25 Dexamethasone may be helpful
Hyperthyroidism in some infants with severe thyrotoxicosis.
Hyperthyroidism in childhood is rare and Glucocorticoids suppress the HPT system and,
occurs when the thyroid gland secretes excessive when administered at anti-inflammatory doses,
amounts of thyroid hormone. Like hypo- lower serum TSH and T4 levels. T3 levels are also
thyroidism, hyperthyroidism can be congenital affected and are decreased secondary to inhibition
or aquired.25 of the conversion of T4 to T3.23 Close monitoring
Congenital hyperthyroidism, often called of thyroid hormone levels is essential to ensure
neonatal thyrotoxicosis, is almost exclusively adequate therapy and to avoid hypothyroidism.
seen in infants of mothers with Grave’s disease Despite prompt and adequate treatment,
or Hashimoto’s disease. The condition may be long-term complications from neonatal thyro-
transient, lasting up to several weeks, or toxicosis can occur. These include premature

22 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
craniosynostosis and neurodevelopmental defects, TABLE 10 ■ Thyroid Disorders in Premature Infants
such as intellectual impairment.7,25 Disorder Serum Levels Etiology
T4 T3
TRANSIENT DISORDERS OF Transient hypothyroxinemia Low Normal Immaturity of the HPT system
THYROID FUNCTION Transient primary hypothyroidism Low Elevated Maternal antithyroid therapy
Iodine deficiency
Although preterm infants experience the Iodine excess
same pathophysiologic processes that affect full- Idiopathic
term infants, certain disorders of thyroid func- Low T3 syndrome in preterm infants Normal Normal Prematurity
tion are more common among this population Hypoglycemia
(Table 10). Infections
Surgical stress
Transient Hypothyroxinemia Malnutrition
Transient hypothyroxinemia is a syndrome Hypoxia
commonly seen in premature infants, affecting
all to some degree. It is thought to occur in Adapted from: Fisher D. 1998. Thyroid function in premature infants: The hypothyroxine-
premature infants secondary to immaturity of mia of prematurity. Clinics in Perinatology 25(4): 999–1014; and Polk D, and Fisher D.
1998. Disorders of the thyroid gland. In Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn, 7th ed.,
the HPT system. Because serum T4 concentra- Tauesch AW, and Ballard R, eds. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1224–1234.
tions gradually increase with advancing gesta-
tional age, this syndrome is characterized by low
serum T4 and relatively low free T4 levels.17 mentation or T4. Although there is no standard
These low T4 levels in premature infants are recommended T4 dose, 8 µg/kg/day adminis-
associated with normal TSH and T4 responses tered for six weeks has been found to improve
to TRH. The hypothyroxinemia is a transient T4 levels.15,17,21
process that corrects spontaneously over four to Transient hypothyroidism may also occur in
eight weeks as T4 levels rise, suggesting matura- infants exposed to excess iodine or antithyroid
tion of hypothalamic function. Because growth medications or through placental transfer of
and development of these infants are often nor- TSH-receptor-blocking antibodies. The latter
mal, medical intervention is not necessary. Thus, produce a hypothyroid state that lasts until
these infants appear to manifest a state of maternal immunoglobulin is reduced. Premature
hypothalamic hypothyroidism or immaturity infants are at greatest risk for this condition
that represents a normal stage of fetal thyroid because of their limited thyroglobulin and
system development. Routine newborn screen- iodine stores, associated with an increase in the
ing fails to identify these infants unless T4 and utilization of T 4 . Thus, transient hypothy-
TSH results are reported.17,20,21 roidism, with or without a goiter, is character-
ized by low ser um total T 4 and free T 4
Transient Primary Hypothyroidism concentrations and increased serum TSH levels.
