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Dubuque Chessmates Test Document

The Dubuque Chessmates program will be tested in the following ways:


⦁ Main Menu

⦁ The main menu appears upon opening the program.

⦁ The main menu includes buttons for “Local Play”, “Online”, “Computer”,

and a cog icon for settings.

⦁ Clicking Local Play opens up the local play game.

⦁ Clicking Online and Computer plays a click sound but does not


⦁ Clicking the cog icon plays a click sound and opens the settings


⦁ Hovering over any of the buttons will highlight it.

⦁ Settings

⦁ The settings menu appears when the cog icon in the main menu is clicked


⦁ The settings menu includes three options for pieces and boards.

⦁ When an option is clicked on, the click sound plays and the option

is highlighted.

⦁ The settings menu has two buttons for music and two buttons to play or

stop the music.

⦁ When an option is clicked on, the click sound plays and the option

is highlighted.

⦁ When the music is on, music will play.

⦁ If “Jazzy” is selected, it will play jazz music.

⦁ If “Classy” is selected, it will play classical music.

⦁ When the music is off, the music will stop.

⦁ Local Play

⦁ The local play menu opens when “local play” is clicked on in the main


⦁ The local play menu displays all chess pieces and an 8x8 board

⦁ The local play menu displays the piece and board selection

specified by the settings.

⦁ Win/Stalemate Screen

⦁ The win/stalemate screen appears after a checkmate or stalemate with the

correct corresponding color.

⦁ The win/stalemate screen has four buttons: “Play Again”, “Main Menu”,

“Exit”, and a button for looking back at the board.

⦁ When the mouse is hovering over a button, the button is


⦁ When Play Again is clicked on, the click sound plays and the board

is reset.

⦁ When Main Menu is clicked on, the click sound plays the window

closes and opens up the main menu.

⦁ When Exit is clicked on, the click sound plays and the program


⦁ When the back arrow is clicked on, the click sound plays, and the

board is shown, with an arrow in the top right to return to the

win/stalemate screen.

Possible Workflows and Expected Results:

⦁ The mouse is hovering over a main menu button

⦁ The button will be highlighted

⦁ A button in the main menu is clicked on

⦁ A click sound will be played

⦁ The “Local Play” button in the main menu is clicked on

⦁ Local play opens

⦁ The main menu closes

⦁ The settings cog in the main menu is clicked on

⦁ The main menu closes, the settings menu opens, and a click sound will be


⦁ A button in the settings is clicked on

⦁ The button will be highlighted and the click sound will play

⦁ The button will correspond to the local play board

⦁ The music button is on

⦁ Music will play

⦁ Jazzy is selected

⦁ Jazz music will play

⦁ Classy is selected

⦁ Classical music will play

⦁ The music button is off

⦁ Music will not play

⦁ A piece is clicked on

⦁ Display the available moves of that piece type

⦁ Captures are displayed as green circles

⦁ Moves are displayed as grey dots

⦁ The piece will follow the position of the mouse

⦁ A piece is clicked on, and then released

⦁ A piece is released in the same location

⦁ The piece’s moves will be displayed

⦁ The piece remains in the same location

⦁ Captures are displayed as green circles

⦁ Moves are displayed as grey dots

⦁ A piece is released to a location that its piece type can not move to

⦁ The piece will be brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ A piece is released and it is not their turn

⦁ The piece will be brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ A piece is released to a location that is not on the board

⦁ The piece will be brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ The king is released to a castling square and does not have the right to


⦁ The king is brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ The king is released on a castling square and has castling rights with the

specific rook

⦁ The king moves to the correct square

⦁ The corresponding rook moves to the correct square

⦁ A pawn is released on a valid en passant square but does not have en

passant rights

⦁ The pawn will be brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ A pawn is released on a valid en passant square but does not have en

passant rights

⦁ The pawn that moved up 2 spaces, will be removed from the board

⦁ The pawn will move to the released square position

⦁ A piece is released in a valid location

⦁ A piece is released to a location that is valid but would put its own

king in check

⦁ The piece will be brought back to the same location

⦁ An error sound will play

⦁ A piece is released to a valid location that occupied by an enemy


⦁ The enemy piece will be moved off of the board

⦁ The piece will be moved to the location

⦁ The capture sound effect will play

⦁ A piece is released to a valid location that is not occupied by an

enemy piece

⦁ The piece will be moved to the location

⦁ The move sound effect will play

⦁ The square that the piece moved from will be highlighted as

well as the square that the piece moved to

⦁ A pawn reaches the end of the board

⦁ A promotion menu opens, with four choices: rook, bishop, knight, and


⦁ When the mouse hovers over a choice, the choice is highlighted

⦁ When the mouse clicks on a choice, the pawn is transformed into

that piece

⦁ The piece is able to move as the transformed piece

⦁ The piece has the same texture as the transformed piece

⦁ The promotion sound effect plays

⦁ If the pawn captured a piece while promoting

⦁ The square that the piece moved from will be highlighted as well

as the square that the piece moved to

⦁ The enemy piece will be moved off of the board

⦁ If the pawn did not capture a piece

⦁ The square that the piece moved from will be highlighted as well

as the square that the piece moved to

⦁ If the promotion causes checkmate

⦁ See “a piece is moved that puts the opponent’s king in checkmate”

⦁ If the promotion causes a stalemate

⦁ See “A player can not make a valid move on their turn”

⦁ A piece is moved that puts the opponent’s king in checkmate

⦁ The win sound effect plays

⦁ The corresponding color that won, displays the correct win screen

⦁ The win sound effect plays

⦁ When the mouse hovers over one of the options on the win screen, it is


⦁ When play again is clicked on, it resets the board

⦁ When the main menu is clicked on, it closes the local play window and

opens the main menu

⦁ When the exit button is clicked on, it exits the program

⦁ When the back arrow is clicked on, it displays the board

⦁ A player can not make a valid move on their turn

⦁ The stalemate screen appears

⦁ The win sound effect plays

⦁ When the mouse hovers over one of the options on the stalemate screen, it

is highlighted

⦁ When play again is clicked on, it resets the board

⦁ When the main menu is clicked on, it closes the local play window and

opens the main menu

⦁ When the exit button is clicked on, it exits the program

⦁ When the back arrow is clicked on, it displays the board

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