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Class 2 english ch3

B. Answer these questions

1. What does Appu love?
Ans. Appu loves carrot halwa.
2. What happens to one of the seeds?
Ans. It grows and grows and grows. The carrot becomes huge.
3. Whom does Appu call first?
Ans. Appu first calls Tina.
4. Where do the children and Pom Pom carry the big carrot?
Ans. Children and Pom Pom carry the big carrot to home.
5. What does Grandma do with the big carrot?
Ans. Grandma makes carrot halwa for everyone with the big carrot.
Class 2 ch 4
C. Answer these questions:-
1 What were the names of the four jungle friends?
Ans. The names of the four jungle friends were Daisy, Mika, Koko and
2. How did Toto find Koko?
Ans. Toto saw Koko's feather in the tree. By this way Toto found
3. Who flew with Koko to help Daisy?
Ans. Mika flew with Koko to help Daisy.
4. How did Mika save Toto?
Ans. Mika cuts the hunter's bag and saves Toto.
5. Where did Mika and Toto hide on seeing the hunter
Ans. Mika hides in a hole and Toto hides behind a bush.
6. Where did the hunter say he would go?
Ans. The hunter said that he would go to home.

Class 5 evs ch3

D. Short Answer Type Questions
1. What provides shape and support to the body?
Ans. The skeleton is the framework of bones that gives shape and
support to the body.
2. Which organ is protected by the skull?
Ans. Brain is protected by the skull.
3. Name the longest bone of the body.
Ans. The thigh bone or femur is the longest bone in our body.
4. Name the bone of the body which contains a jelly like material.
Ans. Long bones of the body contain a jelly like material, known as
bone marrow.
5. What is a joint?
Ans. A skeleton is made up of different bones that are joined
together. The place where two bones meet is called a joint.
6. Which joint allows the movement in up-down or left-right
direction ?
Ans. Pivot joints allows movement in left-right or up-down
E. Long Answer Type Questions
1. Why is skeleton necessary?
Ans. The skeleton provides shape and support to our body.
Without the skeleton, our body system would not able to stand. It
provides protection to our soft and delicate organs.
2. Write in brief about different parts of the skeleton.
Ans. The human skeleton consists of the skull, backbone, ribs and
Skull is the topmost part of a skeleton and makes up our head and
face. It protects our brain.
Backbone or spine is also called vertebral column which is flexible
and supports the skull. It has 33 small bones called vertebrae.
Ribs are thin, flat, curved bones that are joined to the backbone at
the back.
Breastbone : Ribs are connected to the breastbone called sternum.
3. Mention any four functions of the skeleton.
Ans. I) The skeleton provides shape and support to our body.
II) . It provides protection to our soft and delicate organs.
III) . The skeleton consists of bone and muscle which together
allows the movement of different body parts.
IV).Bones contain bone marrow where the blood cells are
4. How do muscles work?
Ans. Muscles work in pairs by contraction and expansion. A
contracted muscle becomes tighter and shorter. When an
expanded muscle is relaxed, it goes back to it’s original shape.
5. Which type of muscles move at our will?
Ans. Voluntary muscles are the muscles that are in our control and
we can control their movement at our will. These are also called
skeletal muscles as they are joined to bones.
6 Which type or muscles are found only in heart?
Ans. Cardiac muscles are only found in heart. They are involuntary
muscles but their structure resembles to that of voluntary muscles.
These muscles allow 5he heart to beat tirelessly throughout our
E. Short answer type questions
1. Name any two plant-eating animals.
Ans. Two plant-eating animals are Cow and Horse.
2. Who are scavengers?
Ans. Animals that eat flesh of dead animals are called scavengers.
3. Which colours can a butterfly see?
Ans. Butterflies can see only violet, blue, green and red colour.
4. Name two flesh-eating birds.
Ans. Two flesh eating birds are Vulture and Eagle.
F. Long answer type questions
1. How do animals depend on plants?
Ans. Plants provide food which animal needs to survive. Animals
need food for energy, growth and strength. Also plants provide
shelter and oxygen for the animals to live.
2. What do you mean by ‘chewing the cud'?
Ans. Cow and Buffalo swallow the food without chewing it. After
sometime they bring this food back into their mouth and keep
chewing it for hours. This is called chewing the cud.
3 What are plant and flesh-eating animals? Name two plant and
flesh-eating animals.
Ans. Animals that eat both plants and flesh are called plant and
flesh-eating animals or omnivores. Crow and bear are examples of
such animals.
4 Explain the feeding habits of frog and earthworm.
Ans. Frogs have long sticky tongues to catch insects. The insects get
stuck to their tongues. While earthworm has a hole-like mouth. It
eats mud that has bits of dead animals and plants.
E. Short Answer type questions.
1. Define nutrients.
Ans. Essential substances present in the food which provide
nourishment to the body.
2 Name the nutrients of a balanced diet.
Ans. Protein, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
3 What are energy-giving foods?
Ans. Carbohydrates give us energy to work, so they are called energy-
giving foods.
4 Why is water important for our body?
Ans. Water is very important for our body as it helps to maintain our
body temperature and is a part of digestive juices.
5 Why should we not throw the water in which pulses are soaked?
Ans. The water in which pulses are soaked contains nutrients, so it
should not be thrown away. It should be used in cooking.

