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Smoking is Banned at Public Places

As we know , smoking is a common thing in our society . This habit has been handed
down from generation to generation . However , there are still lot public places that banned to
smoke, such as bus stop , restaurant , department store , and so on. Here some reasons why we
can not smoke at public place .
The first reason , smoking is diseases depository . There are lot of researches declare that
smoking is really not recommended . Why ? Because on one piece of cigarette , contains three
toxic ingredients , such as carbon monoxide (CO) , nicotine , and tar . Carbon monoxide (CO) is
produces from incomplete combustion of carbon compounds . Carbon monoxide is formed when
there is a lack of oxygen in the combustion process and its really dangerous if we consume this
substance . Nicotine is a potential nerve poison and its used as a raw material for various type of
insecticides . On small scale , nicotine is just a addiction substance . But , in big scale , nicotine
can be very dangerous poison . and Tar is formed from a combustion process that converts
several gaseous chemicals into solid . This three poison ingredients will damage your lungs and
your other organs working function if you consume it on big scale .
The second reason , there a lot of people do not like cigarette smoke . Some people feel
uncomfortable if the smoke is inhaled . And it is a good idea if smokers not smoking in public
places . That shows that we respect others .
The third reason , if cigarettes butt are not thrown in their place , that will bring out a
wildfire . If that happens , it will makes people feel not safely even will makes some people sick
or pass away .
In conclusion , Smoking in public places has to be banned because it is harmful to our
health and makes lots of problem . So , if you a smoker , show that you respect others . Do not
makes people feel uncomfortable . If you still want to smoke , please smoke it in right place .

Vilva Kapilani, AM1

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