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Satellite controlled Radio Clock

2009-06-24 Meinberg Radio Clocks GmbH & Co. KG

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Table of Contents
1 Impressum 2 Content of the USB stick 3 General information 4 Block Diagram GPS170PCI 5 GPS170PCI features SFI ime zone nd dylight sving SFP esynhronous seril ports F F F SFQ ime pture inputs F F F F F F SFR ulse nd frequeny outputs F SFS hgpUU imultion F F F F F F F

1 2 3 4 5 S S T T U 8

6 Connectors and LEDs in the rear slot cover 7 Installing the radio clock UFI gon(guring the W pin onnetor F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F UFP snstlling the qIUHi in your omputer F F F F F F F F F F F F F F UFQ wounting the q entenn F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F UFQFI ixmpleX F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F UFQFP entenn hortEgiruit essemly with surge voltge protetion UFR owering up the system F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 8 Firmware updates 9 Skilled/Service-Personnel only: Replacing the Lithium Battery 10 Time codes IHFI he time ode genertor F F F F F F F F IHFP ssq tndrd pormt F F F F F F F F F F IHFQ epxy tndrd pormt F F F F F F F F IHFR essignment of gp egment in siiiIQRR IHFS qenerted ime godes F F F F F F F F F IHFT eletion of time ode F F F F F F F F F F
F F F F F F F F F gode F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F


11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI IIFI essignment of the S pin ontt strip F F F F IIFP ehnil pei(tions q entenn F F F F IIFQ pormt of the weinerg tndrd ime tring IIFR pormt of the weinerg gpture tring F F F IIFS pormt of the e ime tring F F F F F F F F IIFT pormt of the xwie HIVQ tring @wgA F F IIFU pormt of the ni irlngen tring @xA F F IIFV pormt of the eff e ime tring F F F F F 12 CE-Label

Date: 2009-06-24


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1 Impressum
Meinberg Radio Clocks GmbH & Co. KG
honeX C RW @HA SP VI G WQ HW E H pxX C RW @HA SP VI G WQ HW E QH snternetX httpXGGwwwFmeinergFde wilX infodmeinergFde hteX PHHWEHTEPR vnge nd WD QIVIP fd yrmont E qermny


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2 Content of the USB stick

2 Content of the USB stick

he inluded f stik ontins driver progrm tht keeps the omputers system time synhronous to the reeived ssqEtimeF sf the delivered stik doesn9t inlude driver progrm for the operting system usedD it n e downloded fromX httpXGGwwwFmeinergFdeGgermnGswG

yn the f stik there is (le lled 4redmeFtxt4D whih helps instlling the driver orretlyF

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3 General information
he stellite loks mde y weinerg hve een designed to provide extremely preise time to their usersF he loks hve een developed for pplitions where onventionl rdio loks nt meet the growing requirements in preisionF righ preision ville PR hours dy round the whole world is the min feture of the new system whih reeives its informtion from the stellites of the qlol ositioning ystemF he qlol ositioning ystem @qA is stelliteEsed rdioEpositioningD nvigtionD nd timeEtrnsfer sysE temF st ws instlled y the nited ttes heprtment of hefense nd provides two levels of uryX he tndrd ositioning ervie @A nd the reise ositioning ervie @AF hile is enrypted nd only ville for uthorized @militryA usersD hs een mde ville to the generl puliF q is sed on urtely mesuring the propgtion time of signls trnsmitted from stellites to the users reeiverF e nominl onstelltion of PR stellites together with some tive spres in six oritl plnes PHDHHH km over ground provides minimum of four stellites to e in view PR hours dy t every point of the gloeF pour stellites need to e reeived simultneously if oth reeiver position @xD yD zA nd reeiver lok o'set from q system time must e omputedF ell the stellites re monitored y ontrol sttions whih determine the ext orit prmeters s well s the lok o'set of the stellites onEord tomi loksF hese prmeters re uploded to the stellites nd eome prt of nvigtion messge whih is retrnsmitted y the stellites in order to pss tht informtion to the users reeiverF he high preision orit prmeters of stellite re lled ephemeris prmeters wheres redued preision suset of the ephemeris prmeters is lled stellites lmnF hile ephemeris prmeters must e evluted to ompute the reeivers position nd lok o'setD lmn prmeters re used to hek whih stellites re in view from given reeiver position t given timeF ih stellite trnsmits its own set of ephemeris prmeters nd lmn prmeters of ll existing stellitesF


