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ELSEVIER Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207

The worth of a songbird: ecological economics

as a post-normal science
Silvio 0. Funtowicz a, Jerome R. Ravetz b,*
a CEC-Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics, I-21020 Ispra (Va), Italy
b The Research Methods Consultancy Ltd., Gresham House, 144 High Street, Edgware, Mid& HA8 7EZ, UK

(Received 21 December 1992; accepted 30 July 1993)


One of the very valuable features of Ecological Economics is its provision for publications under the rubric
‘Commentary’. In that way, essays which are not research in the strictest sense can still find proper refereed
publication, and can be submitted to the further test of open colleague criticism. This paper is intended to be read in
that spirit; and where criticisms are made of the work of particular scholars, that is done because of the significance
of their contribution.

Key words: Ecological economics: Numeraire; Post-normal science

1. Introduction knowledge and complexities in ethics firmly to

the sidelines. It has provided puzzles, theoretical
How much is a songbird worth? Such a ques- and practical, that could be solved within a
tion, which might have seemed to belong to aca- paradigm that was explicitly modelled on classical
demic philosophy only a generation ago, is now physics. In this way, it has been a ‘normal’ science
the stuff of impassioned politics. For even when in the sense articulated by Thomas Kuhn (1962).
we argue for something that is beyond ordinary But when we are confronted by the scientific
value, we still seem to find ourselves required to enigmas and policy riddles of global environmen-
quantify its worth, and to engage in conceptual tal policies, we can no longer maintain the fiction
haggling over a price for its existence. Valuing of a ‘normal’ economic science. Ecological vari-
the songbird thus epitomizes the problems of ables cannot be measured by simple analogy with
developing and applying ecological economics as the cloth fairs of Adam Smith’s day. If the valued
a means to rational and effective decision-making goods that give richness to our lives are reduced
for the environment. to commodities, then what makes those lives
Economics has traditionally been able to main- meaningful is itself betrayed.
tain its credibility by relegating uncertainties in The new problems of ecological economics call
for a ‘post-normal science’ (Funtowicz and
-- Ravetz, 1991). In this, science is no longer imag-
* Corresponding author. ined as delivering truth, and it receives a new

Elsevier Science B.V.

SSDI 0921-8009(93)E0068-R
198 S.O. Funtowicz, J.R. Racetz/ Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207

organizing principle, that of quality. This is dy- ogy and ethics. For some, a resource must be
namic, systemic and pragmatic, and therefore re- capable of valuation in one-dimensional and
quires a new methodology and social organization hence monetary terms in order to be treated in a
of work (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993). The prin- rational policy debate. They might even argue
ciple of quality enables us to manage the irre- that providing a market value could lead to
ducible uncertainties and ethical complexities that greater use of a resource and hence greater bene-
are central to the resolution of issues in post-nor- fit. For others, it is near to sacrilege to attach a
mal science. It entails the democratization of dollar sign to a species. In the middle are those
knowledge by an extension of the peer-commun- who feel for this principle, but who reluctantly
ity for quality assurance. As the policy process accept the practical necessity for linear, one-di-
becomes a dialogue, post-normal science encom- mensional quantification of all values. Those who
passes the multiplicity of legitimate perspectives strive to preserve this wetland or that interesting
and commitments, and provides new norms of species find the onus placed on them to produce
evidence and discourse. The approach of post- a hypothetical monetary value for it, so that it can
normal science enables us to look afresh at the be put in the scales against the calculable benefits
problems of building an ecological economics. that someone would be able to derive from its
exploitation and consequent damage or destruc-
tion. Even those who reject monetary quantifica-
2. Valuations tion in principle will justify it pragmatically in the
forensic context when it is the only way to secure
Confronting the paradoxes in setting a mone- compensation for damage that is already done
tary value on an irreplaceable songbird forces us (examples are Bhopal for people, and Exxon
to be clear about what is being valued, how it is Valdez for the natural environment). Any process
done, and indeed, what value is. There have been of valuation seems to be constrained to conform
(and doubtless still are> many instances when the to the convention that money is its natural com-
cash value of a songbird was quite a straightfor- mon language, and therefore appropriate for
ward question. There was a time when individual adoption and use by all stakeholders in any envi-
wild songbirds were sought, dead or alive as the ronmental issue.
case might be, by collectors who provided com- This is the state of affairs in economics today;
modities for quite definite and regular markets. but as ecological economics develops, with a co-
Indeed, part of the rhetorical force of the ques- herent vision of a sustainable future, a different
tion of our opening statement is that we all know conception of value and its measurements will
that it has a new meaning. The concern of ecolog- appear. In the first place, monetary price will be
ical economics is not with the provision of saleable seen as a measure of one aspect of value reflect-
specimens, but with the survival of species, or ing one particular sort of interest, that which is
varieties, or of ecosystems. And this new sort of mainly expressed through the commercial market.
question of worth does not only relate to beauti- To choose any particular operational definition
ful things; quite humble, unobtrusive or ugly for value involves making a decision about what is
species (with no market value whatever) may sud- important and real; other definitions will reflect
denly leap into prominence as some concerned the commitments of other stakeholders. Some
individual or group actively defends them against cultural goods are literally ‘priceless’, so that a
extinction or displacement as a matter of princi- people would rather die than give them up. A
ple or ethics. For some, things have a value just new enriched common language, which is not
by existing, independently of markets or even of dominated by the worldview of one particular
human civilisation. sort of stakeholder (expressed in the monetary
The endangered songbird represents a new standard), would come about when negotiators
problem of valuation, one where measurements recognize the irreducible complexity of the issues
cannot pretend to be independent of methodol- at stake. This entails a plurality of legitimate
S. 0. Funtowicz, J. R. RaL’etz/Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207 199

