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“What kind of Pakistan do we want for our children?”, a civil society activist asked recently.

“It has to be an
inclusive state which is fair, honest and open to everyone.” The promise of this future lies in an entire
generation standing-up for accountability and holding those in power responsible for their actions. This is
not easy, of course, but it is essential- and it can be done in Pakistan as it can in other countries in South
Asia and beyond.
On the Accountability lab we’re getting to know loads approximately the way to do it - right here are a few

First, younger human beings ought to lead alternate. The median age in Pakistan is TOP 10
now 22 years old, with 63% of the populace below the age of 25. Young Pakistanis CORRUPT
are globalized, energized and complete of thoughts. They're less entrenched in COUNTRIES
patronage networks, more willing to question present realities and higher linked than
ever earlier than. But this doesn’t imply that the whole lot is going to be distinctive.
They need aid over the years to maintain the exchange they need to see. Their The following are the
creativity tends to exist in pockets and in spite of some current mobilization politically, 10 countries
is essentially delinked from policymaking. We need to construct an atmosphere to aid perceived to be the
most corrupt:
these younger exchange-makers - mentorship, possibilities, collaborative spaces and
communities - and to jointly maximize their efforts. Organizations like Seed Ventures 1. Iraq
and incubators like Plan 9 are doing it for entrepreneurs; we're doing the same for
2. Colombia
3. Mexico

4. Brazil
2nd, this is approximately extra than growing businesses and implementing policies.
At the country wide degree, Pakistan now has round half of a dozen anti-corruption 5. Russia
our bodies, 10 exclusive ombudsmen and a plethora of other organizations tasked in a 6. Guatemala
single manner or another with responsibility. But agencies set up to fight graft will now
7. Kazakhstan
not paintings if they are not aligned with the relationships, cultural norms and
incentives that form behaviors. If a dynamic of corruption is entrenched, it's far too 8. Lebanon
tough - and arguably illogical - for brave people to stand-up on my own and try and
9. El Salvador
alternate the system. They want friends anywhere who will guide them. This indicates
Pakistan must suppose now approximately a long-time period procedure to shift 10. Azerbaijan
mindsets through investing closely in civic education, management applications and
values-primarily based networks. Corporations just like the Atlantic Council and the
British Council are doing a awesome activity, but there is a whole lot greater to do.

Third, creativity is vital to fighting corruption due to the fact many stakeholders within the existing device
are immune to exchange. For too lengthy - pushed by way of an useful resource machine that measures
successes primarily based on numbers of outputs and bucks spent - the response to corruption and
patronage has been schooling and seminars. However all-day workshops with loose lunches aren't an
alternative to actual change. If we need to carry young humans into this technique successfully, we should
meet them in which they are, no longer in which we want them to be. This indicates the usage of tools and
systems they experience - like the arts, media, film and generation - and deploying them in interactive
methods. From innovative visual arts with organizations like Morango movies, to ICT collaborative like
the Technology for the humans initiative, the capacity intersections of innovation and integrity in
pakistan are easy to discover.

Fourth, deliver within the personal sector as a key driver of change. No matter significant demanding
situations, Pakistan’s business network is international
magnificence, with some excellent, values-based leaders who How can I complain against
operate at the very best degrees of worldwide trade. They lead corruption in Pakistan?
organizations which are wondering properly beyond the
Citizens can use FBR website
lowest-line and draw on Pakistan’s rich subculture of to file a
beneficent philanthropy. They know that integrity is ideal for complaint. Citizens can send an
business - moral corporations have better valuations, lower email at to
expenses and much less risk. This power can be harnessed to file a complaint. Citizens can
create a degree playing area for monetary improvement and lodge complaint via post to
collaborative efforts to shift responsibility dynamics. “Second Secretary (IMC), Room
Organizations got here together to play a key role inside the 505, Constitution Avenue, FBR
passage of the crucial Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan house , Islamabad”.
(DRAP) bill of 2012 for instance - which cleaned up the
pharmaceutical industry. Corporations are riding the Open
Government Partnership efforts in pakistan and
collaborative like Open Lahore and CIPE are operating to enhance standards of transparency. We should
support them further.

Subsequently, accountability calls for a nice narrative that Pakistanis should purchase in to and mobilize at
the back of. Pointing arms and shouting loudly at law-breakers is an easy manner to vent some frustration -
and there may be absolute confidence that those human beings ought to be penalized. However whilst
justice isn't always served the notion of helplessness is strengthened and momentum inside the manner of
duty constructing is lost. As a substitute, allows make sure we celebrate the heroes, construct on regions in
which success is apparent and paintings to support people who are doing the right things - “naming and
faming” is a beneficial replacement for “naming and shaming”. Final 12 months, for example, we at the
Accountability Lab organized a tv and social media campaign around the sector known as Integrity Idol
- which rewarded honesty in authorities and galvanized country wide conversations about what it means to
be an responsible civil servant. This year we’ll run the opposition in pakistan too.

Building duty isn't approximately overcoming weaknesses - it's far approximately a strengths-based
approach that attracts upon human, institutional, cultural and economic property. Brief-time period fixes and
anti-corruption equipment might prove effective in fighting graft in remoted ways. But if pakistan - and other
nations - are to actually create truthful and open societies for each person, it's far going to take a far large,
generational process to build duty. The time to begin is now.

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