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Product and Operations Analyst

1. Soaps are sodium salts of fatty acids, typically formed by mixing Triglycerides with Sodium
Hydroxide + Water. The resulting mixture is basic (PH>7) in nature
a. One person, indicated that the resulting soap can be turned neutral by using Soda instead of
b. Another person, suggested using citric acid in conjunction to turn the soap neutral
Which of the above two statements is true or false and why? If you had to make the soap as
neutral, what would you do.

2. Design a 150 gms talcum powder sprinkling container made using only sustainable materials such
as card board. Key information is as below
a. Need to be simple to use for the end user
b. The user should be able to understand the open and close positions
c. Should not use any plastic parts etc
d. Should have minimal cost

Think of how easy/simple would it be to make the parts, and join them together

3. Find vendors of 150 gm cardboard tube containers in India. Speak to them and obtain quotation of
150 gms containers. Obtain the specs of that.

4. Design an effective space/setup/device/multi-devices that can help make 500 lip butters in an
a. To make lip butters we require hot liquid to be rapidly cooled and set inside small
containers. (You can refer to any basic lip balm making video to see how it’s done).
b. Lip butters require to be left for an hour of chilling at about 5-7degC before they are set.
During this time, they should be left uncovered and undisturbed else the butter will form
cracks while it cools.
c. Each lip butter container is of diameter 6cm.
d. Each container is to be atleast 2cm away from its adjoining container so that pouring of hot
liquid can happen effectively.

5. An SOP (Statement of Purpose) describing why you’d like to join NATHABIT and how you think
you’d be able to add value to the organization.

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