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Impact of Pandemic on Consumer Behaviour Consumer Behaviour -According to Walter, Consumer behaviour is the process where individual decides what, where, when, how, and from whom to purchase the goods and services that satisfy their needs. 1).Covid-19 is reshaping consumer behaviour : The covid-19 pandemic has profoundly changed the way we live and work, how and where we shop, what we value and how we think about the future. Due to epidemic prevention and control measures, consumer's behaviour pattern have undergone tremendous changes. Medical Products used for personal protection or surveillance have become the target market competition. 2).The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the consumer behaviour can be divided into immediate effects and indirect effects: Immediate effects include 8 aspects a) Hoarding b) Improvisation c) Pent-up demand d) Embracing digital technology e) Store comes homes f) Blurring of work life boundaries g) Reunions with friends and family |) Discovery of talents All of these are result of the blockade, the expansion of social distance and the restriction of consumers choice of shopping places. 3).Community and Social life becomes the survival mode of People : Addition to the changes in spending methods, during the pandemic, consumers have increasingly used e-commerce as various digital platforms for shopping. With the emergence of physical distance traditional outdoor advertisement and shopping opportunities in shopping centers decreased and this kind of consumer shopping journey will become more and more digital. Thus, it is expected that these technology platforms will achieve a powerful role in consumer establishment awareness, there is a vast customers migration towards online stores and new behavioural patterns related to covid-19 that are influencing the customer buying behaviour . Sangam Raikwar Thank you

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