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To create task of MDT MR first check below License is available on respective eNBs, if present

then its ok and if not then ask BSS/Solutions team to upload the license.

Enable below switches before enabling MDT MR Task and once the task is finished disable them:

MOD GLOBALPROCSWITCH: ProtocolMsgOptSwitch=MrMdtMeasOptSwitch-1,

PrivateMdtUeSelSwitch=ON, UeCompatSwitch=AbnormalUeHandleSwitch-1;

Go to the link as shown below:

Sign in using the Login ID same used for U2000. After log in below window opens.
Then go to the “Task Management” and select “Based on Customize Collection Item” as marked
in below snapshot:

After that, below window will appear:

Now select LTE in below option:

Now write any name for the Task Name and clear the things written in the Task Description Bar
means this row should be empty as shown below:

After clicking next, first drag all the sites as shown below and export it (If whole network sites
are to be done but for few sites you can manually do it just by double clicking. I need to do for
all Sukkur sites so I am first exporting all and remove the irrelevant sites just keeping Sukkur
sites. This is being done because the site name format is different as compared with normal
It will ask to export in different formats, so do it in xlsx format and save it. Then open the file
and filter out the needed sites, save it in another file.

The file saved will view like this (as shown below), so just keep the desired sites only in the file
and remove others.

Then import this file so that desired files are selected.

After moving to next, below window opens. Select the below 8 parent parameters shown and
then move next.
Now select below child parameters:
Currently we have two eNBs versions so above steps would be repeated for another version if
any of the site lies in that.
Click “Schedule” and opt for below options:

After this click don’t click “Download anonymous”.

Now just click finish and task is created.

The task created is shown as below.

To download the MDT MR, log in to Filezilla as shown below and enter into the date wise folder:

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