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English For Accounting

Nama Mahasiswa Alvin Franata
NIM 2110112126
Kelas D
Waktu Penyelesaian 09-13 September 2021
Program Studi Akuntansi S1
Dosen Dra.Devi Surprasti, M.Hum / Juni Aratika, M.Pd
Sifat Ujian Tutup Buku/ Daring
If i meet all those requirement, i would upgrade my skill in accounting. Too upgrade my skill, i study
accounting field. I take bachelor degree in accounting major. I would take courses from courses place
outside the university too upgrade my skill and knowladge. Beside that, take courses in outside
university help me to find new friend and collega. I can get new connection maybe help me in the
future. Then, I would read a GAAP principle for reference too operate accounting procedures.
Accounting procedure include identify the transaction, recording transaction in journal, posting and
prepare financial statement. If i understanding GAAP principle and know all process of accounting i
would take test CPA (Certifate Public Accountant). The CPA make me see as profesional accountant
and help to qualify me in the job requirepment.
The important skill for me as accountant is languange. The accountant must summarizing and inform
financial statement to stakeholder. If accountant not have skill in comunication and languange, miss
information can happen. If it happen, it must be impact to decision companies taken for the future. So i
would take languange courses. Spesific in english. Because english known as universal languange in
the world. In all sector in the international business, english used for trasaction. Fluent in english is
help my self and the companies where i work. Companies can communication to client international.
Make companies bigger and develop me to upgrade and better person as accountant.
One of the job as accountant is inform result of financial statement to stakeholder. Is the companies
profit or loss? How about cashflow? Is it good or bad?. Deliver information of financial statement, it
need good public speaking. Public speaking is skill to deliver information clearly. To have good public
speaking, need practice and practice. Practice can be in the university organization, presentation in the
class or talk in front glass in bedroom. I personally, prefer join organization in university to pratice my
public speaking. Because in organization, there have audince. So i can see the audience and know if
public speaking bad or good from audince reaction. If audince pay attention in me, in that situation i
know public speaking is good. But if the audience busy in their activity, i know my public speaking is
In conclusion to prepare my self for the get a job related to my field with is accounting, first i would
take bachelor degree and get CPA(Certified Public Accountant). I take courses too outside university to
upgrade my skill and my relation. I learn langguange too, spesific in english. For the soft skill, i
practice my public speaking.

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