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D: Welcome to the technology fair. Today, we want to find either a new product or a modern service. We have
invited some students and businessmen who will present their inventions. Hello everyone, their inventions look
so modern that I would like to know about them.

MIG y Sofía: saludan y dicen el nombre de su producto.

D: Could you talk about its characteristics?


Marivi: How did you get the idea of your product?


MARIVI: How could I use it in my daily life?


D: If I buy this product, what are the benefits that I would have?


D: Now, the next group will present their product.

D: hello, we are a new company that invests in a new kind of sneaker. These gadgets are either for the early
adopters or the general public that will be satisfied with our product. The name of our product is XIE.

MIG: Could you tell us about the main characteristics of the product?


S: how would I use the product?


MIG: What is the difference between your product and others?

D: our product is different from others in 4 factors. Which are:

S: Who or what was your motivation to continue with your product?

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