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4 Block Diagram GPS170PCI

4 Block Diagram GPS170PCI

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5 GPS170PCI features
he stellite ontrolled lok qIUHgs is plugEin ord designed for omputers with QFQ or S gs us running with lok frequenies of QQwrz or TTwrzF he rer slot over intergrtes the ntenn onnetorD the modulted timeodeD two sttus vihsD nd W pin uEh mle onnetorF he ntennGonverter unit is onneted to the reeiver y SH oxil le with length up to QHHm @when using qSV leAF ower is supplied to the unit hg insulted ross the ntenn leF yptionllyD n over voltge protetion nd n ntenn distriutor re villeF he ntenn distriutor n e used to operte up to R weinerg q reeivers using single ntennGonverter unitF he nvigtion messge oming in from the stellites is deoded y stellite lok9s miroproessor in order to trk the q system time with n ury of etter thn PSHnseF gompenstion of the p signls propE gtion dely is done y utomti determintion of the reeivers position on the gloeF e orretion vlue omputed from the stellites nvigtion messges inreses the ury of the ords temperture ompenE sted mster osilltor @gyA to CE S@IH 9 A nd utomtilly ompenstes the gys gingF he lst reent vlue is restored from the nonvoltile memory t powerEupF yptionllyD the lok is lso ville with higher preision time seF wonitoring softwre shipped with the ord n e use to hek the loik9s sttus nd on(gure some opE ertionl prmeters

5.1 Time zone and daylight saving

q system time di'ers from the universl time sle @gA y the numer of lep seonds whih hve een inserted into the g time sle fter q hs een initited in IWVHF he urrent numer of lep seonds is prt of the nvigtion messge supplied y the stellitesD so the stellite loks internl rel time is sed on gF gonversion to lol time inluding hndling of dylight sving yer y yer n e done y the reeivers miroproessorF por qermnyD the lol time zone is g C QTHH se for stndrd time nd g C UPHH se if dylight sving is in e'etF he lok9s miroproessor determines the times for strt nd end of dylight sving time y simple lgoE rithm eF gF for qermnyX

Start of DST is on the rst Sunday after March, 25th, at 2 o'clock standard time. End of DST is on the rst Sunday after October, 25th, at 3 o'clock daylight time.
he monitoring softwre shipped with the ord n e used to on(gure the time zone nd dylight svings prmeters esilyF withing to dylight sving time is inhiited if for oth strt nd end of dylight sving the prmeters re extly the smeF he timeode @ssqD epxyD siiiA generted y qIUHi is ville with these settings or with g s refereneF his n e set y the monitor progrmF

5.2 Asynchronous serial ports

wo synhronous seril interfes @PQPA lled gywH nd gywI re ville to the userF ynly gywH is ville t the rer pnel slot overD gywI must use nother suminEh onnetor whih n optionlly e onE neted to the S pin jumper lok on the ordF he monitoring progrm n e used to on(gure the outputsF sn the defult mode of opertionD the seril outputs re disled until the reeiver hs synhronized fter powerEupF roweverD they n e on(gured to e enled immeditely fter powerEupF


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5 GPS170PCI features

rnsmission speedD frming nd mode of opertion n e on(gured individully for eh portF foth of the ports n e on(gured to trnsmit either time strings @one per seondD one per minuteD or on request with egss c onlyAD or to trnsmit pture strings @utomtilly when villeD or on requestAF he formt of the output strings is egssD see the tehnil spei(tions t the end of this doument for detilsF

5.3 Time capture inputs

he ord provides two time pture inputs lled ser gpture H nd I @geH nd geIA whih n e mpped to pins t the W pin onnetor t the rer pnelF hese inputs n e used to mesure synhronous time eventsF e flling v slope t one of these inputs lets the miroproessor sve the urrent rel time in its pture u'erF prom the u'erD n egss string per pture event n e trnsmitted vi gywI or displyed using the monitoring progrmF he pture u'er n hold more thn SHH eventsD so either urst of events with intervls down to less thn IFS mse n e reorded or ontinuous strem of events t lower rte depending on the trnsmission speed of gywI n e mesuredF he formt of the output string is desried in the tehnil spei(tions t the end of this doumentF sf the pture u'er is full messge 4BB pture u'er full4 is trnsmittedD if the intervl etween two ptures is too short the wrning 4BB pture overrun4 is eing sent vi gywIF

5.4 Pulse and frequency outputs

he pulse genertor of the stellite ontrolled lok qIUH ontins three independent hnnels @yHD yID yPAF hese v outputs n e mpped to pins t the WEpin onnetor t the rer slot over y using hsv swithF he pulse genertor is le to provide multitude of di'erent pulsesD whih re on(gured with the moniE tor progrmF he tive stte of eh hnnel is invertileD the pulse durtion settle etween IH mse nd IH se in steps of IH mseF sn the defult mode of opertion the pulse outputs re disled until the reeiver hs synhroE nized fter powerEupF roweverD the system n e on(gured to enle those outputs immeditely fter powerEupF he following modes n e on(gured for eh hnnel independentlyX

Timer mode: Cyclic mode:

hree onE nd o'Etimes per dy per hnnel progrmmle qenertion of periodilly repeted pulsesF e yle time of two seonds would generte pulse t HXHHXHHD HXHHXHPD HXHHXHR etF he orresponding output simultes the hgpUU time telegrmF he time mrks re representing the lol time s on(gured y the userF e single pulse of progrmmle length is generted one dy t progrmmle point of time