Transient hypothyroidism is a temporary con- Treatment of these infants with iodine at 50 to
dition that occurs in premature infants exposed 100 µg/kg/day with T4 is indicated and should
to reduced iodine. It occurs more often in be continued for two to three months or until
Europe than in North America. This condition, the goiter disappears.15,17,21
which is characterized by normal cord blood T4
and TSH values, develops during the first one to Low T3 Syndrome in Premature Infants
two weeks of extrauterine life and is often super- Low T3 syndrome is a physiologic condition
imposed on the transient hypothyroxinemia that occurs in premature infants. Because the
characteristic of premature infants. In iodine neonatal TSH surge and T 4 and T 3 peak
deficient areas, immature neonates are at risk for responses increase with increasing gestational
this condition because premature infants require age, premature infants present with lower T3
higher intake to maintain positive iodine balance values than do full-term infants. This transient
in the extrauterine environment. Urinary iodine “decrease” in T3 levels, the characteristic feature
excretion and thyroid iodine content are low. of this syndrome, is probably related to the rela-
Often the hypothyroidism is transient, but it tive undernutrition and feeding disorders that
may persist for two to three months. In this case, are common among premature infants in the
treatment is recommended with iodine supple- neonatal period and that occur as a result of a

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 23
variety of conditions. These conditions include acidosis, the designated forms reduces delay in the diagnosis of thyroid
hypoxia, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and infections. All of disorders and provides accurate results. Blood specimens that
these factors tend to inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 and do not fully saturate the filter paper or that are contaminated
aggravate the already existing low T3 levels. Serum T3 levels with other fluids will invalidate results. Nurses can reduce
may remain low in these infants for one to two months.17,20 sampling errors by ensuring that specimens are drawn correct-
In addition to low serum T3 levels, total T4 concentrations ly in accordance with recommended guidelines.9
are normal or low. Free T4 values are usually in the range of The nurse should teach and support parents of infants
values for healthy premature infants of the same gestational diagnosed with a specific thyroid disorder prior to discharge.
age and weight. Serum TSH concentrations are normal in Nurses need to teach parents about their infant’s condition
these infants. No medical treatment is required.17,20 and the need for medication when indicated. In the case of
infants who require a lifetime of medication, compliance is
NURSING IMPLICATIONS emphasized to prevent any associated untoward outcomes.
As caregivers, nurses are in a unique position to minimize Parents need to be instructed on potential side effects associ-
the infant’s risks for thyroid deficiencies. Prior to invasive pro- ated with medications. Any significant reactions should be
cedures, the skin is often cleansed with a variety of solutions reported to the family physician because they may be a sign of
to reduce the risk of infection. One commonly used in the improper dosing. Parents must be reassured that, with early
NICU to decontaminate the skin is providone-iodine diagnosis, prompt treatment, and compliance with therapy,
solution. Its use in premature infants has been associated with optimal outcome is enhanced. Support for the family should
a variety of complications, including prolonged elevation in focus on the initial reactions of shock and sorrow that come
plasma and urinary iodine, transient hypothyroxinemia, with the news that their infant has a lifelong illness. Parents
hypothyroidism, and goiter. Therefore, solutions and com- should be encouraged to speak openly about their feelings
pounds containing iodine should be used sparingly in prema- and fears.