perspectives and values, including that of the ments can be articulated. This can be accom-
irreplaceable songbird. The issue is not whether plished in an ecological economics which is a
it is only the marketplace that can determine post-normal science.
value, for economists have long debated other
means of valuation; our concern is with the as-
sumption that in any dialogue, all valuations or 3. Elements of a post-normal science
.numeraires’ should be reducible to a single one-
dimensional standard.
Here we will sketch the elements of a post-
We could even argue that in the management
normal science which can be used in the develop-
of the economic system as it actually works, the
ment of an ecological economics. These include
situation is not so very different. Policies for any
the scientific management of uncertainty and of
national economy are driven to a very significant
quality, the plurality of perspectives and commit-
extent by strategic, political and even ethical con-
ments, and the intellectual and social structures
siderations. Predictions of the near future in eco-
that reflect the varied sorts of problem-solving
nomic affairs are notoriously unreliable, and even
explanations of our present states are frequently
Many of these elements are already present in
not much better. Quantitative indicators for the
the discussion of issues related to ecological eco-
economy, such as money supply, fail to keep up
nomics, thanks to the raising of these issues in
with rapidly changing forms of practice when they
popular discourse. Now even those mainstream
are used in regulation. Free trade among nations
economists who engage in debate on the environ-
depends on elaborate structures of regulations
ment find themselves adopting the rhetoric of an
and definitions that certify its genuine presence.
ecologically sensitive approach. In spite of their
The arguments based on the virtues of an unregu-
efforts to reach orthodox conclusions, their very
lated market require so many special and artifi-
language reflects how they are forced to recog-
cial assumptions that they belong to the realm of
nize and cope with the new problems of eco-
inspirational visions rather than to that of scien-
nomics in an ecological context. In this paper we
tific analysis. Hence there is no need to accept
will make clear and explicit what has already
the principle of a simple quantification of envi-
started to happen in an unself-conscious and
ronmental values and thereby a cornmodification
undisciplined way, by showing how the concepts
of environmental goods. Rather. we should start
of post-normal science provide elements for a
with the awareness that the value of a songbird
coherent ecological economics. Our illustration
(new style) not only cannot be, but also should
will be a paper by W.D. Nordhaus (1991) on the
not be, the same sort of thing as the value of a
economics of the greenhouse effect, which was
songbird (old style). The forum in which this new
part of an important debate (Dailey et al., 1991).
sort of value is created and operates is not the
Since the paper displays considerable sophistica-
‘haggling and niggling’ of Adam Smith’s market-
tion in the handling of uncertainties in data, its
place of individual small producers, but the nego-
deeper failings in that regard are particularly
tiating and mediating of the institutionalized po-
litical process. The traditional analytical ap-
proach, implicitly or explicitly reducing all goods
to commodities, can be recognized as one per- 3.1. The appropriate management of uncertainty
spective among several, legitimate as a point of
view and as a reflection of real power structures, First, the manifold uncertainties in ecological
but not the whole story. The task is to begin the problems force economists to adopt a more cau-
construction of a system of concepts and prac- tious approach in quantitative arguments than
tices for economics in which all these comple- has hitherto been fashionable. Thus the paper by
mentary perspectives can be articulated in a ra- Nordhaus is liberally sprinkled with caveats, in-
tional dialogue, one in which ethical commit- cluding such choice lines as, ‘We now move from
200 X0. Funtowicz, J.R. Rauetz / Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207