DCF77-Simulation mode: Single Shot Mode: Per Sec. Per Min. Per Hr. modes: Status:

ulses eh seondD minute or hour yne of three sttus messges n e emittedX position yu9X he output is swithed on if the reeiver ws le to ompute its position time syn9X he output is swithed on if the internl timing is synhronous to the qEsystem ll syn9X vogil exh of the ove sttus messgesF he output is tive if position is lulted exh the timing is synhronized he output is intive


he defult on(gurtion for the pulse outputs isX """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" PPO0: ulse eh seond @AD tive rsqrD pulse durtion PHH mse

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5.5 DCF77 Emulation

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ulse eh minute @wAD tive rsqrD pulse durtion PHH mse hgpUU imultion


e v level mster frequeny of IH wrz is derived from the gyF fy defultD this frequeny is ville only t the S pin ontt strip of the ordF

5.5 DCF77 Emulation

he qIUHgs stellite ontrolled lok genertes v level time mrks @tive rsqrA whih re omptile with the time mrks spred y the qermn long wve trnsmitter hgpUUF his long wve trnsmitter instlled in win)ingen ner prnkfurtGqermny trnsmits the referene time of the pederl epuli of qermnyX time of dyD dte of month nd dy of week in fgh oded seond pulsesF yne every minute the omplete time informtion is trnsmittedF roweverD qIUHgs genertes time mrks representing its lol time s on(gured y the userD inluding nnounement of hnges in dylight sving nd nnounement of lep seondsF he oding sheme is given elowX

ime mrks strt t the eginning of new seondF sf inry 4H4 is to e trnsmittedD the length of the orresponding time mrk is IHH mseD if inry 4I4 is trnsmittedD the time mrk hs length of PHH mseF he informtion on the urrent dte nd time s well s some prity nd sttus its n e deoded from the time mrks of the ISth up to the SVth seond every minuteF he sene of ny time mrk t the SWth seond of minute signls tht new minute will egin with the next time mrkF he hgp emultion output is enled immeditely fter powerEupF


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6 Connectors and LEDs in the rear slot cover

6 Connectors and LEDs in the rear slot cover

he oxil ntenn onnetorD two sttus vihs nd W pin su h onnetor n e found in the rer slot overF @see (gureAF he upperD green vih @vyguA is turned on when fter powerEup the reeiver hs quired t lest four stellites nd hs omputed its positionF sn norml opertion the reeiver position is updted ontinuously s long s t lest four stellites n e reeivedF he lowerD red vih @pesvA is turned on fter powerEup until the reeiver hs synhronized or if severe error ours during opertionF he W pin su h onnetor is wired to the qIUHi9s seril port gywHF in ssignment n e seen from the (gure esideF his port n not e used s seril port for the omputerF snstedD it n e uses to send out weinerg9s stndrd time string to n externl devieF

A DIL switch on the board can be used to wire some TTL inputs or outputs (0..5V) to some connector pins. In this case, absolute care must be taken if another device is connected to the port, because voltage levels of -12V through +12V (as commonly used with RS-232 po rts) at TTL inputs or outputs may damage the radio clock.

fehind the little hole in the slot over there is push utton @fvA whih is needed if the lok9s (rmwre shll e updtedF ee the hpter out (rmwre updtes for detilsF

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7 Installing the radio clock

ivery gs ord is plug8ply ordF efter powerEupD the omputer9s fsy ssigns resoures like sGy ports nd interrupt lines to the ordD the user does not need to tke re of the ssignmentsF he progrms shipped with the ord retrieve the settings from the fsyF

7.1 Conguring the 9 pin connector

fy defult only the signls needed for the seril port gywH re mpped to the pins of the onnetorF henever one of the dditionl signls shll e usedD the signl must e mpped to pin y putting the pproprite lever of the hsv swith in the yx positionF he tle elow shows the pin ssignments for the onnetor nd the hsv swith lever ssigned to eh of the signlsF gre must e tken when mpping signl to in ID in R or in U of the onnetorD euse one of two di'erent signls n e mpped to these insF ynly one swith my e put in the yx position in this seX

Pin 1: hsv I or hsv V yx Pin 4: hsv S or hsv IH yx Pin 7: hsv Q or hsv U yx

hose signls whih do not hve lever of the hsv swith ssigned re lwys ville t the onnetorX

D-SUB-Pin Signal

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""! I gg out CS I I yH @A out PQP V P xh in PQP E Q xh out PQP E R yI @wA out v S R IHwrz out v IH S qxh E E T geH in v P U geI in v Q U ssq hg out v into SH U V yH @A out v R W yP @hgpA out v W

Signal level


7.2 Installing the GPS170PEX in your computer

he omputer hs to e turned o' nd its se must e openedF he rdio lok n e instlled in ny gs ixpress slot not used yetF he rer plne must e removed efore the ord n e plugged in refullyF he omputers se should e losed gin nd the ntenn n e onneted to the oxil plug t the lok9s rer slot overF efter the omputer hs een restrtedD the monitor softwre n e run in order to hek the lok9s on(gurtionFhe omputers se should e losed gin nd the ntenn must e onneted to the pproprite onnetorF


