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English Quiz 

: Personal Pronouns
Objective : Reconocer y utilizar los pronombres personales de forma correcta, según contexto y
1.- Classify the pronouns according to the number and write the meaning in spanish. (14PTS)
HE – SHE – I – YOU – WE – THEY – IT


3.- Read the sentences and change the underlined words for a personal pronoun. (5pts)

A) My mom and dad are very happy! //. _____________ are very happy!

B) My name is Jennie.// _________ am Jennie.

C) The cat, the dog and the mouse are friends.// _________ are friends.

D) Quillota is a very noisy city. // __________ is a very noisy city.

E) The pencils are small. // ___________ are small.

4.- Read the text and complete the missing words using personal pronouns according to the context. (5 pts)

“ Viña del Mar is a very good city for tourists. _____ has many different good places to visit.

_____ also has many good beaches to go and get suntanned. People like to visit the city

because is very colorful. _____ can take many pictures in different places such as the flowers

clock, the casino, quinta Vergara and many others. My mom loves to go shopping to Mall

Marina. _______ always gets me a present when she goes. My friends and I prefer going to the

cinema at the mall, they have a very nice cinema there. ______ always go at the end of the

month together.”

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