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properties of a poly

"label" // Global Mapper show this on poly

"textpath" (1st priority, for SVG system)
"textrotation" (2nd priority. unit is deg, clockwise, X-axis = 0.0, same webpage
SVG angle)
"radius" (Point + radius (property) = Circle)
"imagelink" (overlay image, "LineString" type + this => overlay entity)

"visible" (not exported)

//"labelpositions" ("0.2◊M 1,1 1,2 1,3♦0.8◊M 2,1 2,2 2,3" : list of

sta/length◊text_path of labels of road)

"properties": {
"label": "",
"labelformat": {"color": "red", fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '14px'}
"title": "this is title",
"icon": "_",
"layer": "0",
"infoWindowHtml": "<b>This is infoWindowHtml</b><p>This is description
of the Point</p>"
// draggable: true,
// raiseOnDrag: true,
// labelContent: "A",
// labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(3, 30),
// labelClass: "labels", // the CSS class for the label
// labelInBackground: false

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