F. Long Answer Type Questions.

1. How are proteins and carbohydrates useful?
Ans. Proteins are useful as they are needed for growth and
development of our body. They are therefore called body-building
foods. Protein helps in the repair of worn out cells.
Similarly, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. So, they are
called energy-giving foods.
2. Explain the process of digestion.
Ans. Digestion takes place in the following manner :-
1. Digestion begins when we put food into our mouth. Our teeth
breaks the food into smaller pieces to which the saliva gets mixed
which converts the starch into sugar.
2. This food then enters the stomach, through food pipe, where
digestive juices get mixed with the water and break down the food into
smaller and smaller particles.
3. The food then reaches the small intestine where more digestive juice
get mixed with the food and digested food gets absorbed. The
undigested food goes into large intestine.
4. Undigested food comes out as faeces through anus and waste water
comes out in the form of urine and sweat.
3. Write down some good eating habits for proper digestion.
Ans. Good Eating Habits for proper digestion are:-
 Have food at regular intervals.
 Do not swallow food without chewing.
 Have a balanced diet.
 Do not overeat.
 Always wash your hands before and after eating food.
4. Define roughage. Why should it be included in a diet?
Ans. Roughage is the fiber present in food. It is important for the
proper digestion of food. It also helps in its digestion and removal of
5. How can you preserve food?
Ans. Food can be preserved in following ways-:
 Freeze it as in case of ice-cream or custard.
 Salt it as in case of pickles.
 Sweeten it as in case of jam, jelly and chutney.
 Oil it as in case of pickles.

G. Give reason for the following:

1. People who do not do physical work do not require much
Ans. People who do not do physical work do not require much
carbohydrates because carbohydrates are main source of energy.
People who do lot of physical work losses their energy so to get that
energy back they require more carbohydrates.
2. Vegetables should be washed before cutting them.
Ans. Vegetables should be washed before cutting them because if we
wash it after cutting , it removes important vitamins and minerals from
vegetables which are essential for our body.
3. Junk food should not be encouraged.
Ans. Junk food should not be encouraged because taking to much junk
or fast food can make us put extra weight and also they do not provide
essential nutrients and vitamins.
4. Food is essential for all living beings.
Ans. Food is essential for all living beings as all living beings require
food for their survival. Food gives us energy to work, study and play. It
keeps us healthy and also protects us from diseases.
5. Our diet should include protective foods as well.
Ans. Our diet should include protective food as well because it keeps us
healthy by fighting against diseases. They also help in the formation of
teeth, bones and blood. We require them in small quantity but