the terra infirma of climate change to the terra which generalize and systematize traditional sci-
incognita of the social and economic impacts of entific practice. The first two categories,
climate change’ (p. 9301. He devotes the last two ‘Numeral’ and ‘Unit’, are easily understood; the
of the five points of the conclusion of his paper to last three enable the distinction of three sorts of
a discussion of the various severe uncertainties in uncertainties. These are at the technical, method-
his analysis. The recommendation he makes for ological and epistemological levels, respectively.
his model is carefully phrased around its weak- The first, ‘spread’, relates to degree of precision,
nesses: ‘Notwithstanding these simplifications, the what experimentalists call ‘random error’, con-
approach laid out here may help to clarify the trolled by statistical means. The second, ‘assess-
questions and help identify the scientific, eco- ment’, relates to degree of accuracy, or what
nomic and policy issues that must underpin any experimentalists call ‘systematic error’. The dis-
rational decision’. There is nothing here about tinction between the two can be seen from the
quantitative prediction, or even of policy entail- example of target-shooting. If the shots cluster
ments; ‘to clarify the questions’ and ‘to identify closely, that is high precision; but for high accu-
the issues’ are suitably modest goals (p. 937). racy they should also be near the bulls-eye. There
So far, then, our author exhibits a good under- is another sort of uncertainty, namely (in this
standing of the fact that economics applied to analogy) whether there is a target there at all. In
environmental issues does not possess the same the case of mathematical or computer models, all
degree of control of uncertainties as, say, analyti- these different uncertainties are well known (al-
cal chemistry. It is not inferior on that account, though not always skilfully handled); they relate
for economics is the only approach that provides to data, to parameters and to the models them-
the means for policy decisions. To wait until the selves and their use. Such ‘model uncertainties’
relevant high-precision natural sciences were reflect deep uncertainty or ignorance; and in the
available before doing anything about global NUSAP system we have a category ‘Pedigree’
warming or species preservation would be a coun- that describes the border with ignorance of the
sel of perfection indistinguishable from a counsel information being expressed (Funtowicz and
of despair. No empirical science is free from Ravetz, 1990, chapters 8-10). Our distinction
uncertainties; even the basic ‘constants’ of physics among these three qualitatively different sorts of
have a history of change, as their ‘accepted val- uncertainty marks the difference between our
ues’ bounce from one point to another, fre- approach and those which have produced for-
quently changing by more than the ‘error bar’ of malisms whereby all uncertainties could be ex-
the previous estimate (Funtowicz and Ravetz, pressed through a single quantitative variable.
1990, p. 4). The task is to manage the uncertain- All these different sorts of uncertainties can be
ties that are characteristic of each field so that identified in our example. Most estimates and
information of the highest possible quality can be model outputs in Nordhaus’ paper are given as a
obtained from them. set of three numbers, or as a central estimate
The management of uncertainties in the ma- with a + for spread; thus the precision of his
tured quantitative sciences is accomplished by quantities is well expressed. The accuracy of his
inherited, frequently unself-conscious craft skills. estimates is described in various ways; in one
In new fields, particularly those relating to the crucial place it is conveyed by the descriptive
environment, where the characteristic uncertain- term, ‘an informed hunch’ (p. 936). This qualifies
ties are large, complex, and less well understood, the spread in the leading estimate (flow of dam-
it is necessary to have explicit guidelines for their ages to the U.S. economy) from 0.25% of global
management. We have provided such guidelines output to a possible 2%. The deeper uncertain-
in a system of notations, NUSAP, an acronym for ties are listed in a paragraph of ‘important over-
the five categories ‘Numeral’, ‘Unit’, ‘Spread’, simplifications’, concluding with a reminder that
‘Assessment’ and ‘Pedigree’. In this system, every the analysis ‘ignores the issues of uncertainty, in
quantity is expressed in terms of these categories which risk aversion and the possibility of learning
S.O. Funtowicz, J.R. Ravetz / Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207 201

