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Milk production

The given diagram illustrates the procedure of milk production for sale. There are
6 steps in total, starting from the time when milk is collected from the cows to
distribution and selling.
Looking at the details, the first step is that the milk is collected twice a day from
the cows by milking machines after they graze on lush grass in the field. Following
this, the milk is contained in refrigeration storage and then delivered to factories by
the daily milk tanker. The next step is that the milk is divided into two types of
products: fresh milk and dairies. The raw milk is pasteurized (heated to a particular
temperature and then cooled in order to kill harmful bacteria) until fresh or
processed into various dairies such as cheese, cream and butter. Finally, all of them
are packaged and distributed to shops and supermarkets for selling.

Brick manufacturing
The diagram above gives information about the process of manufacturing brick for
the building industry. In general, the procedure consists of 7 stages, starting from
the digging stage to the delivery stage.
Looking at the details, the first step is that the clay is dug and collected with a
digger. This clay is then filtered with a metal grid and transported on a roller.
Following this, the clay is mixed with sand and water and either put in a mould or
cut in a wire cutter in order to make the raw shape of the brick. These bricks are
kept in a drying oven for 24 to 48 hours for the best shape. In the next step, they
are passed to two kilns with moderate temperature (from 200 degree centigrade to
900 degree centigrade) and high temperature (from 870 degree centigrade to 1300
degree centigrade). Afterwards, the bricks are placed in a cooling chamber in 48 to
72 hours until they are hard enough to be used for building. The final step is that
they are packaged and delivered for selling.

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