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Vocabulary words for

All Alone in the Universe

jeopardy (n.)
definition: danger of harm, death, or peril

synonyms: danger, peril, harm’s way

antonyms: safety
jeopardy (n.) - danger of harm, death, or peril
Never throw your banana peels on the floor. You can put
your friends’ lives in jeopardy.
stable (adj.)
definition: not likely to change or be altered;

synonyms: firm, secure, steady, sturdy

antonyms: unstable
stable (adj.) - not likely to change or be altered; enduring
This stable house did not collapse during the earthquake.
blurt (v.)
definition: say something suddenly without

synonyms: abruptly
blurt (v.) - say something suddenly without thinking
This man blurted out some crazy words, so I am very
angry right now.
eventually (adv.)
definition: at an indefinite time in the future;

ultimately; finally
synonyms: at last, finally, sometime, ultimately
Picture that helps explain the
meaning of the word here

eventually (adv.) - at an indefinite time in the future;

ultimately; finally
Picture that helps explain the
meaning of the word here

Eventually he found the missing puzzle.

scrounged (v.)
definition: to seek out and gather, esp. by

salvaging scraps (often fol. by up or together).

synonyms: borrow, beg

antonyms: give, offer

scrounge (v.) - to seek out and gather, esp. by salvaging
She is scrounging up money for her dinner.
spiteful (adj.)
definition: full of, caused by, or showing spite;

synonyms: mean, unkind, hurtful

antonyms: kind, friendly

spiteful (adj.) - full of, caused by, or showing spite; cruel
The man feels spiteful because Donald Trump is the
comprehension (n.)
definition: the act of understanding; the ability

to understand
Synonyms: knowing, understanding

Antonyms: blindness
comprehension (n.) - the act of understanding; the ability
to understand

He has low comprehension. He can’t understand any

abrupt (adj.)
definition: unexpected; sudden

synonyms: sudden

antonyms: deliberate, gradual

abrupt (adj.) - unexpected; sudden
We were all shocked by the abrupt thunder.
exhilaration (n.)
definition: feeling of combined excitement and

happiness or having very high spirits

synonyms: elation, joy, happiness, delight,bliss

antonyms: dejection,depression
exhilaration (n.) - feeling of combined excitement and
happiness or having very high spirits
They feel exhilaration as they splash through the water
on the amusement park ride.
oracle (n.)
definition: A shrine in Ancient Greece that

consulted with the gods to reveal knowledge of

the future; a person who is very wise or can tell
the future
synonyms: priest, pythoness
oracle (n.) - a person who is very wise or can tell the future
In the Greek mythology, the oracle of Apollo will stay in
Delphi to tell what will happen in future.

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