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● 2.


“He found himself in the neighborhood of the asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328,
329, and 330. He began, therefore, by visiting them, in order to add to his
knowledge.” (THE LITTLE PRINCE, pg.35)

With a series of stopping on distant planets and, every planet has always a question
was made for Antoine think. A king who thought he had authority. A conceited man who
didn’t hear anything besides compliments made to him. A drunk weird man that drinks to
forget that he drank. A man whose count, from him sky, him own stars. A lamplighter from a
small planet that had followed the regalement without question. A geographer whose don’t
knew of him planet. And lastly, Earth.

All these planets show us many adult’s shapes and the relation about nowadays, for
example, all these planets are inhabited for an only lonely person who is very busy with, in
the most of cases, silly things and does not pay attention to what really matter. They go
through life as if the relations with friends, and family are nothing; in this case, the growth is
only physical, not psychological.

The first planet had an actual classic example about adults: necessity to give orders.
This King thinks everyone is his vassal prevailing the necessity of controlling and orders them
with authority. However, he teaches besides his necessity to control “It is necessary to
demand what everyone can give” (LITTLE PRINCE , pg. 40). The second one, Little Prince
found a conceited man. This man has the necessity to get compliments by everyone to prove
his value. This typical type of adults makes mention all those who care about what everyone
will say. This kind of people is easily manipulated because we just have to manipulate their
vanity, this way, we can get whatever we order from them. On the other hand, we can learn
with this man, we have to know how to appreciate our own values without no one.

At the third planet, the visit was very quickly however it provokes such melancholy on
the Little Prince. This planet was inhabited for a drunken man who drinks to forget he drinks.
The man uses alcohol like a escape from reality but at the same time, he suffers with shame
from being who he really is, a vicious man. This kind of person is really common to notice
nowadays. This attitude to drink to forget the reality is a let off steam against the many shapes
of vicious. Second with the philosophical meaning, vicious is a repetitive habit whose purpose
is to escape from reality that causes some harm to the dependent and those who live with him.
Some vicious are healthier than others, but there are those sickly vicious. This sickness has
been characterized on the dependence’s habit but, not for their results but for own distortion
of their purpose.

“I am drinking,” replied the tippler, with a lugubrious air.

“Why are you drinking?” demanded the little prince.
"So that I may forget," replied the tippler.
"Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him.
"Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head.
"Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him.
"Ashamed of drinking!" (LITTLE PRINCE, pg. 29)

At the fourth planet was inhabited for the Businessman who didn’t stand up his head
to see Little Prince arriving. The business man always so busy accounting stars that he
accumulated along his life, that he lost every time in our life on it. As all planets that Little
Prince gone had specific adult type, continuing following the same order, the fourth planet
give us a common adult who lives on modernity: a Businessman. This kind of person is direct
connecting into the flow of working and working but, forgetting to live. Little Prince make us
to understand that this attitude is a vicious too. It is necessary valorize what you are and not
valorize materials thing. The sense of priority, independent of each other, but, that it’s might
set you free or make you down.

"And what do you do with these stars?"

"Nothing. I own them." (…)
"And what good does it do you to own the stars?"
"It does me the good of making me rich."
"And what good does it do you to be rich?"
"It makes it possible for me to buy more stars, if any are discovered."
"How is it possible for one to own the stars?"
"To whom do they belong?" the businessman retorted, peevishly.
"I don't know. To nobody."
"Then they belong to me, because I was the first person to think of it."
Continuing with the definition about vicious, mentioned at pg.7, their consequences
apply for this man, because a vicious disrupts social coexistence, creates individuality and
destroys self-awareness, maintaining a direct relationship between pleasure and dependence.
The fiveth planet was a little curious. It was the smallest of all. There was just enough
room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter. The man who lived there was a good and did
right him job however, he never asked why did that. His work was a terrible job. He had to
turn on and turn off the lamplighter.

