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A rising problem in our society is people lacking stable and safe housing.

It is usually caused by
poverty, unemployment, and political issues. Having a big impact on a person's life, the number of
homeless people should be brought to a minimum. Therefore why have the resources for such
people been decreased?

Housing is a basic human right that millions of people don't possess. The issue can be brought upon a
person by their actions, such as getting into destructive habits such as addiction or unemployment.
But usually, people are actively trying to get employed but because of inequalities, it is often a
struggle. Lack of a stable income can cause poverty and besides not having a housing, a person is
then struggling with paying for food, utilities, and healthcare. Furthermore, it can be brought upon
by fear for a person's safety because domestic violence can lead to many conflicts and struggles with
mental health.

In order to solve this problem, the government should provide more shelters and basic housing
consequently allowing people to get back on their feet. It becomes easier to search for a sustainable
job. Coming up with a way to improve the health system is crucial and very beneficial.

In conclusion, it is a very extensive problem. A lot of adaptations are needed to reduce the problem
since completely diminishing homelessness is very difficult. It is a necessity because ignoring the
problem is never the solution, it just becomes more difficult to solve.

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