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Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: ___/______/ 2021

Course: _____________________________ Class_______ Duration 1 hour
Module: Comunicar informação relacionada com o trabalho em língua Inglesa.
Module Code: UC HG023002
1st Semester, 2021 2/2 English Modules
2/3 Learning Outcomes CV3

1. Read the text and mark the sentences T true or F false. (25%) 5.0*

Henry VIII was born in 1491. He was King of England from 1509 to 1547 and is famous for separating the
Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church, and for his six wives. When he was young, he was very
strong and good-looking. He was an excellent sportsman, and was also a good musician and poet. However,
in his old age he was very fat and always in pain.

A. Henry was king of England for 38 years. ____ B. He was strong and good looking, when he was young. ___
C. He is famous for having six spouses. _____ D. He was not good at sports, poetry and music. ____
E. He wasn’t fat and always in pain in his old age. ____

2. Make sentences using the possessive pronouns (his, her, its, their) (16.0%) 4.0*
A. _________________________________________ B. _______________________________________________
C. _________________________________________ D. _______________________________________________

3. Write sentences using the subject pronouns (they, it, you, we) and change them according to the sign. (24%) 3.0*
A, __________________________________________ - _______________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________ - _______________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________ ? _______________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________ - ? _______________________________________________
4. Fill the form using capital letters. (35%) *

Verificador Interno: __________________________________ Data: _____/_____/2021

Estudante: __________________________________________ Data: ____/ ____/ 2021

Avaliador: ____José Carlos José_______

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