Class 4 ch 5

E. Short answer type Questions

1. How are teeth important to us?
Ans. Teeth are very important part of our body as they help us to
bite and chew the food. They give a proper shape to our face.
2. Name two sets of teeth.
Ans. The two sets of teeth that we have in our lifetime are
temporary (or milk) teeth and permanent teeth.
3. Name the part of teeth which contains nerves and blood vessels.
Ans. Pulp is the innermost part which contains nerves and blood
4. How many number of molars and premolars are present in upper
and lower jaws?
Ans. There are 8 premolars and 12 molars in upper and lower jaws.
5. What is known as the crown and the root?
Ans. The part of the tooth which is outside the gum and visible is
known as the crown, while the part which is inside the gum and
cannot be seen, is known as the root.
F. Long answer type Questions
1. Name the different kinds of teeth and state their functions.
Ans. There are four types of teeth. They are :
A. Incisors : They are specially made for cutting the food.
B. Canines : They are made for tearing the food.
C. Premolars : They are used for crushing and cracking the food
in pieces.
D. Molars : They are used for grinding and chewing the food.
2. How should we take care of our teeth?
Ans. We should take care of our teeth by following the given tips :
I We should brush our teeth twice a day.
ii. We should also rinse our teeth after every meal.
iii. We should floss our teeth daily.
iv. Eating too much of sweets like chocolates, ice cream should be
3. What are microbes? How are some microbes useful to us?
Ans.. Microbes are tiny living organisms that are found everywhere.
They can be seen only through a microscope.
Some microbes are useful to us in many ways:
 Some bacteria produce vitamins in our body.
 Some bacteria change milk to curd.
 Some bacteria help in the decaying of dead plants and animals.
 Some fungi (yeast) help to bake soft bread.
4. Name the layers of the teeth. Support you answer with a diagram.
Ans. A tooth has three main layers, namely:
A. Enamel : It is the outermost layer of teeth and is the hardest
substance in our body. It form the crown of the teeth.
B. Dentine : It lies under the enamel. It protects the inner pulp.
C. Pulp : It is the innermost part which contains nerves and
blood vessels.

5. What are the consequences of tooth decay?

Ans. Consequences of tooth decay are:-
 It creates holes or cavities in tooth
 It causes foul smell in mouth.
 Many stomach disorders may take place etc.

Class 5 Ch 4
E. Short answer type Questions
1. Name the system that works as the internal communication
network of the body.
Ans. The nervous system works as the internal communication
network of the body.
2. Which is the main organ of the nervous system?
Ans. Brain is the main organ of nervous system.
3. Which part of the brain controls the five sense organs and
Ans. Cerebrum controls the five sense organs and memory.
4. Which nerves carry messages from body to the brain?
Ans. Mixed nerves carry messages from body to the brain.
5. Name the action controlled by the spinal cord.
Ans. Reflection Action is the action controlled by the spinal cord.
6. Name the five sense organs.
Ans. Five sense organs are:-
 Eyes
 Ears
 Nose
 Tongue
 Skin
F. Long answer type Questions:-
1. How do eyelids and eyelashes help the eye?
Ans. Eyelids and eyelashes keep the eyes clean and dust free. Every
time , we blink our eyes get cleared.
2. What is reflex action? How is it different from other actions?
Ans. The automatic response of body to an event is called a reflex
The reflex action involves only the nerves and spinal cord. During this
action, the message is not transmitted to the brain. These actions are
controlled by the spinal cord and hence these actions are different
from other actions as other actions are controlled by the brain.
3. How does brain convey message to different body parts?
Ans. The brain is the main organ of the nervous system. It controls the
body by receiving and giving messages. All the messages to and from
the brain are carried by nerves. Nerves carry messages from the brain,
through the spinal cord, to the body parts. Messages are sent and
received through the nerve cells.
4. Why does food not taste good when we have a cold?
Ans. The upper part of the nose has many nerve endings which help us
to smell. When we have a cold, these nerve endings get blocked, so we
cannot smell properly and also our taste buds are directly linked to it
which are not stimulated. Hence, we do not get good taste of food
when we have a cold.
5 What are sense organs? Give one function of each?
Ans. The organs which help us to know about the outside world are
called sense organs. We have five sense organs, namely :
I Eyes : They are the most important sense organs. They enable us to
see the objects.
II. Ears : Ears help us to hear sound. They also enable us to keep our
III. Nose : The upper part of the nose has many nerve endings which
help us to smell.
IV. Tongue : Tongue is the organ of taste and it also helps us to speak.
It has many taste receptor cells called taste buds.
V. Skin : Skin is the protective organ covering of our body. It has
millions of tiny nerve endings which can detect many sensations like
pain, heat, cold, etc.
6. Which part of the brain controls the involuntary actions?
Ans. Medulla, the lowest part of the brain, controls the involuntary
actions. It is also known as brain stem which controls actions like
breathing and heartbeat and works even when we sleep.