"I follow a terrible profession. In the old days it was reasonable. I put the
lamp out in the morning, and in the evening I lighted it again. I had the rest of the
day for relaxation and the rest of the night for sleep."
"And the orders have been changed since that time?"
"The orders have not been changed," said the lamplighter. "That is the
tragedy! From year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have
not been changed!" (LITTLE PRINCE, pg. 33)

As the regulation said, it never has changed but turned more rapidly. We can see so
clearly that the man looks like the all society living to following the flow. Never asked why
they did that, or which reasons, just follow the rules even knowing it won’t take anywhere. It
is comfortable think if we didn’t do our work, the world would not work out. As a vicious
cycle, we start to accumulate many and many work, and we realize that we don’t have time
enough to do what we want, because we will been so busy with thing that we do not really
care. This feeling made us feel the empty existential, provoke by the manifestation of our state
of boredom, in which Frankl and Schopenhauer said: “apparently the humanity was bound to
oscillate eternally between the two extremes of anguish and boredom.” (FRANKL, 2002,
p.97). As a fact, we have to learn to respect our limitation and not get another responsibility.

The sixth planet was ten times bigger than the last one. This planet was inhabited by
an old man who writes giant books. This man knows about every theory however don’t apply
his knowledge, he only stay at his table writhing but had been visiting any planet. By the way,
this man that suggest Little Prince visit the Earth, and this the same man that told to Prince his
flower isn’t the only one, on Earth has a lot of the same her. The man hasn’t any idea about
what he provoke on Little Prince. The excess of knowledge associated with lack of empathy
and experience can be equally damaging behavior.
The seventh planet was the Earth. On Earth Little Prince met the snake. This character
is the weaker, however, she respects what is pure and true. So she can take the Prince back to
if asteroid. On Earth, Little Prince could see how ordinary his flower was, discovered the
Earth refuge many people, and he could understand the principle of “tame”.


“Then he went on with his reflections: "I thought that I was rich, with a
flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose. A
common rose and three volcanoes that come up to my knees-- and one of them
perhaps extinct forever . . . That doesn't make me a very great prince..." And he lay
down in the grass and cried.” (LITTLE PRINCE, pg. 44)
upon Earth, Little
Prince goes to
find people, but
at the same time
he starts getting
unhappy. And
when he found a
garden full of
flowers just look
like his one and
then, he realized
his flower isn’t
nothing more like any other simple one, she is not unique anymore. He felt disappointed,
because he used to be important to belong his unique flower, but now, he realized that he
wasn’t powerful as he was. And that critical time the fox come out. At soon the Little Prince
asked to play with the fox, but she didn’t accept. The wise fox said that he need to tame her,
but he didn’t understand, so she explained to him:

"To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand
other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To
you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me,
then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be
unique in all the world..."

With this thought, the fox establish a relation between her and his flower, besides there
a hundred flowers and a hundred princes, but, if he tames her, she will be the only one on
entire world, that’s why this thought applies for his flower. All the time and care on he had
spended with her, made she uniques compares with others.

Like this way, the fox techs the Price how recognize and start a friendship through
what means tame “create ties” however, it is necessary responsibilities. So, the Little Prince
start taming the fox and find out the meaning of love.
We can see, in the relation between the Little Prince and the fox, many meanings are
coming out, like the language as primordial communication, the rite as an integral part of
human identity. "If you come, for at four o'clock in the afternoon, at three o'clock I shall begin
to be happy "(LITTLE PRINCE p.67). The other creates expectations of happiness when
given in a relationship. The consequences about win and lose become positive, even when we
know that nothing will be forever and some time someone must leave, because this is a typical
event in life. Everyone has your time to make a difference or left a teaching in someone’s life,
and when we got it, it is time to leave. When the feeling is mutual we can understand that the
other, even far away, is what gives reason to our life.
At the end of this study, we regret some analyze aspects about the book of The Little
Prince that makes it possible to identify aspects of a reflexive and moral and affective

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