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TO: Orangeville Otters

FROM: Grace

DATE: February 10, 2021

SUBJECT: Practice Time Change

Lately I’ve been noticing that the number of team mates that have been attending practice late
is very high. This is because practice is 30 minutes after school ends so, I think we should
push the practice back 30 minutes so people can have more time.

The reason for this attendance is because a lot of the people in our group take busses wich can
take up to an hour to get home, or for people that have to walk can take a long time as well.
Also just having time in between is important to me because I find I preform best when
I have a small meal before, but with how close the times are the best I can do is throw a granola
bar in my bag wich is not very filling. Lastly it can be very hard to get your parents to drive you
to practice because 3:30 is when most people are still working, or driving home from work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, overall I think this change would really improve
the team, and take some stress of there shoulders by not worrying to get to practice on time.

Thank you for considering this,

Sincerely Grace.

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