may modify the stringency and timing of control Table 1

Impact estimates for different sectors, for doubling of CO,,
strategies’ (pp. 936-937). This displays the ‘border
U.S. (positive number indicates gain; negative number loss)
with ignorance’ of the analysis quite clearly and (Nordhaus. 1991, Table 6. p. 932)
explicitly. Thus in his rhetoric at least, the author
Sectors Billions (1981 $I
shows a clear awareness of the presence of the
Severely impacted sectors
various sorts of uncertainty, and the importance
of their being clearly stated. Impact of greenhouse warming and CO, - 10.6 to+ 9.7
In spite of this awareness, however, the author fertilisation
does not successfully manage the problems of Forestry, fisheries, other Small + or -
uncertainty. This is most easily seen in his han- Moderately impacted sectors
dling of quantitative information. His crucial Construction +
Table 6 (reproduced in Table 1 below) has eleven Water transportation ?
entries of three different sorts. Five entries have Energy and utilities
Energy (electric, gas, oil)
numerical values (in billions of dollars) around
Energy demand - 1.65
- 1 or - 2, expressed to three significant digits. Non-electric space heating 1.16
One entry (impact on farms) is a large interval, Water and sanitary -7
[ - 10.6 to + 9.71. And five entries are unquanti- Real estate
fied, with indicators such as ‘?’ or ‘small’. The Land-rent component
Estimate of damage from sea-level rise
sum of these eleven entries is given as -6.23,
Loss of land - 1.55
which seems to be the sum of the five precise Protection of sheltered areas - 0.90
terms, added to the average value for the ‘farms’ Protection of open coasts - 2.84
entry C-0.451, although that addition done cor- Hotels, lodging, recreation 7

rectly would be -8.55. The percentage of na- Total

tional income is then calculated to two significant Central estimate
digits, as -0.26%. If the variability in the domi- Billions, 1981 level of national income - 6.23
nant term were included in the calculation, this Percentage of national income - 0.26

result, the one relevant to policy, would be the Sources for Table 6: Underlying data on impacts are sum-
interval [ -0.44% to + 0.4%]. In his discussion, marised in EPA (1988). Translation into national-income ac-
the author says that he ‘might raise’ the - 0.25% counts by author. Details are available on request.

to - l%, by an adjustment that is ‘purely ad hoc’;

and he then gives his ‘hunch’ that it is less than
- 2%. (He tactfully ignores the possibility that his
calculation yields an equally likely benefit to the inside the mass of intuitive fuzz. By the time that
economy). To raise the percentage term to the the author has admitted the manifold oversimpli-
2% limit would require the sum of the non-quan- fications and uncertainties in his analysis, and has
tified terms to be greater than the sum of the shown how strong are the ad hoc adjustments and
quantified and averaged terms by a large factor, hunches which are needed to bring his numbers
around 3. All the precision in the quantified back into the realm of plausibility, we might ask
terms is then completely lost in the uncertainties whether the statistical exercises are totally redun-
in his adjustments factors, where the hunch terms dant except for rhetorical purposes. The defect of
are even bigger than the ad hoc ones. hyper-precision (however much masked by apolo-
What then is the point of all the calculations gies and disclaimers) is not peculiar to the naper
with those entries? The hyper-precision in the under discussion. All too few economists of what-
expression of the key number -0.26%, which ever persuasion know of the maxim of the great
could equally well be anywhere in the range mathematician Gauss, ‘Lack of mathematical cul-
-?rO.5%, shows that this is one of those ‘magic ture is revealed nowhere so conspicuously as in
numbers’ designed to produce confidence in the meaningless precision in numerical calculation’
existence of a hard core of objective fact deep (Ravetz, 1971).
202 S.O. Funtowicz, J.R. Ravetz/Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207

