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Course: BSHM-1 BLOCK 7

Objective: Reflect on the current situation of our communities and come up with a realistic plan. 

Task: Taking into consideration Lessons 1 and 2 of Study Guide No. 2, compose an essay on
how do you think you and the government could improve on contributing meaningfully and
participating fully to ensure livability of communities.

Community Engagement is a keystone for effective public health practice. It represents the
methods of ethical communication that are in building capabilities among individuals in the
society, in a way to encourage participation and association in political debate. community
commitment can also incorporate trust, communication, and association. Therefore, a successful
community engagement leads to activities and strategies that depict the desire, the requirements,
and the resources that are reasonable to the entire community.

Alongside the community engagement being involved traditional risk reduction activities; it also
plays a vital role in improving the health care of the society at large.

Community engagement tries to harmonize the community regardless of the status in the society,
and it does this by bringing people to the table both the community members and the elites. They
both put down their differences and focus on one issue, and therefore such an engagement will
help in nurturing their participation in all the aspects of decision-making process.

Such participation is said to be “constructive citizen participation”, an orderly process that enable
all people in the community to share their ideas towards a common goal. In the process of
generating a favorable environment, strengths and values of the community provide a platform
for independence Community engagement is important because it is primarily, part of a dialogue
where organisations and communities can make decisions to create social capital.

Compelling stories of the importance of community engagement range from creating or indeed
preventing change in local policies and service provisions that not only enrich everyday lives and
liveability of communities, but help shape and envision a community’s future, bringing with it
not only wider societal change but global impacts.

through knowledge. In addition, the members of the society are respected with equality.

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