ture infants to minimize the risks associated with them. All
solutions used should be thoroughly washed off with comple- CASE STUDY
tion of the procedure.26,27 Baby girl HL was the third of quadruplets born at 28
Through communication with families, nurses can identify weeks gestation by dates and 1,045 grams to a 47-year-old,
those infants at risk for thyroid disorders. Prompt recognition G3 P1 female whose laboratory studies were: O positive, anti-
of clinical manifestations associated with specific thyroid condi- body negative, rubella immune, PRP nonreactive, HBsAg
tions can lead to early diagnosis. Early identification of specific negative, GBBS negative. Maternal history significant for sys-
thyroid disorders reduces the delay in starting treatment and temic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren’s (a rare autoim-
facilitates the normalization of thyroid hormone levels. mune disease that primarily affects the lacrimal and salivary
Nurses also play a key role in monitoring tests and ensuring glands and results in lymphocyte infiltration of these organs),
compliance with mandated newborn screening. Newborn hyperthyroidism, insulin dependent diabetes, anxiety disorder,
screening should be done on every infant, and all tests should and untreated preeclampsia. Medications included prednisone
be carefully documented. Because many infants are transport- (for SLE and Sjögren’s), PTU (for hyperthyroidism), insulin,
ed from referring hospitals, follow-up is necessary to ensure and lorazepam as required. A cerclage was placed at 14 weeks
that a newborn screen was completed. When the completion gestation. The mother was admitted for complaints of short-
of a newborn screen cannot be verified, screening should be ness of breath. After admission, she received 1.5 courses of
performed. For infants born at home, newborn screening betamethasone. The infants were delivered by cesarean sec-
should be part of the routine admission lab work completed in tion secondary to a nonreassuring fetal monitoring strip and
the NICU or in the pediatrician’s office. Critically ill or prema- abnormal Doppler study on quadruplet A and poor growth of
ture infants should all be screened prior to seven days of age quadruplets A and B. Apgar scores for baby girl HL were 8
and before administration of blood transfusions. Adequate and 9 at one and five minutes of life, respectively. The infant
documentation of the completion of the newborn screen is cried spontaneously and had a good heart rate and respiratory
especially important for these infants because the test often effort. Physical examination was unremarkable except for the
gets overlooked during the acute phase of illness. presence of a large goiter.
Early discharge is another factor that complicates the On admission to the special care nursery, the infant was
screening process. Although all infants should have a new- intubated secondar y to increased respirator y distress.
born screen prior to discharge, some may not be screened Beractant, 4 ml/kg, was given per protocol. The infant was
because of early discharge from the hospital. For these infants, placed on initial ventilator parameters at a rate of 30
the family physician or pediatrician should be notified breaths/minute, pressure 24 cm H2O, peep 3 cm H2O, FiO2
promptly to ensure that screening is done.9 0.40. Over the next several days, the infant required an
Proper nursing technique in obtaining blood samples on increase in ventilatory support. At two days of life, levothy-

24 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8
roxine (Synthroid) was started. Prior to initiation of of this system to secrete thyroid hormones is initiated by low
levothyroxine, T4 and TSH levels were drawn and revealed a circulating T4 and T3 levels. A deficiency of thyroid hor-
slightly low free T 4 value of 0.5 ng/dl (normal range: mones results in a variety of pathologic conditions. Awareness
0.7–1.6 ng/dl) and a significantly elevated TSH level of of the underlying physiology of thyroid functioning and clini-
134.45 microunit/ml (normal range: .38–6.15 cal manifestations of disease is important to identify infants at
microunit/ml). A cortisol level was also drawn, which was risk for thyroid disorders. Early recognition and prompt treat-
low at 1 µg/dl. Hydrocortisone was started at 1 mg/kg/dose ment are crucial to prevent the potentially devastating long-
three times a day. term sequelae associated with thyroid hormone deficiency.
By the third day of life, a significant improvement was
noted in the infant’s clinical condition. The ventilator param- REFERENCES
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mones. This condition is characterized by low T4 concentra- 25–34.
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although the exact mechanism is unclear.28 12. Moore K, and Persaud TVN. 1998. The Developing Human:
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The drug of choice for thyroid replacement is levothyrox-
Saunders, 230–232.
ine because of its stability, low cost, easy laboratory measure-
13. Larsen W. 1997. Human Embryology, 2nd ed. New York:
ment of serum levels, and long half-life of seven days, which
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permits once-daily administration.29 Once thyroid replace-
14. Harrell G, and Murray P. 1998. Diagnosis and management of
ment is begun, thyroid hormone concentrations increase and
congenital hypothyroidism. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal
TSH levels normalize. Synthroid therapy is continued for two Nursing 11(4): 75–83.