Gauss’s principle can be illustrated by an old Uncertainty in input information produces irre-
joke which reveals such meaninglessness in a very ducible uncertainty in conclusions; the relevant
telling way (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1990, p. 44). question of quality is the degree to which the
It is about a museum attendant, who was heard recommended policy choices are robust against
telling visitors that some fossil dinosaur bones those underlying uncertainties. To have more cer-
were 56000012 years old. When asked how he tainty in the recommendations than in the argu-
knew so precisely, he explained that when he ments on which they are supposediy based, would
came on the job 12 years previously, he was told be very bad methodology indeed.
that they were 56 000 000 years old then. No one Looking at the conclusions in our example, we
at school told him that sometimes one does not see: ‘Climate change is likely to produce a combi-
add all the digits; indeed who is told that at nation of gains and losses with no strong pre-
school? So we learn informally to avoid the ‘fos- sumption of substantial net economic damage’ (p.
sils joke fallacy’ by the use of a ‘ballpark arith- 933). The following recommendation is vague in
metic’, in which big uncertainties are allowed to language, but quite definite in its prescription: ‘a
swamp small numbers. But our use of this method careful weighing of costs and damages will be
is far from perfect, and it can be ignored when necessary if a sensible strategy is to be devised’
convenient. In the case of Nordhaus’ analysis, the (p. 937). The clear implication of this well-crafted
‘fossils joke fallacy’ is concealed under a mass of prose is that accuracy in this process of ‘careful
sophistication about uncertainties and hunches; weighing’ is achievable. Hence the burden of
but a glance at his Table 6 will show that it is proof is now upon those who would impose the
there in full strength. unquantified substantial costs on the economy for
Policy makers are quite familiar with uncer- the sake of avoiding damages from climate
tainties of many sorts; but scientific inputs, being change. This heavy prose is in noticeable contrast
‘facts’, have traditionally been considered un- with the modest claim that the analysis might
questionable. Now that policy debates will in- ‘help clarify the questions.. . ’ (p. 9331. There has
clude issues of uncertainty and methodology, it is been a marked increase in certainty in the move
all the more important for ecological economics from conclusion to recommendation; where does
to possess disciplined techniques for the manage- it come from?
ment of uncertainty. Only then will it be possible In relation to the input information, the au-
for value-commitments to be disentangled from thor might well respond that he has shown how
factual assertions. On the basis of our experience, the quantifiable part of the effects leads to a very
we believe that the techniques and insights of the small negative impact indeed; and so it is only
NUSAP system enable uncertainties to be man- reasonable that the non-quantifiable effects
aged for the achievement of the best possible should be taken as not very much larger. But his
quality of information; this has been done in a recommendations, however cautiously stated, are
sample case of wetlands evaluation (Costanza et clearly quite sensitive to his numerical conclu-
al., 1992). Also, the equally important task of sions; a final figure of 10% rather than 2% would
criticizing information offered in a discussion of lead to a very different emphasis for policy. And
ecological economics, and evaluating its quality as the lower figure is itself obtained by an admit-
a basis for policy recommendations, is facilitated tedly simplified argument which in the end de-
by the NUSAP approach. pends more on the author’s economic doctrine
(rhetorically defended by his knowledge of pit-
3.2. The appropriate management of quality falls and anticipation of criticisms) than on his
input data and calculations.
Our illustrative example shows inappropriate We notice that his conclusion of ‘no strong
management of the quality of information in rela- presumption of substantial economic impact’ is
tion both to its inherent uncertainties and to its justified entirely by his hunches. Why his hunch
function as the basis for policy recommendations. leads to an increase by a mere factor of 2 rather
S.O. Funtowicz, J.R. Raven/Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207 203

