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1. Mention The most important job for people! Why?

2. Which do you prefer; Being a rich person or being a smart person? Why?
3. Which one do you prefer most Onsite learning or Online learning? Why?
4. Tell us about something you like and dislike
5. Tell us about your resolution of the next year 2022
6. Do you agree that we don’t need to study Indonesia language because it’s not international
7. If your friend keeping clear of you, what should you do?
8. If you only have one request in your life, what do you want or do?
9. I am nervous, If I. . . .
10. Do you have the worst day? What’s the day?
11. Tell us about 3 important stuff that you bring going somewhere.
12. Tell us the most beautiful/ handsome person that you’ve ever met
13. What will you do If you have a magic bag of Doraemon?
14. Mention an inspiring person in your life? Why is that person inspiring? What kind of inspiring
thing has this person done?
15. Where is your home town? Is there anything you dislike about your home town?

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