C5 ch5
Short answer type question
1. Why do we need food?
And. We all need food in order to stay alive. Food gives us energy to
work and keeps us fit and healthy.
2. Why does our body need protein?
Ans. Our body needs protein for repair of worn-out cells and to build
body tissues. Protein is also needed for proper growth of bones and
3. What are the rich sources of vitamins and minerals?
Ans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the rich sources of vitamins and
4. Which disease is caused due to lack of vitamin C?
And. Lack of vitamin C causes Scurvy.
5. Why is water essential for our body?
Ans. Water helps in excreting the waste from our body in the form
of sweat and urine. Lack of water does not let the body organs work
6. What is the function of vitamin A?
Ans. Vitamin A improves eye-sight & growth of Skin.
Long answer type questions
1. How can you prevent diseases from spreading?
Ans. Diseases can be prevented from spreading by taking following
precautionary measures:
 Drinking water should be clean and pure.
 The area around a house should be neat and clean.
 The house should have good ventilation and open spaces.
 Children should be vaccinated property against diseases.
2. Name different nutrients present in the food. Describe atleast
one function of each?
Ans. Proteins, carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins and minerals are the
nutrients present in our food.
i. Proteins are the body-building nutrients. They help in repair of
worn-out cells and to build body tissues.
ii. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body.
iii. Fats give us heat and energy.
iv. Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients. They help in
proper growth of skin, proper functioning of heart & nervous
3. Distinguish between communicable and non-communicable

4. How does germs enter from a sick person to a healthy person?

Ans. Germs from a sick person enters a healthy person either
through food, water, air, a cut or a wound, an insect bite or through
his/her belongings. Some insects also carry germs. When we come in
contact with them, the germs may enter our body.
5. What is a balance diet.
Ans. A diet that contains adequate amount of all the nutrients of
food required for the healthy functioning of our body is called a
balanced diet.
6. Why is exercise necessary?
Ans. Exercise is very necessary to keep our body fit.
i. It should be done regularly to get maximum benefits.
ii. It uses up stored fat.
iii. Extra movements keep the joints healthy.
iv. Exercise improves the blood circulation.

Class 4 computer
D. Answer the Following questions:-
Q1. Give an example of data and information.
Ans. Suppose we want to book a train ticket . The details that we
provide on the site like date of travel, station of arrival and departure
etc . are termed as Data. When we submit these details to the
computer and it checks with railway site and returns back all the details
is termed as information.

Q2. What do you mean by the terms bit, byte and nibble?
Ans. Bit- Bit is the smallest measuring unit of storage in computers
Byte - Combination of 8 bits is known as byte.
Nibble - Combination of 4 bits is known as nibble

Q3. List any 2 differences between ROM and RAM

1 . It stores basic 1. It stores the working data of the
Instructions to start the user.
2. It stores data permanently 2. It stores data temporarily

Q4. Hard disk is called secondary storage device because… .. . ..?

Ans. Hard disk is called secondary storage device because it is located
inside the system unit and it stores data permanently.

Q5. Briefly describe the following terms:

Ans. Data : Data are simple facts. Data in a computer is represented as
a combination of 1 and 0 of electronic pulse in a circuit.
Information : Information is a meaningful, processed form of data.
Information make sense.
Backup : Backup means a copy of all the data and contents of a
computer. In case of system crash, data can be recovered from the
USB : USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. A lot of devices can be
connected with the computer via USB such as printers, smart phones

D. Answer the Following questions:-

Q1. What is GUI?
Ans. An operating system manages and controls different parts of the
computer system. It provides an interface between the computer and
the user. This interface is usually graphical and called Graphical User
Q2. List the 3 parts of Taskbar
Ans. Three parts of taskbar are-
 Start Button
 Middle section(shows program and files we have opened)
 System tray( shows date, time, and other notifications)
Q3. What is pinning and unpinning program? How will you unpin a
Ans. We can add the shortcuts of our favourite programs to the
taskbar. This is called pinning. Unpinning is to remove the programs
from the taskbar after pinning it.
To remove a program from the taskbar, just right click on the desired
program and select Unpin from Taskbar.
Q4. What do you mean by Windows Theme?
Ans. Windows Theme refers to the settings of graphical looks of
windows interface(desktop background, windows colour, screensaver
etc.) and sounds on your computer.

