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Nama : Akrom Effendi

NIM : 044343962
Jurusan : Ilmu Hukum

Jawaban tugas 1 . Bahasa Inggris

1. a. Proper Nouns
1. May
2. Mickey Mouse
3. November
4. Walt Disney Company
5. Flowers and Trees
b. Common Nouns
1. years
2. color
3. world
4. mouse
5. cartoon

c. Verbs

1. appearance

2. celebrates

3. release

4. developed

5. evolved

d. Adjectives

1. The first

2. The anthropomorphic

3. with sound

4. Mickey's popularity

5. Mickey Mouse birth

e. Adverbs

1. tremendously

2. popularity

3. simply
4. recognizable

5. angelic

2. Karimun Jawa is a group of islands

3. Antono always prepares his work equipment every night

4. I realized that all mistakes were my responsibility

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