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I think the word sustainability is a challenging one because it means different things to different people

and everybody interprets it differently. To me, environmental sustainability is about making decisions and
ways of operating business models that don't negatively impact the environment and also are not finite.
So not creating a place or a product that is very temporary, but something that can last a long time or
regenerate or close loops in certain ways. I realize that sounds quite vague, but if we take some
examples so single use plastics has been in the news a lot, and I think it's a good example of something
that's not sustainable because it can only be used once. It has a negative impact on the environment in
multiple ways. So the materials that go into creating that is an oilbased product. It's a product that can
only be used once and then goes into the rubbish. It doesn't degrade. And if it's not disposed of properly,
it can end up in the oceans and can end up choking the sweet sea turtle that we see on the news. So that
as a product is not sustainable because it's hitting all of those different areas in terms of what's going into
it, what happens at the end of its life.
But it doesn't only have to be about products. If you think about a business, when you as a business
person are developing your business model, you want something that's going to continue over a long
period of time, something that sustains itself and brings revenue and doesn't die off or have an end date
in a year, two years or five years. You're thinking long term, that is sustainability in a business model,
that's the thinking. But when it comes to sustainability, it's not just in a silo. So it's not sustainability of
business sustainability of a product, sustainability affects everything. It's a way of being a way of thinking
and it's a way of ensured success because it's something that is going to last over a long period of time
and is not creating the negative externalities that could limit its lifetime.

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