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Slow prelude
Both arms from down to up with floreos.
Right hand inner circle from up to down.
Left hand from third to second position (inner circle) and turn left.
8 arm undulation with taxeem
8 arm undulation with taxeem and turn
Main theme first
2 chest circles
Medusa 2 (“winds of desire” – mirror and bindi movement)
Torso rotation
“heart unwatered” - loco camel
‘welcoming you..”- barrel turn
“sing for me” - Corkscrew turn
“Deep desires” – camel walk
“Sleep untold” – torso rotation
“Whispers” – taxeem with floreo
“the desert” – circle step
“I hold your eastern promise…” – Reverse turn
“close to my heart” – floreo at heart (from reverse turn)
“welcoming…” – body wave
Fast Intro
Maya and arms undulations
Sarah turn
Two normal Egyptians, head right in the end (cue)
Triple Egyptian (with twist in the end)
Resham Ka to the front
Reach and sit
Reach and sit circle
Wet dog return
Wrap around turn

4 taxeem with floreo (left hand) “feeding the flame” circle step

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