than 10, is never discussed. Also, since the using one discourse when actually employing the
hunches are buried in a mass of hyper-precise other, so that the prestige of objective research is
arithmetical data, assisted by models involving used to buttress an advocacy argument. With its
advanced calculus, they are effectively concealed. hyper-precision of numerical data, specious so-
The argument is thereby provided with an image phistication about uncertainties, unsupported
of quantitative science rather than of doctrine hunches and loaded rhetoric, this is what is done
reinforced by guesswork. The criticism of such a in the paper we are analyzing.
methodology is not that we always need high-pre- Up to now, debates on environmental policies
cision in our economic analyses. Rather, that it is have shown a rather crude manipulation of bur-
wrong to manipulate the uncertainties in infor- den of proof; each side stresses the dangers that
mation and conclusions in such a way that recom- would result if the position of the opponent is
mendations turn out to be.far more certain than wrong and their policies are adopted neverthe-
could possibly be justified scientifically. less. Of course, burden of proof is not a familiar
The argument in this example not merely con- concept among researchers who tend to believe
ceals its management of quantitative uncertainty; that it only applies in the law courts. As it hap-
in addition the value-commitments are kept from pens, a closely related concept is used in statisti-
sight. They are implicit in the leap from the cal practice with tests designed around the rela-
tentative model conclusions to the firm policy tive importance of the errors of types 1 and 2, or
recommendations. But the value-commitments, ‘false positives’ and ‘false negatives’, that is,
the differential weighting of the various sorts of ‘making something out of nothing’ or ‘making
risks and benefits, are easily discerned in his nothing out of something’. Economists will recog-
practical recommendations. These include nize these as analogous to the ‘error costs’ of the
‘climatic engineering’, with such examples as various sorts of decisions. But as uncertainties
*Shoot particles into the stratosphere’, or ‘Ferti- become incorporated into ecological economics,
lize the ocean with trace iron’ (p. 928). The use of the management of burden of proof in a disci-
the term ‘engineering’ to describe such vast per- plined and standardized way would be possible
turbations with totally unknowable consequences (Costanza and Cornwell, 1992). This would also
is itself significant; equally so is the claim that ‘a benefit the implementation of ‘the precautionary
number of cost(sic)-effective ones have already principle’, now becoming ever more popular, but
been identified’ (p. 928). whose naive interpretation would entail a halt to
Being a post-normal science, ecological eco- all innovation, even that intended to benefit the
nomics should recognize the presence, impor- environment. For to require that every proposed
tance and legitimacy of such value-commitments innovation be proced harmless would amount to
for the appropriate management of uncertainty. a uniform ban; the task is to articulate varieties of
It should not claim ethical neutrality, nor an ‘burden of proof that are each appropriate to the
indifference to the policy consequences of its issue and the forum of discussion.
arguments. But its discourse should be explicit The above discussion shows how low-quality
about the placing of burden of proof, and the arguments can occur when there is confusion
adoption of any particular precautionary princi- about the nature of the discourse in a particular
ple. When these are smuggled into an argument context. It also illustrates how judgements of
we say that its quality has been sacrificed in the quality can be made on technical arguments inde-
service of the interest of one particular stake- pendently of a technical analysis of the subject-
holder in an issue. Forensic advocacy and scien- matter. The nature of policy debates involving
tific research are legitimate discourses, each with science has been transformed by the success of
its place in post-normal science. Having different non-expert stakeholders in contributing to the
goals, they employ different methodologies for assessment of quality. Previously, only subject-
the management of evidence, uncertainty and specialty peers could assess quality in connection
contrariety. What is illegitimate is the pretense of with refereeing or peer-review. But when science
204 S. 0. Funtowicz, J. R. Rauetz /Ecological Economics 10 (19941 197-207

