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Database Design:

1) Can be described different parts of the design of overall DB system

2) It can be thought of conceptual/ logical design of db structure used to store data
3) DB designer need to interact with business and users to get the requirements which leads to
specification document
4) As designer chose the data model , converts into schema of database. Schema developed in
conceptual design phase provides enterrise overview.
5) This schema design will be reviewed and confirmed and should maintain with our ay conflicts
6) Generally DB dsing consists of
a. Determining relationship between different data
b. Determining conceptual structure ont eh data bases of the relationships
7) E-R diagram : DB designs with E-R diagrams o understand better with the relations and efficient
8) Attributes in ER diagrams are modeled as oval shape and linked to entity or relationship that
contains attributes
9) Fully developed conceptual schema indicates functional requirements like updating, searching,
retrieving , deleting.
10) The process of moving abstract model to DB have 2 phases
- Logical phase – Implemeting the conceptual schema on DB system
- Physical Phase – features of DB which included storage sturcuters, file organization

Data storage and Querying:

Functional components o DB system are Storage Manager and Query processing

Storage manager is an interface between application and data ( low level) which triggers based on
queries and rsponsle for interaction with file mnager. It translated DML statements in low level
commnds and responsile for reteirving , storing, updateing DB

Query processing components are DDlL interpreter , DDL compiler,

o Normalization is the process of organizing the data in the database.

o Normalization is used to minimize the redundancy from a relation or set of

relations. It is also used to eliminate the undesirable characteristics like
Insertion, Update and Deletion Anomalies.

o Normalization divides the larger table into the smaller table and links them using

o The normal form is used to reduce redundancy from the database table.

Types of Normal Forms

There are the four types of normal forms:

Normal Description

1NF A relation is in 1NF if it contains an atomic value.

2NF A relation will be in 2NF if it is in 1NF and all non-key attributes are
fully functional dependent on the primary key.

3NF A relation will be in 3NF if it is in 2NF and no transition dependency


4NF A relation will be in 4NF if it is in Boyce Codd normal form and has no
multi-valued dependency.

5NF A relation is in 5NF if it is in 4NF and not contains any join dependency
and joining should be lossless.

First Normal Form (1NF)

Each column is unique in 1NF.

Sample Employee table, it displays employees are working with multiple departments.
Employe Age Department

Melvin 32 Marketing, Sales

Edward 45 Quality Assurance

Alex 36 Human Resource

Employee table following 1NF:

Employe Age Department

Melvin 32 Marketing

Melvin 32 Sales

Edward 45 Quality Assurance

Alex 36 Human Resource

Second Normal Form (2NF)
The entity should be considered already in 1NF, and all attributes within the entity
should depend solely on the unique identifier of the entity.

Sample Products table:

productID product Brand

1 Monitor Apple

2 Monitor Samsung

3 Scanner HP

4 Head phone JBL

Product table following 2NF:

Products Category table:
productID product

1 Monitor

2 Scanner

3 Head phone

Brand table:
brandID brand

1 Apple

2 Samsung

3 HP


Products Brand table:

pbID productID brandID

1 1 1
2 1 2

3 2 3

4 3 4

Third Normal Form (3NF)

The entity should be considered already in 2NF, and no column entry should be
dependent on any other entry (value) other than the key for the table.
If such an entity exists, move it outside into a new table.
3NF is achieved, considered as the database is normalized.

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

3NF and all tables in the database should be only one primary key.
Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
Tables cannot have multi-valued dependencies on a Primary Key.

Fifth Normal Form (5NF)

A composite key shouldn't have any cyclic dependencies.
Well, this is a highly simplified explanation for Database Normalization. One can study
this process extensively, though. After working with databases for some time, you'll
automatically create Normalized databases, as it's logical and practical.

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