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1- Abuelos =Grandparents

2- Abuelo =Grandfather

3- Abuela = Grandmother

4- Nietos = Grandchildren

5- Nieto = Grandson

6- Nieta = Granddaughter

7- Tío = Uncle

8 – Tío abuelo = great uncle

9 – Tía abuela = great aunt

10- Tía = Aunt

11- Primo/a = Cousin

12- Sobrino = Nephew

13- Sobrina = Niece

14- Yerno = Son-in-law

15- Nuera = Daughter-in-law

16- Cuñado = Brother-in-law

17- Cuñada = Sister-in-law

18 – Suegros = In-laws

19- Padrino = Godfather

20- Madrina = Godmother

21- Ahijado/a = Godchild

22- Parientes = Relatives

23- Emparentados = Related

24- Tía abuela = Great aunt

25 – Bisabuelo = Great-grandfather

26 – Hermano = Brother/Sibling

27 – Hermana = Sister/Sibling
28 – Hermanos “solo hombres” = Brothers

29 – Hermanas = “solo mujeres” = Sisters

30 – Hermanos “en general” = Siblings


I have 10 siblings.

I have 5 brothers and five sisters.

He’s my sibling. / He’s my brother.

She’s my sister. / She’s my sibling.

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