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Pronouns – He and Him – Worksheet 8

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1.  The older my grandfather gets, the more frail he becomes. It has become increasingly
difficult for (he, him) to walk from the chair to the kitchen without being in pain.
2.  Julie told us the young boy was accident-prone because (he, him) seemed susceptible to
having greater than average accidents.
3.  (He, Him) has absolutely no tact and tells people things in the most harmful manner
4.  Benjamin tried hard to be hospitable to his cousin, but having to give (he, him) his bed was
just too much!
5.  My little brother's dynamic temperament is the main cause of (he, him) getting up to run
around the room a lot.
6.  "Don't follow me," (he, him) said to his dog. "Go home."
7.  Noah's injurious behavior gets (he, him) in trouble because he is constantly hurting his
little brother.
8.  After being wealthy for so many years, the stock market crash caused (he, him) to
become destitute.
9.  Although the tiny hamster was no bigger than my finger, (he, him) began to flourish from
all my love and care.
10.  (He, Him) lost the election to a Democratic rival.
11.  The California king snake was lethargic until (he, him) warmed up, then he moved
surprisingly quickly.
12.  For the life of (he, him), Aaron couldn't fathom why his girlfriend didn't like his haircut.
13.  (He, Him) had hoped to derive profit from his unscrupulous business dealings.
14.  The chef has to pay scrupulous attention when (he, him) measures the ingredients for the
15.  Sean tends to overestimate his intelligence when he doesn't study for his test.
Unfortunately for (he, him), he normally doesn't do very well.
16.  The doctor assured (he, him) that the surgery would not impair his vision.
17.  Although Zachary wanted more to eat, (he, him) decided that three hamburgers and two
hot dogs might be adequate!
18.  It wasn't a grievous crime, but it still cost (he, him) seven days in jail.
19.  (He, Him) was an eloquent speaker and we could listen to him for hours.
20.  We sent the proffer to our potential customer hoping that (he, him) would see that our
company is one with integrity.

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