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Some questions for main exam:-

1) Quick Sort,Merge Sort -best,worst,and average cases examples with steps of calculating time complexities

2) General method or control abstraction of Divide-and-Conquer/Greedy/Dynamic Programming/back tracking/branch and


3) TSP in Dynamic Programming/Branch and Bound/checking TSP is NPC or NPH

4) Knapsack problem in Dynamic Programming/Greedy/Branch and Bound

5) Bi connected Components and articulation point,DFS and BFS with time complexities

6) Comparison trees/transitive closure/Lower bounds through Reductions

7) Asymptotic notations/Show that or Prove that type of problems for asymptotic notations

8) Kruskal’s/Dijikstra’s/Prim’s/Strassen’s Matri Multiplication(a algorithms with example

9) Job Scheduling with deadlines/n-queen’s problem/Sum of Subsets/Graph Coloring/Hamiltonian path/OBST/Cook’s Theorem/


Note:- if it is 10 marks, compulsory write algorithms with time complexities

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