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Etiology, Predisposing, Precipitating Factors

M.A.J.M, the person with concern is 51 years old and is diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer last year
2021. The etiology of the cancer is believed to be from a mutation in the genes BRCA1 and BRAC2.
Precipitating factors includes age, genetics, and unhealthy lifestyle wherein she expressed that she likes
to eat fatty foods before. The predisposing factors that could have contributed was being post-

C. Signs and Symptoms: Consistent with Physical Assessment, Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination,

Course in the Ward

During the interview M.A.J.M mentioned that one of the most prominent manifestations of the cancer
was pain both in her back and abdomen. She rated the pain in her back with a score of six (6) out of ten
(10) while the score given for the pain in her abdomen is eight (8) out of ten (10). Some of the other
signs and symptoms that she continuous to experience are weight loss from 57 kg to 43 kg after
chemotherapy and surgery, skin problems specifically, dry skin, and vomiting which affects her appetite.

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