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Nama : Muhammad Hapi

NIM : 043017413

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode mata kuliah : ADBI4201

The GDP number can always indicate whether a country is prosperous or not.Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

Answer :

What is GDP? GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced a country in a certain period
of time. The economic development experienced by a country should be measured using a certain
system. With good measurement, the country can use the data generated from the measurement as
a basis for making policy. One of the most popular measuring tools in describing a country's
economic development is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or in English referred to as Gross
Domestic Product (GDP). It can also be said that GDP is the sum of the production of goods and
services produced by a country in a certain period of time (generally a year). Its function is, as
mentioned earlier, as a measuring tool for the economic development of a country.

How to calculate the GDP of a country? Here's the formula for calculating a country's GDP:


GDP = Gross Domestic Product

C = national household consumption

I = Investment

G= country consumption

NX = Export - import

Consumption (C) referred to in the above formula is the consumption of goods and services that
occur within the country concerned. The high value of consumption can indicate that there is a high
desire in society to spend their money.

I do not agree with the statement that GDP can describe the average income of everyone in the
economy of a country in a certain period. In this case, GDP is the best tool in measuring how much
goods and services can be enjoyed by residents of a country. Logically, the higher a person's income,
the higher his standard of living, which means the more prosperous. However, some have
questioned the validity of GDP as a measure of well-being. Among them is the question of whether
"their product of freedom. GDP does not measure children's health, quality of education, or
enjoyment and can provide better health care. GDP does not account for intelligence, integrity,
courage, wisdom, or loyalty to our country, but all this laudable thing is easier to grow when people
are less concerned about their ability to make ends meet. There are also a number of other reasons
why GDP is not a perfect measure of well-being: GDP does not include goods and services produced
and consumed in households. For example, child care in day care centers is a share of GDP, while
childcare itself is not a share of GDP. Volunteer work also contributes to well-being taking this
contribution into account. GDP does not include environmental quality. If companies are going to
produce goods it generates. GDP will increase rapidly but welfare may decrease. The decline in the
quality of society, the elimination of environmental regulations, and services at will without
considering the pollution they cause. GDP will increase rapidly but welfare may decline. The
reduction in water and air quality will far outweigh the gains from large production. One of
Indonesia's characteristics is that the western part of the country has a much larger contribution to
GDP growth. Java (particularly the Greater Jakarta area) and Sumatra, together contribute to
increasing Indonesia's total GDP. The main reason for this situation is that the western part of
Indonesia is located close to Singapore and Malaysia. These three countries in the course of their
history have functioned as centers of economic activity in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, eastern
Indonesia lies on a quieter economic path and has a much smaller population. Meanwhile, most
countries in the world would be jealous of Indonesia's GDP growth rate. The problem is, Indonesia is
still outside the top 100 countries with the highest GDP per capita in the world. However, the GDP
figure is still questionable if it is used to reflect the wealth of the Indonesian people. Effective
government policies are needed to provide more education for Indonesian children and more job
opportunities for Indonesian adults. Finally, we can conclude that GDP is a good measure of well-
being for many purposes, but not for all purposes. The GDP figure is still questionable if it is used to
reflect the wealth of the Indonesian people. Effective government policies are needed to provide
more education for Indonesian children and more job opportunities for Indonesian adults. Finally,
we can conclude that GDP is a good measure of well-being for many purposes, but not for all
purposes. The GDP figure is still questionable if it is used to reflect the wealth of the Indonesian
people. Effective government policies are needed to provide more education for Indonesian children
and more job opportunities for Indonesian adults. Finally, we can conclude that GDP is a good
measure of well-being for many purposes, but not for all purposes.

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