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en17e, 10-6 PM Din + ts Laura Jean Wilde Posts: 86 Location: LAKE HURON ‘SOUTHERN SHORE 3 aed Travis Philp gardener start Posts: 965 Location: ZONE Sa Lindsay Ontario Canada " ‘wepsipreniascom/¥12644loos permacultt design-comses ‘he costofpernacuitue design coses (guat whit orth forum at permis) ‘A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher ahog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build 2 wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program 3 computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects, Robert A. Heinlein posted 10 years ago ee ab =D d= While i agree there is a lot of excellent information available. I think that a well structured course could still help to solidify the reams of information In the books and DVDs, Ialso agree that ifthe instructer is recommended by some of the more experienced and recognised members, it could be worth the money. Unfortunately i have spent money on “courses” and "workshops" where I ‘was contributing considerably more than I was learning. not that I mind contributing but the experience of the instructor seems to be minimal and knowledge is book knowledge. ican get that from a book. An experienced instructor could answer very specific question from experience or at least extrapolation from experience, and a well structured course would start with basic book knowledge and then build on it with hands on and or actual examples. I think there is going to be one here this summer taught by someone from BBC but I know little else. the credetials (if true) sound good. http://www facebook, com/Kootenay.Permaculture.Instiute Wilde on Turtle Island Walk Gently on our Mother Earth @ posted 10 years ago }) eos ab GD a= Chris, if you find that person in Ontario, please let me know. hear you Laura Jean, Some of the prices for PDC’s I've seen seem pretty inflated. 'm putting together an intro to permaculture course and holding it at my farm but am consciously keeping the fee low. 'm probably going to charge a sliding scale of $45-865, but I need to do some figuring on how ‘much time I'l be putting into this before I settle on it. am considering ‘some kind of a work exchange as an option. The next cheapest intro course in ontario that I could find was $55 but do you think $45 is too high? If you know of one thats cheaper let me know, I don’t want to undercut the other courses in the area but I also want to keep the cost far. I also offer for people to come learn for free. I know that I have a looong way to go but I feel that I have a lot to offer as an instructor of an intro course.

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