became used in policy, it was discovered that making the others ‘wrong’. Rather, the policy
laypersons (e.g. judges, journalists, scientists from issues at stake are to be negotiated and mediated;
another field, or just citizens) could master and in this process both the research and advo-
enough of the methodology to become effective cacy modes of argument will have their place. An
participants in the dialogue. honest recognition of conflicting interests and of
A basic principle of post-normal science is that power relationships will protect such negotiations
these new participants are indispensable. This from becoming a covert co-optation by one side.
extension of the peer community is essential for An ecological economics that is involved in
maintaining the quality of the process of resolu- this sort of process will have a new form. We call
tion of complex issues. Thus the appropriate it ‘post-normal’ as a reminder of the contrast
management of quality is enriched to include this with the ‘puzzle-solving within a (dogmatic)
multiplicity of participants and perspectives. For paradigm’ of the ‘normal science’ articulated by
this extended peer community, appropriate sorts Thomas Kuhn. The inherent and necessary multi-
of discourse, norms and institutional arrange- plicity of perspectives on any issue requires a
ments will need to be developed. The key orga- pluralism of methodologies, even within the sci-
nizing principle will be quality, in relation to the entific components. Any environmental issue
requirements of the dialogue, rather than ab- comprises scientific inputs and policy conse-
stract truth. The criteria of quality in this new quences involving a number of disciplines, along
context will, as in traditional science, presuppose with all the social and ethical considerations.
ethical principles. But in this case, the principles Resolving such issues cannot be accomplished
will be explicit and will become part of the dia- even by calls for ‘multi-disciplinary’ research, for
logue. in that there is a tendency for each specialist to
play safe, and to disclaim competence and there-
3.3. Plurality of commitments and perspectives fore responsibility for assessing the quality of the
contributions of others. In the context of tradi-
Quality, explicitly comprising ethics and moral- tional normal science, this practice could be tol-
ity, thus becomes the organizing principle of erated so long as subject-specialties could main-
post-normal science because the old ideal of sci- tain their own assurance of quality; but in post-
entific truth is no longer attainable or relevant normal science, it cannot be afforded.
for policy. Since no particular expertise can de- This plurality of perspectives and commit-
liver certainty for policy decisions, no expertise ments does not deny the special competence of
can claim a monopoly of wisdom or competence people with special expertise; nor does it mean
for its special perspective. The emerging shape of anything like the importation of some token
dialogue on the great issues is based on the laypersons onto a review committee. However, it
recognition of a plurality of legitimate perspec- does mean that there is a mixing and blending of
tives, each with its special power-bases, commit- skills, partly technical and partly personal, so that
ments and insights. Different constituencies, such all those engaged on an issue can enrich the
as consumers, NIMBYs, and representatives of comprehension of the whole. There is no sharp
the disadvantaged, along with champions of one line dividing the ‘expert’ constituency from the
or another aspect of the natural environment, ‘lay’, particularly since each expert will be ‘lay’
have a legitimate place at the negotiating table with respect to at least some of the others. Under
together with the spokespersons for industries such circumstances, which will hold for the study
and governments, and the certified experts in and practice of ecological economics, the idea of
economics or other relevant disciplines. The dia- a ‘paradigm’ which defines a field of puzzle-solv-
logue among them should be modelled on princi- ing practice is easily seen to be inappropriate.
pled advocacy rather than on the pretense of The guiding principle in the dialogue on an issue
uncommitted scholarship. Its goal should not be in post-normal science
to establish which single voice is ‘right’, inevitably
S. 0. Funtowicz, J. R. Rauetz /Ecological Economics 10 (I 994) 197-207 205

