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Ali Hassan

CASE STUDY: Case study reinventing the wheel at apex door company

Q1. What do you think of Apex’s training process? Could it help to explain why
employees “do things their way” and if so, why?
There is a lack of responsibility. The individual in charge of training is most likely to be
unmotivated (a departing employee). The trainer will teach "their style" of completing things in
the absence of official descriptions. There is no documentation for the training. One gets
instruction on "how to train." There are no outcome measures in place to judge whether the
training was effective.

Q2. What role should job descriptions play in training at Apex?

Job analysis is the process of determining the responsibilities and nature of occupations, as well
as the types of people who should be hired for them. You can use the data to create job
descriptions and specifications, which are used in recruiting and selection, remuneration,
performance appraisal, and training. Job descriptions, on the other hand, define job boundaries
in terms of required knowledge and skills. It is a description of the task of changing the work
constraints in terms of the knowledge and abilities required. A trainer can specify the learning
or material requirements for new or transitioning employees by knowing the job description.

Q3. Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex. Make
sure to provide specific suggestions, please.
Apex door company should rebuild their training process to solve the problems. A formal
written and updated job description should be uploaded. The employees of Apex door
company “decide to do it their own way” which is a major drawback of the company. As by this
scenario the employees not thought about company profitability. So, Apex door company
should make efficient job description in which mention all information regards employees
training procedure etc.

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