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7 Installing the radio clock

7.3 Mounting the GPS Antenna

he q stellites re not sttionryD ut irle round the gloe with period of out IP hoursF hey n only e reeived if no uilding is in the lineEofEsight from the ntenn to the stelliteD so the ntennGdownonverter unit must e instlled in lotion tht hs s ler view of the sky s possileF he est reeption is hieved when the ntenn hs free view of V ngulr elevtion ove the horizonF sf this is not possileD the ntenn should e instlled with the lerest free view to the equtorD euse the stellite orits re loted etween ltitudes SS xorth nd SS outhF sf this is not possileD you my experiene di0ulty reeiving the four stellites neessry to omplete the reeiver9s position solutionF he unit n e mounted using pole with dimeter up to TH mmF e stndrd oxil le with SH impedne @eFgF qSVgA should e used to onnet the ntennGonverter unit to the reeiverF gle thinner thn qSV should e voided due to its higher hg resistne nd p ttenutionF hen using the optionl ntenn diplexer the totl length of one ntenn line etween ntennD diplexer nd reeiver must not e longer thn QHH mF sf le with less ttenution is used its length my e inresed ordingly @eFgF UHH m with qPIQAF p to four qIUH reeivers n e run with one ntennGdownonverter unit y using n optionl ntenn splitterF he totl length of one ntenn line etween ntennD splitter nd reeiver must not e longer thn the mxF length shown in the tle oveF he position of the splitter in the ntenn line does not mtterF righ voltge protetors must e instlled diretly fter rehing the indoorsF he optionl delivered proteE tion kit is not for outdoor usgeF

7.3.1 Example:
Type of cable diameter [mm] Attenuation at 100MHz [dB]/100m max lenght. [m]

RG58/CU RG213

5mm 10.5mm

17 7

300 (1) 700 (1)

@IAhis spei(tions re mde for ntennGonverter units produed fter tnuryD PHHS he vlues re typilly onesY the ext ones re to (nd out from the dt sheet of the used le


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7.3 Mounting the GPS Antenna

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7.3.2 Antenna Short-Circuit Assembly with surge voltage protection

yptionl surge voltge protetor for oxil lines is villeF he shield hs to e onneted to erth s short s possile y using the inluded mounting rketF tndrd you onnet the ntenn onverter diretly with the ntenn le to the systemF


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7 Installing the radio clock

7.4 Powering up the system

efter the ord hs een mounted nd the ntenn hs een onnetedD the system is redy to operteF eout IH seonds fter powerEup the reeivers gy opertes with the required uryF sf the reeiver (nds vlid lmn nd ephemeris dt in its ttery u'ered memory nd the reeivers position hs not hnged signifE intly sine its lst opertion the reeiver n (nd out whih stellites re in view nowF ynly single stellite needs to e reeived to synhronize nd generte output pulsesD so synhroniztion n e hieved t lest one minute fter powerEupF efter PH minutes of opertion the gy hs hieved its (nl ury nd the generted frequenies re within the spei(ed tolernesF sf the reeiver position hs hnged y some hundred kilometers sine lst opertionD the stellites rel eleE vtion nd hoppler might not mth those vlues expeted y the reeiver thus foring the reeiver to strt snning for stellitesF his mode is lled rm foot euse the reeiver n otin sh numers of existing stellites from the vlid lmnF hen the reeiver hs found four stellites in view it n updte its new position nd swith to norml opertionF sf the lmn hs een lost euse the ttery hd een disonneted the reeiver hs to sn for stellite nd red in the urrent lmnsF his mode is lled gold footF st tkes IP minutes until the new lmn is omplete nd the system swithes to rm foot mode snning for other stellitesF sn the defult mode of opertionD neither pulse outputs nor the seril ports will e enled fter powerEup until synhroniztion hs een hievedF roweverD it is possile to on(gure some or ll of those outputs to e enled immeditely fter powerEupF sf the system strts up in new environment @eF gF reeiver position hs hnged or new power supplyA it n tke some minutes until the gys output frequeny hs een djustedF p to tht time ury of frequeny drops to IHEV reduing the ury of pulses to CEPsF


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8 Firmware updates
henever the onEord softwre must e upgrded or modi(edD the new (rmwre n e downloded to the internl )sh memory vi the rdio lok9s seril port gywHF here is no need to open the omputer se nd insert new iywF sf the utton ehind hole in the rer slot over is pressed for pproximtely P seondsD ootstrp loder is tivted nd wits for instrutions from the seril port gywHF e loder progrm shipped together with the (le ontining the imge of the new (rmwre sends the new (rmwre from one of the omputer9s seril ports to the lok9s seril port gywHF he ootstrp loder does not depend on the ontents of the )sh memoryD so if the updte proedure is interruptedD it n esily e repetedF he ontents of the progrm memory will not e modi(ed until the loder progrm hs sent the ommnd to erse the )sh memoryF o if the utton hs een pressed identllyD the system will e redy to operte gin fter the omputer hs een turned o' nd then on ginF


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9 Skilled/Service-Personnel only: Replacing the Lithium Battery

9 Skilled/Service-Personnel only: Replacing the Lithium Battery

he life time of the lithium ttery on the ord is t lest IH yersF sf the need rises to reple the tteryD the following should e notedX


here is hnger of explosion if the lithium ttery is repled inorretlyF ynly identil tteries or tterE ies reommended y the mnufturer must e used for replementF

The waste battery has to be disposed as proposed by the manufacturer of the battery.


