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Medical Institute Science Al Insyirah

Script, March 2021

Awira Frabinessa

The Effect of Infant Massage on Infant Growth in Semelinang Darat Village, Puskesmas
Peranap Area, Indragiri Hulu Regency

xvi + 57 Pages + 8 Tables+ 41 Pictures + 11 Attachment


The growth of babies can be stimulated by doing baby massage. Massage in babies will have a
positive impact on baby weight gain, the problem is that many mothers do not know the benefits of
baby massage, especially for babies with weight Below the Red Line. This study aims to determine the
effect of infant massage on infant growth in Semelinang Darat Village, Puskesmas Peranap Area,
Indragiri Hulu Regency. Research type Quasy Experiment with two-group pre-test design and post-
test design. The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique as many as 22 respondents.
Data were analyzed using independent T test. The results of the study that the average baby weight in
the intervention group before being given massage was 4781.82 grams (SD = 495.617 grams). After
being given infant massage, there was an increase in the average weight of the baby to 5665.45 grams
(SD = 615.652 grams). The mean average body weight of infants in the control group before being
given massage was 5054.55 grams (SD = 500.727 grams). Without being given infant massage, the
average weight of the baby was 5120 grams (SD = 486,621 grams). There is an effect of infant
massage on the effect of infant massage on infant growth (ρ = 0.032). It is recommended that mothers
do massage the baby once a day to the baby either in the morning or at night to help the baby's
growth and optimal development.

Keywords : Baby Massage, Growth

References : 16 Teks book,13 Journal (2012-2020)

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