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Lincoln Portfolio: Final Reflection

This unit covered addition and subtraction of big numbers, including the
principles that help understand how to solve the multi-digit problems. The principles
include place value, properties of operation, and different strategies to solve a problem.
The assessment design was essential for the teaching to work and help students
succeed. I learned how if we have assessment designed well, we will receive the right
data to be able to plan and design our lessons as well. I realized how assessment data
can help us correct so much of our planning. The planning of the lessons is what helped
students also be engaged and motivated. Without a well planned lesson, there will be a
lot of mistakes and arrangements that will need to be done. Even with a well planned
lesson there will be unexpected events that will require of us to make changes in the
moment, but with a good assessment and planned lesson, we will have better chances
to know how to take those opportunities as learning moments and turn them to good
teaching experiences for the students and ourselves.
I learned a lot about instruction. I learned a lot about how to address different
problems. I had trouble knowing how to balance being "too nice" and being firm. And I
think that just having a good preparation and confidence will always lead to having a
better attitude while teaching, which will allow to listen more to what the students are
needing and their strengths. I learned to use the students strengths to address their
areas of need. That is very helpful for them and it empowers them a lot. I saw how they
improved a lot after they were able to see how they can help and teach. Some of them
ended up saying how they wanted to teach as well. It is always a good learning
experience when they have the opportunity to teach, and it helped me as a teacher to
know what they know and how they like to be taught.
I learned when are moments when I need more patience, but also that those
moments can be turned into very positive experiences if addressed correctly. I learned
to love my students, and I learned that it is hard to see students fail. It is also very
powerful to see them try again and see how they light up was they see that they
understand things. I understood that there is a balance to everything and that I need to
learn more about how to reach that balance.
It was a great experience. There a lot of things I need to learn, but this
experience helped me see better what I need to learn more about. It is important to see
the mistakes and the good things that happened. I learned how I can do hard things,
even when everything seems to go wrong. The biggest thing that I saw is that
everything in my life seems a lot better when I am surrounded by other people as I
teach. Teaching for me is learning. There is never a day that I teach where I don't learn
from those that are there. I learned a lot about being a teacher and assessing, and I
realized how much relies on me and my integrity. It is a lot to think about to make sure
students succeed, but it is always worth it. I was reminded of why I chose this major
with this class, and I was reminded of my purpose on earth as well. This semester was
not hard because of this class, but having trials in my life throughout this year made me
learn a lot and remember that nothing is about me, but about those that I will meet. I
need to learn as much as I can and keep learning everyday form experiences, school
and those around me to be able to help my future students to succeed. This semester
felt as the start as a bigger learning experience, and I am excited to see what else I will

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