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10 Time codes

he trnsmission of oded timing signls egn to tke on widespred importne in the erly IWSHsF ispeilly the missile nd spe progrms were the fores ehind the development of these time odesD whih were used for the orreltion of dtF he de(nition of time ode formts ws ompletely ritrry nd left to the individul ides of eh design engineerF rundreds of di'erent time odes were formedD some of whih were stndrdized y the snter nge snstrumenttion qroup @ssqA in the erly THsF ixept these ssq ime godes other formtsD like xeeQTD Q or PIQUD re still in useF he ord qIUHi however genertes the ssqEfD epxy xp VUE SHH ode s well s siiiIQRR ode whih is n ssqEfIPQ oded extended y informtion for time zoneD lep seond nd dteF sf desired other formts re villeF

10.1 The time code generator

he ord qIUHi genertes modulted nd unEmodulted timeodesF wodulted signls re trnsmitting the informtion y vrying the mplitude of sine wve rrierD unEmodulted timeodes re trnsmitted y pulse durtion modultion of hgEsignl @v in se of qIUHiAD see hpter ssq stndrd formt for detilsF he sine wve rrier needed for modulted signls is generted in digitl wy y progrmmle logi devie on the ordF he frequeny of this signl is derived from the min osilltor of qIUHiD whih is disiplined y the qEsystemF his leds to sine wve rrier with high uryF rnsmission of dte is synhronized y the @pulse per seondA derived from the qEsystemF he modulted time ode hs n mplitude of Qpp @weuA nd Ipp @egiA into SH yF he numer of weuEmplitudes within ten periods of the rrier de(nes the odingX A inry H X P weuEmplitudesD V egiEmplitudes A inry I X S weuEmplitudesD S egiEmplitudes A positionEidenti(er X V weuEmplitudesD P egiEmplitudes he hgEsignl hs the following pulse durtions ordinglyX A inry H X P mse A inry I X S mse A positionEidenti(er X V mse


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10 Time codes

10.2 IRIG Standard Format


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10.3 AFNOR Standard Format

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10.3 AFNOR Standard Format


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10 Time codes

10.4 Assignment of CF Segment in IEEE1344 Code

Bit No. Designation Description

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Position Identier P5 Year BCD encoded 1 Year BCD encoded 2 Year BCD encoded 4 Year BCD encoded 8 empty, always zero Year BCD encoded 10 Year BCD encoded 20 Year BCD encoded 40 Year BCD encoded 80 Position Identier P6 LSP - Leap Second Pending LS - Leap Second DSP - Daylight Saving Pending DST - Daylight Saving Time Timezone Oset Sign TZ Oset binary encoded 1 TZ Oset binary encoded 2 TZ Oset binary encoded 4 TZ Oset binary encoded 8 Position Identier P7 TZ Oset 0.5 hour TFOM Time gure of merit TFOM Time gure of merit TFOM Time gure of merit TFOM Time gure of merit PARITY

low nibble of BCD encoded year

high nibble of BCD encoded year

set up to 59s before LS insertion 0 = add leap second, 1 = delete leap second 1.) set up to 59s before daylight saving changeover set during daylight saving time sign of TZ oset 0 = '+', 1 = '-' Oset from IRIG time to UTC time. Encoded IRIG time plus TZ Oset equals UTC at all times!

set if additional half hour oset time gure of merit represents approximated clock error. 0x00 = clock locked, 0x0F = clock failed parity on all preceding bits incl. IRIG-B time

IFA urrent (rmwre does not support lep deletion of lep seonds PFA pyw is leredD when lok is synhronized (rst fter power upF see hpter eletion of generted timeode


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10.5 Generated Time Codes

Page 19

10.5 Generated Time Codes

fesides the mplitude modulted sine wve signlD the ord lso provides unmodulted hgEvevel hift v output in prllelF hus six time odes re villeF A fHHPX IHH ppsD hgv signlD no rrier fgh timeEofEyer A A dA eA fIPPX fHHQX fIPQX epxyX IHH ppsD ew sine wve signlD I krz rrier frequeny fgh timeEofEyer IHH ppsD hgv signlD no rrier fgh timeEofEyerD f timeEofEdy IHH ppsD ew sine wve signlD I krz rrier frequeny fgh timeEofEyerD f timeEofEdy gode ording to xpEVUSHHD IHH ppsD wve signlD Ikrz rrier frequenyD fgh timeEofEyerD omplete dteD f timeEofEdyD ignl level ording to xpEVUSHH gode ording to siiiIQRREIWWSD IHH ppsD ew sine wve signlD Ikrz rrier frequenyD fgh timeEofEyerD f timeEofEdyD siiiIQRR extensions for dteD timezoneD dylight sving nd lep seond in ontrol funtions @gpA segmentF @lso see tle 9essignment of gp segment in siiiIQRR mode9A