to three months or until the goiter disappears. Baby girl HL
15. Fisher D. 1998. Thyroid function in premature infants: The
will continue to be followed by an endocrinologist for evalua- hypothyroxinemia of prematurity. Clinics in Perinatology 25(4):
tion of her goiter and her thyroid hormone and TSH concen- 999–1014.
trations to determine length of treatment. 16. Thoerpe-Beeston JG, et al. 1991. Maturation of the secretion of
thyroid hormone and thyroid-stimulation hormone in the fetus.
CONCLUSION New England Journal of Medicine 24(8): 532–536.
The thyroid gland contains many follicles that store thy- 17. Polk D, and Fisher D. 1998. Disorders of the thyroid gland. In
roid hormones within the thyroglobulin molecule until they Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn, 7th ed., Tauesch AW, and
are needed by the body. Thyroid hormone synthesis is a com- Ballard R, eds. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1224–1234.
plicated process that depends on the presence of iodine and 18. Seeley R, Stephens T, and Tate P. 1998. Anatomy and Physiology,
tyrosine as well as maturation of the HPT system. Stimulation 4th ed. Boston: WBC McGraw, 542–575.

VOL. 19, NO. 8, DECEMBER 2000 25
19. Piano M, and Huether S. 1998. Mechanisms of hormonal regu- 27. Lund C, et al. 1999. Neonatal skin care: The scientific basis for
lation. In Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis of Disease in Adults practice. Neonatal Network 18(4): 15–27.
and Children, 3rd ed., McCance K, and Huether S, eds. St. 28. Loper D. 1997. Physiologic principles of the respiratory system.
Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 625–655. In Acute Respiratory Care of the Neonate, 2nd ed., Askin D, ed.
20. Fisher D, and Klein A. 1981. Thyroid development and disor- Santa Rosa, California: NICU INK, 1–30.
ders of thyroid function in the newborn. New England Journal 29. Greenspan F, and Dong B. 1995. Thyroid and antithyroid
of Medicine 304(12): 702–712. drugs. In Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 6th ed., Katzung B,
21. Fisher D. 1990. Euthyroid low thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyro- ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 578–591.
nine (T3) states in premature and sick neonates. Pediatric Clinics
of North America 37(6): 1297–1312. About the Author
22. Bertrand J, Rappaport R, and Sizonenko P. 1993. Assessment of Denise Kirsten works as a neonatal nurse practitioner at Rush
endocrine functions. In Pediatric Endocrinology: Physiology, Presbyterian–St. Lukes Medical Center in Chicago. She also works part-
Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects, Bertrand J, Rappaport R, time at Rush University College of Nursing as an instructor in the
and Sizonenko P, eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program. She received her BSN from
Wilkins, 658–681. Evansville University and her ND from Rush University in Chicago. She
23. Brunt L, and Halverson J. 1996. The endocrine system. In The is past president of the Chicago Area Association of Neonatal Nurses
Physiologic Basis of Surgery, 2nd ed., O’Leary P, ed. Philadelphia: (CANN) and a member of NANN and Sigma Theta Tau.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 312–348. The author would like to thank Raymond Shields for providing illus-
24. Tressler K. 1995. Clinical Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests. trations for this article.
Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 265–338. For further information, please contact:
25. Domohove P. 1994. The thyroid gland. In Principles and Denise Kirsten, ND, RNC, NNP
Practices of Pediatrics, 2nd ed., Oski F, ed. Philadelphia: Rush Presbyterian–St. Lukes Medical Center
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1992–2001. 1653 West Congress Parkway
26. Benis M. 1999. Newborn percutaneous absorption: Hazards and Chicago, IL 60612-3864
therapeutic uses. Neonatal Network 18(8): 63–69. E-mail:

26 DECEMBER 2000, VOL. 19, NO. 8

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