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No war

War, violence, terror have never led to anything good. Why should other waves of horror
convince us of this, when history shows us so many examples? Man was given to live in peace.
It is not war that defines man. He needs peace of mind, communion, not chaos and hatred.
Even in the midst of the toughest confrontations, he knows that, then why is he blinded by

I think, there are quite few people who actually believe that the war is something good,
wholesome and useful. It is and has always been one of the worst and most disgusting,
destructive events that can happen. But it is to the same degree wrong to accuse it of all the
deadly sins existing in the world. Although war is always evil, sometimes it is the lesser evil, in
some cases it is inevitable.

I am speaking about the war as the conflict of interests and state that yes, in certain situations
war is necessary and even turns out into a thing to be proud of. War may be offensive and
defensive and, just like in the case of self-defense, in the event of armed attack from another
country any kind of violence used in retaliation is acceptable, because any other course of
action will mean suicide. Looking at the same analogy, there is no much difference between a
country attacking another country from a mugger on the street. The fact that the offenders are
numerous, wear uniforms and deliver speeches makes absolutely no difference.

No matter how many things separate us, there are at least as many that bring us closer.
Regardless of race, beliefs, ideals, we are all human. We were all born on this planet, we all
tried to "adapt" here, to live. We all want to be happy, we all want a better world for our
children. We all want all this, can't we all achieve the same, "all" together? Why should we
touch them alone? Do we have to kill each other right away?

Then let us give up pride, quarrels, violence and war and invest in peace, in the peace of all…

Andriesei Beniamin Andrei

Anul 1, grupa A3

Faculty of Computer Science

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