10.6 Selection of time code

he seletion of timeode is done y the monitor softwreF he unEmodulted time ode n e delivered s n tiveEhigh @defultA or tivelow signl y setting jumper on the ord qIUHi into the pproprite positionX


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Page 20

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

igisiX exixxeX exixxe sxX ix hnnel gGe ode reeiver with externl ntennGonverter unit entennGonverter unit with remote power supply refer to hpter 4ehnil spei(tions of ntenn4 entenn iruit dEinsultedY dieletri strengthX IHHH vength of leX refer to hpter 4wounting the entenn

swi y xgryxsE xsesyxX one minute with known reeiver position nd vlid lmn IP minutes if invlid ttery u'ered memory vi yX three progrmmle outputsD v level hefult settingsX tive only if syn yHX hnge of seond @A pulse durtion PHH mse vlid on rising edge yIX hnge of minute @wA pulse durtion PHH mse vlid on rising edge yPX hgpUU simultion etter thn CEPSH nse fter synhroniztion nd PH minutes of opertion etter thn CEP se during the (rst PH minutes of opertion triggered on flling v slope sntervl of eventsX IFSmse minF esolutionX IHHns IH wrz @v levelA

eggeg yp viX

swi gei sxX

piixg yX iw f sxipegiX

universl ord for QFQ nd S systems QP itD QQwrz or TTwrz gs us omptile to gs nd gsE spei(tions finryD yte seril P synhronous seril ports @EPQPA fud teX QHH up to IWPHH prmingX UxPD UiID UiPD VxID VxPD ViI defult settingX gywHX gywIX IWPHHD VxI weinerg tndrd time stringD per seond WTHHD VxI

hee pyweX isev yX


Date: 2009-06-24


Page 21
gpture stringD utomtilly ssqEyX nlned modulted sine wve signlX Qpp @weuAD Ipp @egiA into SH y hgvEsignlX v into SH yD tiveEhigh or ElowD seleted y jumper optionlly optil output@insted of modulted sine wveAX optil powerX typF IS optil onnetorX Eonnetor for qs SHGIPSm or qs TPDSGIPSm grdient (er yi isiwixX CS CES7D dPSHme CIP CES7D dIWHme EIP CES7D dIHme delivered y gs us rsgev hswixsyxX p gyxxigyX ewfsix iwieiX rwshsX stndrd height expnsion ord femle oxil fxgEonnetors for ntenn nd modulted time ode H FFF SH g VS7 mxF


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Page 22
eggeg yp piixg exh vi yX

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

Oscillator Opon
short term stability ( = 1 sec) accuracy of PPS (pulse per second) phase noise

TCXO (standard)
2 * 10 -9 < +/- 250 nsec 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz -60 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz -120 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz

OCXO LQ (opon)
1 * 10 -9 < +/- 250 nsec 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz -60 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz -120 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz

accuracy free run, one day accuracy free run, one year accuracy GPS-synchronous averaged 24 h accuracy of me free run, one day accuracy of me free run, one year temperature dependant dri, free run

+/- 1 * 10 -7 +/- 1 Hz (Note 1) +/- 1 * 10 -6 +/- 10 Hz (Note 1) +/- 1 * 10 -11 +/- 8,6 msec +/- 32 sec +/- 1 * 10 -6 (-20...70C)

+/- 2 * 10 -8 +/- 0,2 Hz (Note 1) +/- 4 * 10 -7 +/- 4 Hz (Note 1) +/- 1 * 10 -11 +/- 1,8 msec +/- 13 sec +/- 2 * 10 -7 (0...60C)

Note 1: The accuracy in Hertz is based on the standard frequency of 10 MHz. For example: Accuracy of TCXO (free run one day) is +/- 1 * 10 E-7 * 10 MHz = +/- 1 Hz The given values for the accuracy of frequency and me (not short term accuracy) are only valid for a constant ambient temperature ! A minimum me of 24h of GPS-synchronicity is required before free run starts.

