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Hello and welcome!

My name is Estefanía Salguero and I’m going to be your guest in

the world's biggest quiz show: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. In this morning we will
have three contestants, and they are...
1. Andrés Masapanta from Quito
2. Jenny Rosero from Quito
3. Paola Quizhpe from

Hi, Andrés, how are you? tell us a little more about yourself... Good luck and let's get
The first question is: In the morning, people usually…
A) Eat breakfast
B) Cook the dinner
C) Go to sleep
D) Eat lunch
Second question:
What would you wear in Winter?
A) A t-shirt and shorts
B) Sandals
C) A jacket and a shirt
D) A coat and a scarf
Third question:
The people who live in Canada is…
A) Candy
B) Canadian
C) Cannabis
D) Clancy
Let’s continue with the next question:
Tell us: A typical dish from Ecuador is…
A) Enchiladas
B) Haggis
C) Encebollado
D) Sushi
That is interesting, tell us, what is an Encebollado?
Is a kind of soup with fish and onion, you can eat it with pop corn
Really? It sounds Delicious!
And here is the final question,
When you go to the grocery store, what would you buy?
A) A can of milk
B) A carton of milk
C) A tin of milk
D) A pot of milk
That’s correct!!! Congratulations!!! You are our first winner; how do you feel?

Our next contestant is Jenny

E: How are you, Jenny?
J: Hi I feel so happy to be here, I'm a little nervous.
E: Don’t worry, you will do it great!
J: I would like to tell you that I love the pink color of your dress, and with the white high
heels, you look great.
E: Thank you, I bought the shoes for this program
So, let's start with the questions

Let's complete the sentence with the correct answer
i ....................... some sneakers
have got
need to get (this)
want to get
have got

"QUESTION 2" In the Ecuadorian League 2022, what team is in the first position?
Barcelona (this)

Ok, I will use the call wildcard

I have a friend who loves soccer, and he should know the answer.
E: let's call him
J: Hi, I'm Jenny, I'm on the show "Who wants to be a millionaire"
A: Really? That’s great!
J: Yes, it’s amazing, but now I need your help, I know you like soccer
and I have a question for you:

A: Sure, tell me
J: In the Ecuadorian League 2022, what team is in the first position?
I have the following options:
Barcelona (this)
Liga de Quito
A: Let me think, I'm not sure, but it could be Barcelona…
A: Yes, it is Barcelona with twenty-five points
J: thank you very much, you saved me!
Oh, that was incorrect, so, thank you for participating and good luck for the next!
Now, our last contestant is Paola, let's receive her with a loud applause
Hi Paola, how are you?
That is great, are you ready? Let’s get started

1.- What is the correct structure about present continuous?

a. be + verb + -Ing + subject.
b. Subject + BE (am / is / are) + Verb-ING
c. Subject + verb + -Ing + be.
d. Verb+ing+subject+be.

2.- Choose the correct question in the past simple.

a. Did you go out last night?

b. Does you went out last night?
c. Did you went last night?
d. Does you go out last night?

3.- Once upon a time Pablo went to the mall and he wanted buy a coat but he didn’t
know the price. How should he ask?
1. How much does it cost?
2. How much does this cost?
3. How much is it?
4. How many is the coat?

4.- Which is correct?

a. Maggi please I use can your phone.

b. My phone is damage, can I please use your phone?
c. Can you help me with something? Can you call me please telephone?
d. I forgot my cell phone, please I call your can with phone?

5.- So, do you remember the use about get and go? Choose the correct.

I go to work by car and Susie goes by train.

I usually go by metro at 8 am and usually get to my destination at 20:00h.
He went very tired walking to the match in such a large crowd.
I usually get by metro at 8 am and usually go to my destination at 20:00h.

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