C. Answer the Following questions:-

Q1. What is text formatting?
Ans. Formatting text refers to changing the text appearance. We can
change the alignment, style, font, size and font colour according to our
Q2. What is the use of Spell Check tool?
Ans. Using the spell check tool, all the spellings and grammatical
mistakes that may have occurred while typing, can be rectified and
Q3. Write down various text cases in MS Word.
Ans. Various text cases are-
 Sentence case(It converts first letter of first word to capital)
 Lower case ( it converts all letters into the lower case)
 UPPER case ( It converts all the letters into upper case)
 Capitalize Each word ( It converts first letter of each word into
upper case)
 tOOGLE cASE (It reverses the cases of all letters of a sentence)
Q4. What are the shortcuts keys for going to the:
 Beginning of the line - Home key
 End of document – Ctrl+ End
 Previous Page – Ctrl + Page Up
 End of line – End

Q5. Write the steps to replace word sedulous with its synonym
 Select the word(sedulous) from the document.
 On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click on Thesaurus
button. The thesaurus pane appears to the right of the document.
It displays a list of synonyms for the selected word.
 Select suitable word(meticulous), click on drop-down button and
select Insert option. The existing word (sedulous) will be replaced
with the new word(meticulous).
C. Answer the Following questions—
Q1. When do we use Numbering of items?
Ans. Numbering are used to show a sequence of items or steps.
Q2. What is justified text alignment?
Ans. When we justify text, space is added between words so that
both the edges of each line are aligned with both margins. The last
line in the paragraph is aligned left.
Q3. When do we use Bullets for listing items?
Ans. Sometimes list of items are seen with points or symbol beside it.
These points or symbols are called bullets. Bullets are used when
there is no particular sequence of text to be followed.
Q4. What is Soft copy and Hard copy?
Ans. A document saved on computer is called a Soft Copy and it’s
printed copy is called Hard Copy.

C5 ch6
E. Short answer type questions.
1. What is the tight band used to stop bleeding called?
Ans. The tight band used to stop bleeding is called tourniquet.
2. How are cold compresses useful in sprains?
Ans. In sprains, the injured area swells up and become painful. Cold
compresses reduces swelling and therefore is very useful in sprains.
3. Which organs are affected by snake bite?
Ans. Heart and the nervous system are affected by snake bite.
4. What is looped round the neck to support an injured arm?
Ans. Sling is looped round the neck to support an injured arm.
5 Why are traffic lights used for?
Ans Traffic lights play a very important role allowing everyone to follow
traffic rules while we are driving a vehicle. To avoid accidents, we must
use traffic lights.
6 What should be the qualities of a first aid worker?
Ans. The person who gives first aid should maintain:
 Calm patient behaviour
 Clear thinking
 Common sense.
F Long answer type questions
1 What first aid would you provide in case of snake bite?
Ans. A tight bandage should be tied between the wound and the heart
to slow the spread of the poison by reducing the flow of blood.
2. What first aid would you provide in case of a fracture or a sprain?
Ans. In case of a hand fracture, we make a sling using a cloth. This will
provide support to the arm and prevent movement. In case of a sprain,
we apply cold compresses to reduce swelling.
3. State three safety rules to be followed on the roads.
And. Safety rules to be followed on the road :
i. We should always use a zebra crossing to cross the road.
ii. We should never play on the road.
iii. We should always follow traffic rules while we are on the road.
4. State three safety rules to be followed at home.
Ans. Safety rules to be followed at home :
i. We should not play near stairs.
ii. We should not play with pointed objects.
iii. We should not touch electric gadgets with wet hands.
5 What is aloe vera used for?
Ans. Aloe-vera gel is believed to heal wounds and burns, minor skin
infections, sebaceous cysts, diabetes and elevated blood lipids in
6 ‘A lot of accidents can be avoided’. Explain the statement.
Ans. A lot of accidents can be avoided by following safety rules. While
we are on road, we should follow the following safety rules :
 We should never play on the road.
 We should always use a zebra crossing while crossing a road.
 We should always follow traffic rules.
While we are at home, we should never play with pointed objects, we
should never play near stairs, we should not touch electric gadgets
with wet hands, etc.