competencies, perspectives and commitments. We the work, along the lines of the ‘permanent revo-
cannot convey what the post-normal science of lution’ in science advocated in the 1960s and
ecological economics is about if we retain a pic- 1970s. But that would be to miss the point of how
ture of the process that depends on the expecta- quality assurance operates in post-normal sci-
tion either of definitive scientific knowledge or of ence, and of the essential role of its ethical basis.
enforced uniformity of opinions. Of course, there is an ethical component in
curiosity-motivated and mission-oriented re-
3.4. Intellectual structures search; in the absence of ethical commitment of a
particular sort, the whole process of quality assur-
All previous models of ‘science’ correspond to ance would collapse (Ravetz, 1971). But this com-
the ideal of curiosity-motivated research, aiming mitment can be of a very constricted, rarefied
exclusively at ‘public knowledge’. In such a and safe sort, where morality concerns only the
framework it is reasonable to attempt to define process and the product, and not its use or abuse,
‘foundations’ to serve as a basis for unity among nor the social relations of its production. This
researchers in the field and also as an organizing traditional attitude has led to scientists claiming
principle for advanced teaching. In mission-ori- credit for the all beneficial consequences of re-
ented research, however, such an attempt is irrel- search, while blaming society for any harm. Post-
evant, as the organizing principle is the produc- normal science provides no such moral shelter;
tion of ‘corporate know-how’, and for each par- while the traditional ethical concerns for internal
ticular project temporary teams are assembled quality must be maintained, engagement on pol-
comprising the relevant skills. Thus much if not icy issues brings one into politics where the game
most scientific research is now independent of may become very rough indeed. But through an
traditional field-boundaries and of conceptual explicit awareness of the problems of quality as-
foundations. surance, and a common ethical commitment to
In the issue-driven research of post-normal the resolution of issues, the participants can in-
science, the search for ‘foundations’ can be the deed maintain quality in post-normal science.
source of real confusion since it distracts atten-
tion from the real tasks of building a community. 3.5. Social structures
The unity in post-normal science derives not pri-
marily from a shared knowledge base, but from a The contemporary scientific system recognizes
common commitment to certain sorts of ap- the contributions of various sorts of research,
proaches for resolving complex policy issues. For including the curiosity-motivated along with the
post-normal science, knowledge divided into mission-oriented, the latter conducted in bureau-
closed subject-specialties is as unthinkable as cratic institutions. These missions may derive from
knowledge divided among closed corporate own- environmental issues, as well as from opportuni-
ers. The sharp divisions of social roles among the ties in biomedicine or the requirements of indus-
various sorts of research, and the even sharper try or defense. But the researchers are employees
traditional division between research and advo- whose work is directed and constrained by man-
cacy, are antithetical to what post-normal science agers; and it is these who will decide priorities on
is about. Similarly, suppression of issues of ethics the basis of the institutional mission rather than
or of power in the interests of tidy scientific on the publicly defined issues. The product of the
puzzle-solving or of a superficial consensus vio- researchers’ work is not ‘public knowledge’, for in
late the spirit of post-normal science. Commit- general the public has no legal right to see it. By
ment to the resolution of an issue will take peo- contrast the activity of ‘research’ in issue-driven
ple through any of the forms of problem-solving post-normal science may well include investiga-
activity and dialogue that are appropriate for tive journalism and related techniques as the only
them. This fluidity might seem to threaten the way to bring such corporately owned knowledge
integrity of the intellectual structures that inform into public discussion.
206 S.O. Funtowicz, J.R. Raoetz / Ecological Economics 10 (1994) 197-207

Curiosity-motivated and mission-oriented re- 4. Conclusion

search have complementary properties; the for-
mer produces public knowledge but within rigid If we care about songbirds as well as other
disciplinary boxes; the latter is transdisciplinary, symbols of environmental value, resources will
but bureaucratized and private. The issue-driven need to be devoted to their protection and choices
research of post-normal science must combine will need to be made; that is the contribution of
the positive features of these other forms, and the perspective of economics. But the issue is not
develop appropriate institutional arrangements or simply one of allocation. The worth of a songbird
structures to achieve this. These frameworks are definitely has its monetary aspect; but the endan-
likely to be fluid, like the distinctions of types of gered songbird is not thereby reduced to a com-
research within post-normal science. Otherwise modity, any more than any other exemplification
the opposed dangers of closure or fragmentation of love. And as the rise of ecological economics
will be difficult to keep in check. has shown, the songbird’s worth also lies in its
Of course, ecological economics will need its teaching us about ourselves and what we want to
complement of well-defined research problems do with our lives while we are here. With the
which might be of the curiosity-motivated sort. provision of intellectual tools for the manage-
Some of these will be empirical, but there can ment of that enriched task of policy making,
others of a more theoretical cast, perhaps using involving scientific uncertainties and value com-
the enriched conception of quantity that is appro- mitments at its core, ecological economics can
priate for the context. For example, the practice establish itself as an effective post-normal sci-
of valuing a lost life is legitimate in the context of ence, moving to the centre of the economics
compensation post hoc, but (as the Ford Pinto discipline in time for the next century.
affair showed) it is fraught both morally and
legally if done ante hoc in a design and costing
exercise. Bare numbers cannot express the dis-
tinction between ethical and unethical quantifica-
tions, and techniques for this important function
will need to be developed and adopted. Such We are grateful to Faye Duchin, Martin
research would necessarily span the range from O’Connor and Richard M. Dawson for their con-
the mathematical sciences to ethics, and also that tributions to the development of this paper.
from theory to broad diffusion.
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