11.1 Assignment of the 5 pin contact strip

he ontt strip n e used to ess the IH wrz frequeny output nd the seril port gywIF in S is loted ner the ord9s us onnetorX


"""""""""""" I IH wrz out P qxh Q xhI in R xhI out S qxh



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11.2 Technical Specications GPS Antenna

Page 23

11.2 Technical Specications GPS Antenna

exixxeX fexhsrX gyxiiX dieletril pth ntennD reeive frequenyX W wrz lol osilltor to onverter frequenyX (rst sp frequenyX IP FFF IVD d IHHme @provided vi ntenn leA ox type xD femle ERH FFF CTS g ef plsti se for outdoor instlltion @sTTA IH wrz QSFR wrz PS x PS mm ISUSFRP wrz

yi isiwixX gyxxigyX ewfsix iwieiX rysxqX

Physical Dimension:


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Page 24

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

11.3 Format of the Meinberg Standard Time String

he weinerg tndrd ime tring is sequene of QP egss hrters strting with the @strtEofEtextA hrter nd ending with the i @endEofEtextA hrterF he formt isX

<STX>;T:w;;uvxy <ETX>
he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers wheres the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX `b ddFmmFyy trtEyfEextD egss gode HPh sending with one it oury t the urrent dteX dd dy of month mm month yy yer of the entury @HHFFWWA the dy of the week the urrent timeX hh hours mm minutes ss seonds hnge of seond @HIFFQIA @HIFFIPA

w hhFmmFss

@IFFUD I a wondyA @HHFFPQA @HHFFSWA @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA


lok sttus hrters @depending on lok typeAX uX 59 qX lok is running free @without ext synhrFA pX time frme not synhronized hgpUUX lok hs not synhronized fter reset @speD PHhA qX lok is synhronous @se ury is rehedA pX time frme is synhronized hgpUUX lok hs synhronized fter reset qX reeiver pGhgpUUX @speD PHhA qX reeiver pGhgpUUX g wi 9 hs not heked its position lok urrently runs on ev hs determined its position lok is synronized with trnsmitter niversl ime goordintedD formerly qw iuropen tndrd imeD dylight sving disled wi iuropen ummertimeD dylight sving enled



time zone inditorX 9

nounement of disontinuity of timeD enled during lst hour efore disontinuity omes in e'etX 39 nnounement of strt or end of dylight sving time e9 nnounement of lep seond insertion @speD PHhA nothing nnouned `ib indEyfEextD egss gode HQh


Date: 2009-06-24


11.4 Format of the Meinberg Capture String

Page 25

11.4 Format of the Meinberg Capture String

he weinerg gpture tring is sequene of QI egss hrters terminted y gGvp @grrige eturnGvine peedA omintionF he formt isX <CR><LF>
he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers wheres the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX x H or I orresponding on the numer of the pture input egss spe PHh @HIFFQIA @HIFFIPA @HHFFWWA

ddFmmFyy the pture dteX dd dy of month mm month yy yer of the entury

hhXmmXssF'''f the pture timeX hh hours @HHFFPQA mm minutes @HHFFSWA ss seonds @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA '''f frtions of seondD U digits `gb `vpb grrige eturnD egss gode Hhh vine peedD egss gode Heh


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Page 26

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

11.5 Format of the SAT Time String

he e ime tring is sequene of PW egss hrters strting with the @strtEofEtextA hrter nd ending with the i @endEofEtextA hrterF he formt isX

he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers wheres the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX `b ddFmmFyy trtEyfEextD egss gode HPh sending with one it oury t hnge of seond the urrent dteX dd dy of month @HIFFQIA mm month @HIFFIPA yy yer of the entury @HHFFWWA w the dy of the week @IFFUD I a wondyA the urrent timeX hh hours mm minutes ss seonds @HHFFPQA @HHFFSWA @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA



time zone inditorX g niversl ime goordintedD formerly qw wi iuropen tndrd imeD dylight sving disled wi9 iuropen ummertimeD dylight sving enled lok sttus hrtersX 59 lok hs not synhronized fter reset @speD PHhA lok hs synhronized fter reset nounement of disontinuity of timeD enled during lst hour efore disontinuity omes in e'etX 39 nnounement of strt or end of dylight sving time @speD PHhA nothing nnouned grrige eturnD egss gode Hhh vine peedD egss gode Heh indEyfEextD egss gode HQh

`gb `vpb `ib


Date: 2009-06-24


11.6 Format of the NMEA 0183 String (RMC)

Page 27

11.6 Format of the NMEA 0183 String (RMC)

he xwie tring is sequene of TS egss hrters strting with the 6qwg9 hrter nd ending with the hrters g @rrige returnA nd vp @lineEfeedAF he formt isX

$GPRMC,,A,,n,lllll.ll,e,0.0,0.0,ddmmyy,0.0,a*hh <CR><LF>
he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers or letters where s the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX 6 hhmmssFss trt hrterD egss gode PRh sending with one it oury t hnge of seond the urrent timeX hh hours mm minutes ss seonds ss frtions of seonds ttus @HHFFPQA @HHFFSWA @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA @IGIH Y IGIHHA

e F n

@e a time dt vlidA @ a time dt not vlidA

ltitude of reeiver position in degrees leding signs re repled y spe hrter @PHhA ltitudeD the following hrters re possileX x9 north of equtor 9 south dF equtor longitude of reeiver position in degrees leding signs re repled y spe hrter @PHhA longitudeD the following hrters re possileX i9 est of qreenwih 9 west of qreenwih the urrent dteX dd dy of month mm month yy yer of the entury mgneti vrition heksum @iy over ll hrters exept 69 nd B9A grrige eturnD egss gode Hhh vine peedD egss gode Heh @HIFFQIA @HIFFIPA @HHFFWWA

lllllFll e


hh `gb `vpb


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Page 28

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

11.7 Format of the Uni Erlangen String (NTP)

he time string ni irlngen @xA of q lok is sequene of TT egss hrters strting with the @strtEofEtextA hrter nd ending with the i @endEofEtextA hrterF he formt isX