C4 ch 6
E. Short answer type questions.
1. How are clothes useful to us?
Ans. Clothes are useful to us in many ways. They protect us from heat,
cold, rain, dust, and insect bites.
2. What are natural fibres?
Ans. Fibres which we get from plants and animals are called natural
3. What are synthetic fibres?
Ans. Fibres which are produced by chemical processes in factories are
called synthetic fibres or man-made fibres.
4. Name some plant fibres.
Ans. Cotton, linen, jute and coir are plant fibres.
5 Name some animal fibres.
Ans. Wool and silk are animal fibres.

F. Long answer type questions.

1. How are natural fibres different from synthetic fibres? Give some
Ans. Natural fibres are different from synthetic fibres in many ways.
Natural fibres are the fibres which we get from plants and animals
while synthetic fibres are the fibres which can be produced from
different chemicals in factories. Natural fibres such as cotton, jute, silk,
are eco-friendly while synthetic fibres such as nylon, rayon, terylene
are harmful for the environment.
2. How should we take care of our clothes?
Ans. Clothes can be taken care of by following methods :
 Clothes should be washed properly.
 Clothes must be ironed before being used. The hot iron also kills
the germs.
 We should use good quality detergent and soap to wash our
3. How should we store our clothes?
Ans. We should store our clothes properly.
 Silk and woollen clothes should be dry-cleaned before being
 Clothes should be packed with moth balls or dried neem leaves.
 Packing clothes with neem leaves keep insects away.
4. Define fleece. Give two examples.
Ans. The thick coat of hair on the skin of animals is called fleece. The
fleece is cut off or sheared. It has fibres. Woollen fibres are made into
woollen threads which are woven into woollen cloth.
This woollen cloth is used to make warm clothes like coats, blankets,
jackets, etc.
5 Name two products made from synthetic fibres.
Ans. School bags and rain coats are made from synthetic fibres.

C4 ch 7
E. Short answer type questions
1. Define matter.
Ans. Anything which occupies some space and has mass is known as
2. What are molecules?
Ans. The smallest particles which make up matter and can exist
independently are known as molecules.
3. Why do solids have a definite shape?
Ans. Since in a solid, the molecules are closely packed, they cannot
change their shape and size easily. Hence, solids have a definite shape.
4. Define a solute.
Ans. A substance which can dissolve in a liquid is called a solute.
5 Define a solvent.
Ans. A liquid in which a solute can dissolve is called solvent.
F. Long answer type questions
1. Does the volume of a liquid change if a solid gets dissolved in it? If
no, why?
Ans. No, the volume of a liquid does not change if a solid gets dissolved
in it. Suppose we put sugar in water, it’s molecules spread through
water. Sugar molecules does not take up extra space, in fact they
occupy the empty space between the molecules of water.
2. Write any three properties of liquids.
Ans. Properties of liquids :
 The molecules in a liquid are loosely packed and can move about.
 Liquids have a definite volume.
 A liquid takes the shape of the container
3. Write any three properties of gases.
Ans. properties of gases :
 Molecules in a gas are placed far apart from each other.
 It takes the shape of any container in which it is filled.
 A gas has no shape or size of its own.
4. What do you understand by solubility?
Ans. The ability of a liquid to dissolve other substances in it, is known
as its solubility. When we put some sugar in water, its molecules
spread through the water. They occupy the empty space between the
molecules of water.
5.What is known as the Universal solvent and why?
Ans. Water is known as the Universal solvent, because it can dissolve a
wide variety of substances.

