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Nama : Novi Rizky Ramadhani

Nim : 200710006
Kelas : A1 Pendidikan Matematika

Daily Routine
I always set the alarm at 5.00 am for the morning prayer after that I
cook, after cooking I take a shower to get ready to go to campus After
taking a shower I have breakfast and at 7.30 am I go to campus on foot
when I arrive at campus at 8 am and learning starts at 1.00 pm.
After college is over I go home to my boarding house around 1.15
pm zuhur prayer after prayer I have lunch at 2.00 I take a nap and I wake
up around 4.00 pm and at that time I take a shower and pray Asr.
At 6.20 pm I pray maghrib after maghrib prayer I take a short rest
at 8.00 pm I pray insha and after that I have dinner at around 8.30 pm I
study and prepare books for tomorrow's lectures after studying I play
games and at 10.00 pm nights I sleep.

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