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A friend I would like to write is my best friend called Said, it’s important to me

make an email for telling I love him so much because I feel confidente when I
close to him.
At school, he looked like a talkative person because he liked to talk a lot of
different themes, but sometimes he felt self- conscious in the expositions of the
One year ago, we’re at university and his personality has changed because now
he is dedicated with their homeworks, he studys Sociology, so he presents
projects and for thar he needs to be witty and having extravagant ideas for
social problems. Also, he is outgoing because he needs to communicate with
other people to make some projects.
He has changed phisically a lot because she dyed his hair of red and got a pair
of piercings in the ears, he didn’t have a haircut because his hair grows a lot,
but she looks handsome. He doesn’t have a mustache and he is plannig to get
two more piercings and three tattoos.
He has been studying Chinese since 2019 because he wants to travel to
Chinese for get a major in two years. He has tryed to write some articles about
veganism and gender ideology for his tesis.

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