G. Give reasons for each of the following:

1. Generally, we cannot press a solid.
Ans. The molecules of solid are closely packed. They do not have space
between them, and hence, they cannot move. Therefore, we cannot
press a solid.
2. A solid has a fixed shape and size.
Ans. Solids has a fixed shape and size as the molecules of solid are
closely packed and hence they cannot move.
3. We need a container to store a liquid.
Ans. Since liquids do not have a definite shape. They take the shape of
the container in which it is stored. Hence, We need a container to store
a liquid.
4. A gas flows more easily than a liquid.
Ans. The molecules in a gas are placed far apart from each other. There
is a lot of space between them. Hence it flows more easily than a
5.By freezing, liquid changes into solid state.
Ans. Since, the molecules move closer during freezing, liquids changes
into solid.

C5 ch7
D Short answer type question :
1. What are simple machines?
Ans. Simple machines are the tools which make our work easy by
applying force.
2. Which class of lever is a nut cracker?
Ans. A nut cracker is an example of second class lever as the load is in
between the fulcrum and the effort.
3. What is the position of an effort in a third class lever?
Ans. In a third class lever, the effort is in between the fulcrum and the
4. Give an example of a pulley.
Ans. A flagpole is the best example of pulley. The flagpole consists of a
small pulley fixed at one of its end upon which the rope moves which
makes easier to move the flag up and down.
5. What is an inclined plane?
Ans. An inclined plane is a sloping surface which is used to move
something from one level to another. It’s one end is higher than the
6. What is a screw?
Ans. A screw is actually a curved slope or inclined plane which is
wrapped around a cylinder or a cone. It is used to hold things together
F. Long answer type question.
1. What do you understand by load, fulcrum and effort?
Ans. Levers were the first simple machine used by human beings. A
lever has three parts namely load, fulcrum and effort.
 Load : It is the weight on which force is applied.
 Fulcrum : The point on which a lever turns or is supported is
known as fulcrum.
 Effort : The push or pull that moves the lever or the force applied
is known as effort.

2. How is a first class lever different from a second and a third class
Ans. In the first class lever, fulcrum is in the centre which make the
machine to work easily and faster. Whereas in the second and third
class lever, fulcrum is fixed at the end of the lever which is uncommon.
3. What is a wedge? On which principle does it work?
Ans. The wedge has two inclined or sloping surfaces joined together.
When this wedge is pushed up into a gap, the load is forced on its
sloping sides. It works on the principle of an inclined plane.
4. How is an inclined plane useful?
Ans. An inclined plane is a sloping surface used to move something
from one level to another. It’s one end is higher than the other.
A gradual slope makes it easier to push things up, while a steep slope
makes it easier to move things down.
5. What is a pulley? How does it helps in lifting weights?
Ans. A pulley is a simple machine used to lift heavy loads. In a pulley,
an effort can be applied in one direction and a load can be moved in
another direction. Using a pulley, less force is needed to lift the
6. What is called a gear?
Ans. A wheel with teeth is called gear. Teeth are made to fit together.
When one gear turns, it turns another gear also.
H. Give reasons for each of the following:
1. Simple machines make our work easier.
Ans. Simple machines are tools on which we apply force and they make
our work easier.
2. Screw and wedge are special types of inclined planes.
Since an inclined plane is a sloping surface, a screw is also a curved
slope which is wrapped around a cylinder or a cone. Hence, it works on
the principle of inclined plane. Similarly, the wedge has two inclined or
sloping surfaces joined together.
3. The pulley changes the direction of the force.
Ans. In a pulley, an effort can be applied in one direction and a load can
be moved in another direction. Therefore, the pulley changes the
direction of the force.
4. Bottle opener is an example of second class lever.
Ans. In a second class lever, the load is in between the fulcrum and the
effort. Similarly, in a bottle opener we apply effort from one side and
the load is in between the fulcrum and effort.
5. Fishing rod is not example of first class lever.
Ans. In a first class lever, the fulcrum is in between the load and effort.
Whereas in fishing rod, the effort is applied in between hence effort is
in between the fulcrum and the load, which is an example of third class
lever. Hence, fishing rod is not example of first class lever.

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