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Technology is very important aspect of human condition as it provides cloths, shelters, foods,
transportations etc. Technological determinism is the theory that technology is an
autonomous force that changes society and it is also the key force to our society. This provides
explanations for many changes that can be observed in society, and it has a very simple
cause/effect form. However, this theory is false, if you think you have an instance, it means
you are looking at just one part of a much more complex situation, and ignoring the complex
social network that supports the technology.

However, technology is a major and really the main cause of social change as a lot of changes
in the society is largely caused by technology but within human control, The computer and
email technology has reduced the period it takes to transmit messages between two parties or
more as emails sent electronically can be received immediately, hereby saving lots of man
hours, and consequently even reducing human and vehicular traflic as people don't need to
sometimes travel to send and receive documents.

The computerization of the banking is not necessarily to reduce wage bills and increase profit
as new technologies and this computerization brings new employment opportunities for a lot
of IT professionals who will manage this technology. The new innovation in banking is to
guarantee efficiency and productivity the same applies in the containerization of cargo.

Like earlier specified these technologies were not only technologically determined, it did have
its economic, social, cultural and political reasons. These technologies did give room for
employment as more people gets employed to manage these technologies, the more income
and more revenue for govemment and ultimately growth in economy, thereby causing political
stability which has it cultural advantages as a peaceful society is a viable society.

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