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Best On-Page Strategy 2020

On-page optimization is the process of making adjustments to your

website to improve its rank on search engine results pages. It requires

optimizing both the site content and the HTML code. This requires website

operator or webmaster that will focus on E-A-T for google dominance. With

on page seo your website will have Expertise, Authority, and trustworthy.

It is important as google says:

The purpose of performing keyword research is to find words and phrases

that users are searching for on Google and other major search engines.

These terms are related to the products and services on your site. Now,

more than ever, keywords have an increasing focus on searcher intent.

This figure will show how your website appears on Google search if you have

proper on-page optimization:

Keyword Frequency

Keyword Frequency is just like it sounds: It’s how many times your keyword

appears in your content.

Google may deny that using the same keyword multiple times helps. But

SEO pros with experience will tell you that it definitely works.

Think about it this way:

Imagine that you have a page that Google THINKS is about a specific

keyword. But that keyword only appears once on the page.

Keywords should appear like this:

What will you enjoy the most in on-page seo is that your website will be

backlink friendly. The more searchable it is the more leads the more leads

the more potential buyers.


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