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1. Pronouns take the place of

 a noun
 a verb
 an adjective

2. What do pronouns help us add to our speech and writing?


3. What sort of pronoun is the word "we"?


4. Which personal pronoun is almost always used for a thing?


5. To refer to something that is far from you, use the pronoun


6. With a singular pronoun the verb should be

 singular or plural
7. To use the correct personal pronoun, we may need to know the number, person, gender and/or _______
of the noun it's replacing.


8. The only word ever used as a 2nd person personal pronoun is


9. To choose the correct demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these or those), we need to know if the noun
being replaced is singular or plural and

 common or proper
 near or far
 subject or object

10. Complete with the correct possessive pronoun: "You did great in the interview, so congratulations Lee -
the job's ______ !"


11. Complete with the correct possessive pronoun: "If the only fingerprints on the gun are ______ , he must
be the killer."


12. Reflexive pronouns refer back to the _______ of the sentence or clause.

 noun phrase

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