<STX>; w; hh:mm:ss; voo:oo; acdfg i;bbb.bbbbn lll.lllle hhhhm <ETX>

he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers wheres the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX `b ddFmmFyy trtEyfEextD egss gode HPh sending with one it oury t hnge of seond the urrent dteX dd dy of month mm month yy yer of the entury w the dy of the week the urrent timeX hh hours mm minutes ss seonds @HIFFQIA @HIFFIPA @HHFFWWA @IFFUD I a wondyA @HHFFPQA @HHFFSWA @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA


v ooXoo

sign of the o'set of lol timezone relted to g o'set of lol timezone relted to g in hours nd minutes lok sttus hrtersX X 59 lok hs not synhronized fter reset @speD PHhA lok hs synhronized fter reset X B9 q reeiver hs not heked its position @speD PHhA q reeiver hs determined its position iuropen ummertimeD dylight sving enled iuropen tndrd imeD dylight sving disled

time zone inditorX 9 wi wi

nounement of disontinuity of timeD enled during lst hour efore disontinuity omes in e'etX 39 nnounement of strt or end of dylight sving time @speD PHhA nothing nnouned nounement of disontinuity of timeD enled during lst hour efore disontinuity omes in e'etX e9 nnounement of lep seond insertion @speD PHhA nothing nnouned lep seond insertion v9 lep seond is tully inserted @tive only in THth seFA @speD PHhA no lep seond is inserted ltitude of reeiver position in degrees leding signs re repled y spe hrter @PHhA ltitudeD the following hrters re possileX

F n


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11.7 Format of the Uni Erlangen String (NTP)

x9 9 lllFllll e north of equtor south dF equtor

Page 29

longitude of reeiver position in degrees leding signs re repled y spe hrter @PHhA longitudeD the following hrters re possileX i9 est of qreenwih 9 west of qreenwih ltitude ove qVR ellipsoid in meters leding signs re repled y spe hrter @PHhA indEyfEextD egss gode HQh

hhhh `ib


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Page 30

11 Technical Specications GPS170PCI

11.8 Format of the ABB SPA Time String

he eff e ime tring is sequene of QP egss hrters strting with the hrters ">900WD" nd ending with the <CR> @grrige eturnA hrterF he formt isX

>;ss.f:cc <CR>
he letters printed in itlis re repled y egss numers wheres the other hrters re prt of the time stringF he groups of hrters s de(ned elowX yyEmmEtt the urrent dteX yy yer of the entury mm month dd dy of month pe @egss ode PHhA @HHFFPQA @HHFFSWA @HHFFSWD or TH while lep seondA @HHHFFWWWA @HHFFWWA @HIFFIPA @HIFFQIA

hhFmmYssF'f the urrent timeX hh hours mm minutes ss seonds 'f milliseonds `gb

ghek sumF igvsiEy result of the previous hrtersD displyed s ri yte @P egss hrters HFFW or eFFpA grrige eturnD egss gode Hhh


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Page 31

12 CE-Label

vowEoltge guideline iletromgneti omptiility

EN 60950-1

fety of snformtion ehnology iquipmentD inluding iletril fusiness iquipment


iletromgneti omptiility @iwgAF qeneri emission stndrdF rt IX esidentilD ommeril nd light industry


iletromgneti omptiility @iwgAF qeneri immunity stndrdF rt PX sndustril environment


Date: 2009-06-24


Declaration of Conformity


Meinberg Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG Lange Wand 9 D-31812 Bad Pyrmont

erklrt in alleiniger Verantwortung, da das Produkt

declares under its sole responsibility, that the product

Product Name

Satellitenfunkuhr GPS170PCI

Modell / Typ
Model Designation

auf das sich diese Erklrung bezieht, mit den folgenden Normen bereinstimmt
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards

EN55022:1998, Class B
(+A1:2000 +A2:2003)

Grenzwerte und Meverfahren fr Funkstrungen von informationstechnischen Einrichtungen

Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of information technology equipment

(+A1:2001 +A2:2003)

Grenzwerte und Meverfahren fr Strfestigkeit von informationstechnischen Einrichtungen

Limits and methods of measurement of Immunity characteristics of information technology equipment

gem den Richtlinien 2004/108/EG (Elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit), 2006/95/EG (Niederspannungsrichtlinie) und 93/68/EWG (CE Kennzeichnung) sowie deren Ergnzungen.
following the provisions of the directives 2004/108/EC (electromagnetic compatibility), 2006/95/EC (low voltage directive) and 93/68/EEC (CE marking) and its amendments.

Bad Pyrmont, den 08.07.2009

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